Friday, November 23, 2018

Strata: Report owners that smoke tobacco or marijuana

Strata (Recent meeting)

All smoking is now prohibited in condominiums.

(I can, with some hesitation (liberty), support this as second hand smoke can be dangerous to the health, according to various medical studies.)

We are to report owners that smoke tobacco or marijuana. Third warning, is a warning letter from the Strata lawyer and the threat of a forced condominium sale.

We are to report owners that are drunk.

Only those with Medical Doctor's note can smoke marijuana in his/her condominium.

(I do not like the report culture. Instead I would deal with a person directly, see the somewhat similar concept in Matthew 18, as in the accuser should face the accused. I will prayerfully act according to Christian ethics in prayer.)

(Further, an owner should not be drunk in the common areas, but should, in my opinion, have the right to be drunk, inside his/her flat as long as staying within the bounds of law and order. This should have been mentioned, but it was not.)

(I will be a full-fledged owner through eventual inheritance.)