Thursday, June 27, 2019

Charles Nelson Chuckles

A&W fanatic Charles Nelson Chuckles is in mourning...

Recent interesting comment, I have heard, twice.

(Quote from a person that has moved back to Maple Ridge after years away) 

 Maple Ridge is retarded.

(In the context of little new shopping and business development, Maple Ridge is known historically for lacking shopping and business.)

I do support maintaining significant green areas, including trees, in Maple Ridge.

• I support high-rises being built to save space, but rest assured, someone will complain about their lost view from their residence.

• There are some good restaurants. But there needs to be more shopping and business development.


• I am attempting to take a moderate conservative position of supporting protecting both the environment and the economy. A philosophical tension.

• My Columbia Bible College mentor, Uncle 'I have a theory' Gerry taught me in regard to theological tension. This can be applied to philosophy.

• Incidentally, Uncle Gerry is not really my Uncle, but is sort of the Uncle of Charles Nelson Chuckles...You know with them ethnic Mennonites.