Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Know the difference/New sort of smooth and shiny look

Know the difference/New sort of smooth and shiny look

Image one: 

Facebook- December 9, 2020: Have a non-'fundi' Christmas. 

Image two: 

Zoom- My main barber was closed once again today, so I went to my equally good, backup place. The gentleman, barber, originally from Iraq, said he gave me a (paraphrased) new shorter hair style and shaved my long eyebrows. Sort of smooth and shiny looking, seems to me. 

No photo edit other than cutting the image from Zoom.

Hire a wrapper for Christmas?


Facebook image: December 8, 2020

A few ago, when I was working in corporate security, after the work week ended, Friday, I would have dinner at a restaurant. It was late night and there was often loud, blaring, music but the food and service was always excellent. Most of the music played from a disc jockey or recorded, was hip hop and/or its form known as rap. 

I musically appreciated approximately 10% of the music played, but occasionally I would hear something and think that it was brilliant.

Usually for about thirty seconds.

But, philosophically, I reason although musical styles do have definite, definitive, objective qualities; much of musical appreciation, if not most of it, is subjective.