Sunday, January 06, 2019

Where to be bored? Maps

Well-done, Canada. This opposed to a Where to be bored, index...

This second index would include most of the local Singles' events...

 A more interesting map to me would be a divinely inspired world map of where the more correct worldviews would exist. God would have to grade. 

Notice, China, France and parts of Eastern Europe...
Perhaps, many a conservative, authoritarian, evangelical Christian would legally fight to make homosexuality illegal, dabbling (at least) with theonomy and theocracy; whereas those conservative, libertarian, moderates like myself, often see authoritarian, political, Christianity as counter-productive to the proclamation of the gospel, especially in the Western World. 

Even while agreeing with conservatives with a biblical interpretation of, for example, 1 Corinthians 6. Mandating biblical Christian doctrine and morality in the Christian Church is a different issue than attempting to mandate morality to non-believers from a biblical perspective.
Pinterest: I still would like to see Texas. I read and hear the beef is good. Feel free to invite me for work. Pay me in steaks.