Monday, August 02, 2021

Monday Bullets and Images: Libertarian v Limited

•  Image one: John Cleese from Facebook. I do practice social distancing, and sometimes socialist distancing, as a moderate conservative, with some libertarian leanings.

  However, my political views do not extend to theological and philosophical views supporting libertarian free will, but instead limited free will. 

See comments this posting...

  Image two: Thomas Tommy Perez photo, August 2, 2021, or at least, one he shared on Facebook. I have chatted with Tommy online for years and once on the phone. He has a heart of gold and is a winning NYC street hockey goalie. 

  Image three: If that Facebook ad is true, I just need to keep chatting with the intellectual, youthful, women at church that fire lasers from their eyes. Or do I have to fire lasers into their eyes?

•  Image four: The image keeps receiving traction on Facebook.