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I originally wrote a blog post on this topic on my other original blog June 9, 2006
I do not necessarily recommend each site or everything stated on each site. As I have stated previously, I can learn from sources where I do not necessarily agree with all content although I may agree with a basic Christian worldview, or I can learn from sources where I do not agree with much content and a non-Christian worldview.
In a similar way I learned from some atheistic and critical scholars within my MPhil/PhD work without ceasing being a Christian.
Most controversial sources first perhaps?
R.Don Steele
A few years ago I found Mr. Steele's information on various sites which are from a secular perspective. Even though I eventually requested to be taken off his mailing list twice because of continual crudeness, since I was not removed I considered the continued emails and sound files as an opportunity to learn what I could from the information sent.
I have to admit, I have learned a fair amount about the workings of the world as far as romantic relationships by listening to his audio clips, although I would never consider implementing his worldview and do not desire his lifestyle.
Mr Steele has psychological training and calm, pleasant speaking tone.
He has definite knowledge on the psychology of being a man over 35 years old in the Western world and what kind of young women, that being intellectual, artistic types, would be interested in that kind of man.
He has knowledge of the secular dating scene. He suggests one must be slim and trim, so therefore physical exercise is essential.
One must dress for success.
The bar scene is basically a waste of time.
Secular, evolutionary views on marriage in contrast to Biblical views. He attributes much of the actions within human nature to evolution, which Biblically would be attributed to fallen human nature (Romans).
Romans 3:9-18 Romans 3:9-18 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
9 What then? [a]Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; 10 as it is written, “There is none righteous, not even one; 11 There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God; 12 All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, There is not even one.” 13 “Their throat is an open grave, With their tongues they keep deceiving,” “The poison of asps is under their lips”; 14 “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness”; 15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood, 16 Destruction and misery are in their paths, 17 And the path of peace they have not known.” 18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Footnotes: Romans 3:9 Or Are we worse
By beginning in his program one starts at the top of the age scale, basically attempting to date 40 year old women and the bottom of the beauty scale (this is not my terminology but his paraphrased to be clear!). By gaining dating experience a man can supposedly over time date younger and younger women that are better and better looking by gaining quote 'dating and mating' experience. The younger women supposedly see this 35 plus year old man dating and compete for him in some kind of evolutionary model.
This may work in some secular circles. It supposedly worked for Mr. Steele.
But in a Christian worldview, it would not work.
And satirically, does this really work? Maybe in Southern California where Mr. Steele is from but seems to me middle-aged persons dating each other in no way leads to a younger woman thinking she needs to date that older man, at least not typically.
Do I hear 'Yuk' or something like?
I have never seen this, but I have seen three relationships with older theologians married to much younger women. Basically academic interest leading to something else I gather.
If one was to date women in their 40s, at about that age, it would be expected in the Christian community to date and eventually marry one of them, or stop stating. Dating and mating in a fornicating manner (Exodus 20, Matthew 5) is not a Biblical option in Christian culture, and would not attract younger women.
But Mr. Steele's system is not very interested in marriage and family.
Many, including myself, have interest in younger women because of a desire for marriage and family.
Incidentally, in my position I have counted and estimated 70% of females that I have been in contact with online are under 35 years old, so I think a focus on women in their 40s+ for someone that is looking for marriage and children of their own would be wrongly-focused.
Albert Mohler: The Briefing
Dr. Mohler is the President of the Southern Baptist Theology Seminary. I appreciate his social and political analysis of current affairs which provides me education from a Christian perspective. Dr. Mohler is an evangelical, Baptist, Reformed theologian. I respect the accurate research and analysis he provides and he attempts to provide various perspectives then contrasted with evangelical Christianity.
Dr. Mohler focuses much on same-sex marriage and abortion, issues I basically agree with him on, but my ministry focus is the nature of God and the problem of evil. Not on social issues.
There is a cultural difference as I detect the notion of trying to save America still from many evangelicals in the United States, whereas from as long as I can remember living in Canada, it was always secular and it will not be saved for Christianity, presently. Rather we are here to witness.
Gary Habermas.com
Dr. Habermas is considered one of the foremost experts in the world on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and on Near Death Experiences. He is a Christian philosopher and theologian. I find his audio presentations extremely helpful and quite relatable to my academic approach, although he told me in person at Northview Community Church that he was not Reformed.
I also, on a personal level, appreciate his advice to me career wise.
Jon Courson
I have listened to Searchlight Ministries occasionally since the late 1980s, but lately have listened more regularly. I very much respect his knowledge of Scripture and his devotion to accuracy of interpretation. Because of this I can learn much.
He is not Reformed and I reason tends to be plain literal and fundamentalist in interpretation. He also advises more Bible reading to become more Christ-like to counter much suffering. However, being one that has dealt with the problem of evil for many years I am not convinced that more Bible reading and study, although this is always beneficial, is necessarily a solution. Sometimes suffering is God's will and if there is a solution to a problem, problem A is solved by solution B, not by a spiritualized answer.