Saturday, January 12, 2019

Casket burning???




A former local Pastor of mine, walks into my place of employment. He is a friend and unofficial local, ministry mentor with a good sense of satire.



'Not too many people have a job where they can sit behind the computer all day.'


'I do not sit behind my computer all day, I chat with customers, I am doing ministry work, such as so and so. I appreciate your assistance.'

'Have you heard of software engineers?'

'If I was a professor, I would spend much of my day, behind the computer.'

Pastor: 'Yes, but not all of it.'


The staff told me he was by today with his family to have coffee and I was out. The family asked where I was. I had talked with two of his daughter's when I was out leaving business cards at churches. (There is email follow up).



Man outside walks by and looks at our sign outside: 'Bibles!?' (Indignant? Surprised?)