Monday, January 08, 2007


Zaragoza vs. Sevilla: The Spanish La Liga

It is a little funny that Rick from in my links posted a fight on the same day. A difference between the two fights is that his fight is a real professional one, and mine is a satirical one titled "slapfast" by the person that posted this You Tube clip. This fight shows a cultural difference between footballers and hockey players as often hockey players know somewhat how to fight.

Although I have studied martial arts for over twenty years, I have thought that the general Christian response should be to avoid fighting. On the other hand the need for self-defence is something to be considered. Jesus told us to turn the other cheek in Matthew 5:39 and I was at times taught during my Mennonite bachelor's degree that it meant a Christian should be non-resistant. However, this does not appear to be the best interpretation as some commentators view Jesus as calling for a lack of vengeance. Vengeance would be taking the law into one's own hand. A Christian is never to do this but if the law is not present self-defence may be a viable option as one is defending self as if an officer of the state was present. I therefore in a sports fight would attempt to avoid the battle, hoping for an official to end the matter but I would not rule defending myself with force. I would not slap someone, however!


  1. For my more pacifistic readers, I have only been in one fight as an adult and I was jumped by three guys in Manchester. I am not encouraging real street fighting.

  2. From observing these two soccer players punching each other, my thoughts immediately compare this scenario to an NHL hockey fight, and when seeing them both, I would have to say there is much more action and passion in a hockey quarrel (Not that I endorse fighting in sports), but it just seems that hockey players fight more aggresively.
    - Boom! Bam! Buff! -

  3. Thanks Bubba Free Bobby,

    I would bet what you enjoy is when a hockey player loses his shirt and you can favourably compare your build to his own!

    "Golly, I have been at the gym more than that guy".
