Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jim Jones

Official photo: Z20240527 Organ+From+Below St Giles official built 1992 by Austrian firm. I did visit St.Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh last April

Tonite: paraphrased 

Friend: Yea, then it will be a cult leader like that Jimmie Johnson that will kill all his followers by having them drink the Kool-Aid. 

Me: You mean, Jim Jones...

(Both laugh)

Friend: Right, Jimmie Johnson is a race car driver.

(Both laugh)

Winnipeg: I am glad it was at the end of my trip, post British Isles

20240427: Winnipeg my photo
What I have read online via NHL news is correct; Winnipeg does have an interesting downtown at night.
20240427: Lake Winnipeg my photo
This might be the closest I ever get to the Arctic...
20240427: Winnipeg my photo 
I had not been to anywhere like Manitoba before. It reminded me a bit of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Eastern Washington State.

20240428 Oasis Church, Winnipeg, my photo
Winnipeg megachurch