Tuesday, July 24, 2018

One inch...elbow (Slain in the Spirit?)


I am by no means in the Bruce Lee class as a martial artist. Nor, will I ever be in this life.

I work out with weapons a lot now, to make up the difference.;)

However, Bruce Lee had the 'once inch punch' and I appear to have the 'once inch elbow.'

Now for years, when I pass Pope Chuckles at church during communion (on the rare occasions he attends the same church), I will sometimes give him a slight nudge or shot in the stomach while walking back to my seat. You would think Saint Chuckles would be a little more prepared after double digit years. I walked by him at TriCity Church a few weeks ago returning to my seat during communion and gave Chuckles a slight shot with my left (weaker) elbow in the stomach. Next thing I know, the gentleman behind him is holding Mennochuckles and his chair up, as if Chucky had been 'slain in the Spirit.'

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