Bei She'an Valley, Israel (Google Images)
I wish to visit Israel and Asia one day.
I listen to an audio Bible presentation online and was somewhat intrigued by Leviticus 11.
Verses 1-23
11 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying to them, 2 “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth. 3 Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. 4 Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. 5 And the rock badger, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. 6 And the hare, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. 7 And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
9 “These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. 10 But anything in the seas or the rivers that does not have fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. 11 You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. 12 Everything in the waters that does not have fins and scales is detestable to you.
13 “And these you shall detest among the birds;[a] they shall not be eaten; they are detestable: the eagle,[b] the bearded vulture, the black vulture, 14 the kite, the falcon of any kind, 15 every raven of any kind, 16 the ostrich, the nighthawk, the sea gull, the hawk of any kind, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the short-eared owl, 18 the barn owl, the tawny owl, the carrion vulture, 19 the stork, the heron of any kind, the hoopoe, and the bat.
20 “All winged insects that go on all fours are detestable to you. 21 Yet among the winged insects that go on all fours you may eat those that have jointed legs above their feet, with which to hop on the ground. 22 Of them you may eat: the locust of any kind, the bald locust of any kind, the cricket of any kind, and the grasshopper of any kind. 23 But all other winged insects that have four feet are detestable to you.
Robert P. Gordon in his Leviticus commentary (1986) states that the priests were required to do more than alter service work as they were also distinguish between 'holy and profane' and 'clean and unclean'. Gordon (1986: 200).
Victor P. Hamilton in Handbook on the Pentateuch (1988) discusses the clean and unclean creatures which is the subject that intrigued me. Fruits and vegetables were part of the human diet in Genesis 1 and were not an aspect of the Chapter, the same for creatures of land and air. Hamilton (1988: 275). Hamilton deduces and provides the opinion human beings became carnivorous after the flood of Genesis 9: 3-5. Hamilton (1988: 275). From the New American Standard Bible is the idea that in verse 3:
'Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.'
Verse four explains not to eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
The English Standard Version is very similar:
'Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.'
Verse four stating not to eat the flesh which is the life, that is the blood.
Hamilton offers four common scholarly proposals for the approach to Leviticus 11:
1. Ethical
He documents Aristeas a first-century Egyptian Hebrew that states the law was ethical as abstaining from blood for example, would keep persons away from violence. Hamilton (1988: 275).
This seems weak philosophically in my opinion. I doubt that would curb sinful nature. Abstaining from blood would be more for health reasons.
2. Aesthetic
Unattractive animals were not likely to be cooked for a meal. Hamilton (1988: 275).
3. Theological
Animals associated with pagan religions were not allowed for Israel. Hamilton (1988: 275).
4. Hygienic
The most cited option. Hamilton (1988: 275).
As reasonably and rationally reasoned out carriers of disease, certain creatures/animals were not good candidates to be eaten. Hamilton (1988: 275). Hamilton mentions in the New Testament/new covenant context the Apostle Peter may very well have been allowed to eat some of these creatures via his vision in Acts 10:14. Hamilton (1988: 276-277).
Rules concerning animals are dealt with in verses 2-8, fish, 9-12, birds, 13-19, and winged insects 13-19. Gordon (1986: 200). Eating of a pig (and so pork) was considered unclean in verse 7. Gordon (1986: 200). It is stated that is quite difficult to find 'uniform principle according to which the creatures were pronounced clean or unclean'. Gordon (1986: 200). The opinion is provided that habits and physical characteristics were not sufficient to make clear distinctions. Gordon (1986: 200). Another suggestion is that hybrid creatures were discounted. Gordon (1986: 200). From the Scripture there does seem to be some pattern is the animals chosen and not...
3 Whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. 4 Nevertheless, among those that chew the cud or part the hoof, you shall not eat these: The camel, because it chews the cud but does not part the hoof, is unclean to you. 5
The text Old Testament Survey (Hebrew Bible) mentions that the book of Hebrews, which was written to Jewish Christians and was dealing with the issue of how the this sacrificial system of Leviticus and the old covenant was a shadow of the new covenant of Christ (Hebrews 10). La Sor, Hubbard, Bush (1987: 1590). The old covenant had no actual power to take away sins, however the sacrifice of Christ, the God-Man did once and for all. La Sor, Hubbard, Bush (1987: 1590). The old sacrificial system therefore became obsolete and vanished. La Sor, Hubbard, Bush (1987: 1590).
Hebrews 8: 13 states the old covenant is obsolete.
Contrary to what is at times seen in media from the professional critic or scientific critic of Christianity that quotes Leviticus as if it would be moronic and ignorant for Christians and modern persons to follow the Old Testament laws and the Bible word for word today, this is a misunderstanding, (again because of a lack of serious religious and philosophical academic education in society) as the Bible is not flat. In other words, the Bible is a progressive book with two covenants from a Christian perspective with Leviticus needing to be kept and used in its proper context. I am not an expert on Judaism but different groups within Judaism would handle Leviticus differently depending on the range of interpretations as in conservative to liberal. But I am certain there is a progressive realization within Judaism as well as there has been a transfer from temple and related sacrifices to synagogue.
Inspired by God as true and accurate religious history, in a pre-scientific era Leviticus 11 most likely protects Israel/God's people against unhealthy food practices by making what would be dangerous food choices, at least primarily in those times, religiously unclean. It therefore promotes both healthy food practices and religious observance to the Biblical God of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and makes rational, reasonable sense within its context.
GORDON, ROBERT P. (1986) 'Leviticus' in The International Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Zondervan.
HAMILTON, VICTOR P. (1988) Handbook on the Pentateuch, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.
LA SOR, W.S., D.A HUBBARD and F.W BUSH (1987) Old Testament Survey, Grand Rapids, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.


This is not me when I do martial arts. Classic how he states 'alone'. Has cracked me up for years.
Funny photos! I'll have to comment on the Leviticus portion later. In the meantime, check this out:
ReplyDeleteMuslim Made To Marry Cow That He Raped
ReplyDelete'An 18-year-old boy in Bali, Indonesia who was caught having sex with a cow was forced to marry it in front of hundreds of people, according to 'Buzz' The teen said he thought the cow was a beautiful woman and it wooed him with compliments, the...'
Stupidity supreme for both the rape and marriage.
Thank you, Jeff.
You need to participate in a contest for among the finest blogs on the web. I'll advocate this web site!
ReplyDeleteHopefully there is a six-seven figure cheque at the end of that contest. Rather than just a slap on the back.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Re: Muslim made to marry cow...
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me of that song we used to sing in Sunday School, "I have bought me a wife, I have married a cow..."
Puts a different angle on taking the wife out for a burger...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Biblical law, I came across this article about state marriage that makes a lot of sense to me.
ReplyDeleteIn the Bible, marriage is a covenant, to be witnessed by others, as demonstrated in Ruth 4:9-12.
Biblical marriage, without a marriage license, puts to rest the whole debate about statist same-sex marriage. This should be no concern for Christians, except possibly the misuse of the term "marriage". But then again, many terms are misused in these Orwellian NewSpeak days.
I think for a Christian, marriage is key sanctioned by a legitimate, Biblical Christian church. State sanction is important for legal purposes not necessarily moral or ethical.
ReplyDeleteBut some Christians would take Romans 13 to mean that the law and order maintained within means heterosexual marriage only should be maintained by the State, and therefore the Christian Church should fight vigorously for Biblical marriage. I think Biblical marriage the only norm and idealistically should be the case, but this is a fallen, corrupt world, with a post-Christian West, for example. If the majority of a society support non-traditional marriage as an option I seriously doubt it is the Christians legitimate crusade to attempt to legally force proper views on the majority. I do not think that is what the maintaining of law and and order in Romans 13 is about, it is not that all-encompassing. I doubt it can be used realistically that widely in context. Romans 13 is about keeping civil order and should not be stretched philosophically into arguments for moral order not intended from a secular state.
Regarding biblical marriage:
ReplyDeleteRahm Emanuel Pledges To Ban Chick-Fil-A From Chicago
And regarding Rahm Emanuel (tying in to your Muslim photos):
Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam Invited by Rham Emanuel to Patrol Chicago Streets
‘Chick-Fil-A has not turned away a single gay customer because the customer was gay. Chick-Fil-A has not discriminated against either employees or customers. But Democrats want to shut them down anyway, because they don’t stay silent on the issue of same-sex marriage. '
ReplyDeleteI have never eaten there. None of them are around here. I would eat there though.
‘Rham Emanuel has once again proven he is a disgrace and should be removed from office at once. Just two days after attempting to ban Chic-fil-A restaurants in the city of Chicago and stating “Chic-fil-A values are not Chicago vaules,” in reference to the restaurant owners comments supporting traditional marriage, Emanuel has once again proven himself an impotent leader and a poor decision maker. Apparently Chicago values are those of THE NATION OF ISLAM.’
Playing politics.
Cheers, Sir Jeffkins.
Regarding the command to not eat the blood (and also the fat, in Lev. 3:17), the fat and the blood were used in sin offerings and other offerings, so they were sacred.
ReplyDeleteThe blood is the life of the animal. And we can’t live without blood in our body. Blood is essential since the body depends on a steady supply of fuel and oxygen to reach its billions of cells. Even the heart couldn't survive without blood. Without blood, we couldn't keep warm or cool off, we couldn't fight infections, and we couldn't get rid of our own waste products. There are approximately 60,000 miles of capillaries in the body. The body's blood is circulated through the heart more than 1,000 times per day. Between five and six thousand quarts of blood are pumped each day.
Blood is what God has chosen to make atonement, so therefore it is sacred and not to be eaten. Hebrews 9:22 says, "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
Also, the pagan nations apparently ate blood, and in Lev. 18:3 God tells the Israelites they must not do as they do in Egypt or Canaan, and not to follow their practices. Israel was to be separate/set apart from the pagan nations who were deplorably immoral.
In James Ussher's "The Annals of the World," pp. 150-151, in the section regarding the summer of 466 BC, it talks about the death of Themistocles, who "had been made the general of the Persians." It talks about the various controversial reports about his death. It first says that "Themistocles died a natural death at Magnesia. Others say he poisoned himself voluntarily, when he saw that he could not subdue Greece, as he had promised the king." Then it goes on to report that "Eusebius noted"..."that Themistocles died from drinking bull's blood." "Valerius Maximus gave us more details when he said:" "...he appointed a sacrifice at which he drank a bowl full of bull's blood. Hence, he fell dead before the altar, as a noble sacrifice of piety. So memorable was his departure from this life that it effectively meant that Greece would never need another Themistocles again." Also, "Cicero had Pomponius Atticus tell of his death in this way:" "These men wrote of him that when he had sacrificed a bull, he drank its blood from a basin and died in that place." "Aristophanes"..."stated that Themistocles died from drinking bull's blood."
Interestingly, actor James Coburn said, in a newspaper interview, that Bruce Lee died from drinking beef's blood. However, this was never given as the official cause of Lee's death.
'Interestingly, actor James Coburn said, in a newspaper interview, that Bruce Lee died from drinking beef's blood. However, this was never given as the official cause of Lee's death.'
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, and I had never heard/read that one.
Foolish. Facebook material.
Thank you, sir.
During my last 3 years in Miami, I attended Bible Study Fellowship International. One year we studied the Books of Moses, which is the first 5 books of the O.T. I thought that was going to be a very dull and boring study. I was wrong. It proved to be quite interesting.
ReplyDeleteBefore microscopic organisms or germs were discovered, God gave the ancient Israelites dietary laws which not only had spiritual significance, but would also protect them and help them to survive as a nation. These laws preserved the sanctity of Israel as God's holy people. Though the idea of uncleanness represented sin and defilement, it also protected the Israelites from diseases they may have otherwise become the victims of. And all of this was given by God to Moses and Aaron thousands of years before infectious diseases were discovered, or the microscope was invented.
Tularemia (also known as rabbit fever or deerfly fever) is an infectious disease in ticks and rabbits that is caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis. The disease was first described in Japan in 1837. Approximately 150-300 tularemia cases are reported in the United States annually. The bacteria is a hazard to laboratory staff that work closely with rabbits. As few as 5-10 bacteria can result in disease.
In the past, pork could cause trichinosis. Modern food preparation techniques help prevent this. Pigs are also host to various parasites. In addition, pork is unhealthy since its even higher in fat than beef.
Unclean 'fish' such as eels generally contain more parasites than fish with scales. Even today, shellfish often causes food poisoning and enteritis.
Carnivorous animals readily transmitted infection in a warm climate where flesh decayed rapidly. Vermin and predatory birds were likely disease carriers.
Those kosher laws from God were like an ancient version of our Food and Drug Administration, protecting public health by preventing the consumption of unhealthy foods. But their purpose was also to maintain spiritual purity, and served as another way to separate God's chosen people from the idolatrous and pagan nations around them.
Yes, that is a key in my presentation. And key from the scholars. It actually serves as a defence of the inspiration of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible as in what was for humanity the pre-scientific age God did understand the science and protected his people but through a religious context in dealings.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought regarding drinking blood:
ReplyDeleteVampires were once represented as demons and creatures of the devil in folklore. They drank blood (which of course violates Leviticus), they were seen as evil (i.e., a Christian cross was supposed to harm them or repel them), and they were undead/immortal (the counterpart of our immortality through Christ and Christ having defeated death for us).
Of course, in modern TV series (and some movies), the vampire has become a sensual creature of passion and beauty, immortally young, powerful, and free of inhibition. The vampire is no longer the murderous demon, but a symbol of what humanity wishes it could be: fearless, immortal, indulgent, and powerful. They are even sometimes now portrayed as heroes. That which used to symbolize evil has become more attractive and acceptable in our society.
A sign of the times.
ReplyDeleteA company declined for you to release their value on the gift, but unquestionably the jazz festival's website invites outfits on to become a complete "presenting sponsor" featuring a contribution akin to $250,000. Chrysler says unquestionably the sponsorship is definitely an extension including its Imported outside of Detroit ad campaign.
ReplyDeleteSounds scary. That is the outfit I would be expected to wear for $250, 000. I am not dressing up as a Chrysler...
ReplyDeleteSweet morning Dr. Russell ^^
ReplyDeleteI think that blogs show personality of the people. Are interesting and some great.
I love your photos, the colours are amazing.
Have a good day, Dr Russ
I almost forgot about your other comment, thankfully not. How are you? ^^
ReplyDeleteI live in Cantabria, north of Spain. The forest, the sea, the beach... all are very beautiful, for me hahaha
Have a nice day and weekend Dr. Russell
Sarah, thank you once again for the very kind comments. Have a very good weekend with friends and family in Spain.
ReplyDeleteI live in Greater Vancouver also with much forest, a semi-tropical rain forest. Not too far from the Pacific. The difference is you likely receive a lot more sun.:)
ReplyDeleteI am pretty well, making plans with work and related.
Yes, as noted I am impressed with Spain, many blogs from Spain and yours as a travel blog for that nation.
You said you want to visit Israel someday. HA HA, I already went for two weeks and will be going back for 16 days in Oct of 2013.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures of the 72 Virgins. Can you send me that in an email please. Thanks, Rick
I know, you placed a review, remember?:)
ReplyDeleteI just sent you 72 virgins...by email.
Thanks again my friend.
I've eaten blood.
ReplyDeleteBlack pudding - once or twice.
Steak not well done - many times.
Me as well, Chuck on the steak. I have had blood pudding I think once in Scotland, but the Bruce Lee beef blood rumour, if true, that is disgusting and in my mind stupid.
ReplyDelete“This law furthermore , is sufffering from a radically limited health exception that the majority of is just completely unacceptable under that constitutional standard,” Ms. Northup said. “A woman has to actually be located in the perfect dire emergency to make sure you need an abortion.” http://www.buylongchampscanada.com
ReplyDeleteCathi Herrod, president in the Hospital in support of Arizona Policy, the conservative Christian group that a majority of helped write these law, said it all got needed of protect the actual health and furthermore safety most typically associated with women and after that protect “pre-born children” hailing from pain plus death. [url=http://www.buylongchampscanada.com]You Could Look Here[/url]
Dr. Paul A meaningful. Isaacson, any gynecologist from Phoenix who offers spouse and children planning in addition to the abortions and he is the best plaintiff with regard to typically the lawsuit, said most of the novel law would “profoundly affect some of all my patients.”
'“This law furthermore , is sufffering from a radically limited health exception that the majority of is just completely unacceptable under that constitutional standard,” Ms. Northup said. “A woman has to actually be located in the perfect dire emergency to make sure you need an abortion.”'
ReplyDeleteI do not know the law and I am not about to attempt to become an expert in US politics but since I was spammed I will comment by stating I do not philosophically support abortion on demand. So, I do not for reference, show sympathy for the last Ms. Northrup comment.
'Cathi Herrod, president in the Hospital in support of Arizona Policy, the conservative Christian group that a majority of helped write these law, said it all got needed of protect the actual health and furthermore safety most typically associated with women and after that protect “pre-born children” hailing from pain plus death'
If true, someone is taking a stand.
Re: Overly pierced woman.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Leviticus have something to say about body piercing?
This mega-pierced woman puts the other one to shame!
Enjoyed your article on Levitical food laws and agree with your conclusions that the laws may have been in place for health reasons. I also liked your brief insights into the two different covenants and laws of the OT and NT.
ReplyDelete-Rigor Reader-
Nice pics, my favorite one is the Nuns with the guns and the caption!!
ReplyDelete-Pic Perrrrfect-
The Bible has been at least partially translated into cockney!
ReplyDelete'chucky said...
ReplyDeleteRe: Overly pierced woman.
Doesn't Leviticus have something to say about body piercing?
This mega-pierced woman puts the other one to shame!'
'Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your article on Levitical food laws and agree with your conclusions that the laws may have been in place for health reasons. I also liked your brief insights into the two different covenants and laws of the OT and NT.
-Rigor Reader-'
Thank you. It is good learning for me. A rare post from the Hebrew Bible.
'Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNice pics, my favorite one is the Nuns with the guns and the caption!!
-Pic Perrrrfect-'
The least disturbing option...
Thank you, thank you very much.
'chucky said...
ReplyDeleteThe Bible has been at least partially translated into cockney!'
Audio version by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.
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ReplyDeleteSomewhat funny, interesting comment, but link will not open.
ReplyDeleteI wont eat blood, but not because the Bible bans it, or even allows it. I wont eat organ meats either, but thats only because I dont like these things.
ReplyDeleteI doubt Bruce died from eating blood. Many people eat blood, beef blood at one time was used as a thinking agent in food.
Interesting observations from a professional in the food industry.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rick.
Hello, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this
ReplyDeletearticle. It was inspiring. Keep on posting!
Hi there, just wanted to tell you, I loved this post.
ReplyDeleteIt was helpful. Keep on posting!