Saturday, May 25, 2024

Messi situation

Highway robbery

Photo: Alamy, deflated

‘Highway robbery’: Messi no-show has fans raging over pricey Whitecaps tickets: By Simon Little Global News Posted May 24, 2024 6:33 pm

I am glad I would not spend $200 + to see an MLS match!


“The prices were extremely high only because of this superstar that was coming,” Karyn Theeparajah told Global News. 


“It’s highway robbery, if I am being honest, and the MLS knows that. They are getting away with it and I think it’s shameful.”


Breaking the news to her son on Thursday was difficult, she said. “He started crying and asked to read the article himself and was really angry, to be honest with you,” she said. “He was angry and sad.” Like many of the 55,000 other fans who bought tickets to the game, she said, they expected the star would at least travel with the team. 


With no Messi, he said the club should be doing something to make fans whole. “A full refund, a full credit, something. Because they should not be profiting from this problem that the fans are suffering. The Whitecaps have said they empathize with fans, but while they’ll be offering half-price food and drink at the game, the club has made no mention of any possible refunds. 

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I like the full refund idea. When I attended a Martin Barre (Jethro Tull music) performance in Surrey a few years ago, the famous Jethro Tull drummer, Clive Bunker, that was scheduled as part of the show, did not fly to British Columbia for the concert. Barre offered any person with a paid ticket in the audience, a full refund. I did not take up the offer, as the drummer on stage was just fine. But, that in my humble opinion, was the right way to handle that situation. Major League Soccer and the Vancouver Whitecaps should do likewise with the Messi situation they are in...