Saturday, December 30, 2017

Questions asked: Official and satirical answers

Virginia: Travel+Leisure

Questions asked: Official and satirical answers

I very much appreciate the government health care, to be clear.

Questions from nurse and care worker (paraphrased)

As we come four times a day to provide peri-care for the Boss, would you consider providing peri-care at night when we are closed? Other family members do it....

Me: Real answer 

No, I have stated from the beginning of this process that that is not my calling. I deal with the finances, prepare three meals a day, do two-four loads of wash a day, purchase groceries and medicine for the Boss, medicate the Boss, and play garbage man. I also play Yahtzee with the Boss.

I suggest that workers arrive as soon as possible in the morning and as late as possible in the evening.

Thank you.

Satirical answer (Not stated)

Are you kidding me?

I am already grossed out as it is and I also work in academia.

How would you like to earn a European, PhD in Theology and Philosophy of Religion?

Not your calling?

Thought so...

If I desired to be a nurse I would strive to be Florence Nightingale...

Questions from two students of mine (paraphrased)

We should just pay you and cut out the middle man! What do you think? You could provide a better deal?

Me: Real answer

(After they told me how much the institution receives).

Hmm, well my hourly wage is good, but the institution certainty takes a big cut. At this point, I lack the infrastructure to start my own institution, but perhaps in the future.

Satirical answer (Stated)

Of course I am helpful; I am good with the all the education I have endured.

Well, the institution certainly has some knowledge I do not, at present. but with me being a primarily English writer and speaker, it certainty has its advantages when assisting foreign students in the Vancouver area.

(They laugh)

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Futuristic Fire Engine?


'GYROSCOPIC TRANSPORTATION OF THE FUTURE amazing concept from DAHİR İNŞAAT highlights what could possibly be the future of transport. this was designed for the urban commuter looking for an entirely new and unique driving experience.

With just two wheels, the glass-dome cabin is self-balancing and can be controlled with a joystick instead of a steering wheel. This has a huge potential to provide an efficient, economical, safe, environmentally friendly, comfortable, and maneuverable conveyance that is independent of the general traffic flows on arterial roads. That is because the lane separator between lanes satisfies all of the requirements for the creation of this mode of transportation. It will inevitably take its rightful place as a modern urban form of transportation. It is just simply too tempting to be able to travel without traffic jams at any time of the day or night.

It is a friendly vehicle that is always nearby and is never late. It makes no audible noise, and when you travel on it, you will be able to relax in one of its comfortable seats. Dahir Insaat considers the gyro monorail to be a priority business project. Starting today I am ready to accept offers to license this mode of transportation.

I am prepared to sell everything from a manufacturing license to the exclusive right to operate this vehicle in specified countries. Respectfully yours, Dahir Semenov.'

Interesting idea. It seems largely a reasonable one in theory. These would be very large vehicles in traffic even on 'two wheels'. How smoothly would this work?

The cost?

Kool, but less than ideal music. A dance club for toddlers?

You Tube

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas philosophy

Columbia Bible College 1991-1995: Professor J

'I don't have time to read fiction because there is too much non-fiction for me to read.'

(I held to that view. Now I assist students with English literature...)

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas Eve philosophy Ottawa

Former Presbyterian pastor of mine (paraphrased) to the congregation during sermons:

There is a God, and it is not you.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

My neighbour: The real Grinch

A neighbour's door...

Curious what motivates someone to create this type of Christmas art.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Bullet Wednesday: Better than dog food

Miracle on 224th Street? Maple Ridge News
•I have been loosely following my television chef and Vancouver dietitian's, diet, for the better part of the year now.

•Loosely, in that I am following mainly the ingredients suggested in a written meal plan. However, I am not an adventurous chef. I cook  better than dog food, but my food is far below the quality of professional French and Italian chefs.

•It is mainly a plant-based diet but also includes, separate from the dietitian's diet, but accepted as okay by her, fish, whole wheat pasta and brown rice. I have never been a large meal eater, or high calorie intake person, but I now only eat beef on social outings. I have been told I am continuing to slim down as I have been mainly for years now. But this plant-based diet seems to work better than any prescription medicines or sleep apnea appliance.

•But alas, I shall never be the pretty, six-pack, man-boy that many evangelical North American and British women, prefer, according to many of those online sermons.

•This is now a similar diet that I followed when I lived in England. But I would eat the grass fed beef with steaks and burgers. They were delicious from the butcher. The beef is typically grain fed in North America.

•The health benefits of grain fed beef and grass fed beef will be debated by many. I have found that overall, my system works better leaving beef for 1-3 times a month, as in social outings.

•Since it is my favourite food, eliminating beef completely would be an overall, psychological negative, but eating more fruits and vegetables and natural peanut butter (protein) seems quite beneficial.

•I had a crazy (I was warned by the office) female student to tutor the other day. I had not met her previously. By God's will, my deduction skills were correct once again (not always). She admitted, I correctly deduced that she was the young woman that was on the toilet with her headphones on the other day, as I had to close up the institution and put the alarm on. She did not respond to most of the building lights being turned off by me. After I left for home, she set the alarm off, attempting to open the front door. The RCMP and office staff were called. When one of the office staff informed me of what I happened by email, I correctly reasoned out the type of person it was, but he did not verify this whatsoever. I reasoned that I checked every room, but not the women's washroom, other than by walking by it and glancing in.

•By the way, when I was working HSBC corporate security, virtually all of us security officers, except 'Those guy' would never check the women's washrooms, against site orders. I reasoned a potential 'perv' charge was not worth it. The entrance to the washroom's was monitored via camera.

•By the way, again, HSBC corporate policy would take a complaint against a security officer or any employee by another employee and keep the name of the person (s) that made the complaint confidential. This would not allow the accused to face the accuser as with the biblical example from Matthew 18, where one is to face a person that has offended him/her with sin. If need be involve the Church.

•Yes, I was wise not to check the women's washrooms...

•In the not surprised but disappointed department: I noticed yesterday that a former commentor on my Blogger websites has Facebook defriended me. I have no definite reason why, I was never informed, but I sensed a coldness from this person over the last few years. This person has a similar terminal degree as mine, but more ministry and less philosophically orientated.

•In line with Matthew 18, if this person had problems with me, as if I might be sinning against him or the Church, for example, with my critical views, I should biblically expect a person to person critique and then be allowed to counter critique. But, that is not the way so often today, even many Christians that should know better are very risk averse. There is a risk aversion to having worldview, theology, views on romantic relationships challenged by friendly discussion.

•To be clear, I do not enjoy confrontation. I dislike 'endless' debating. I am online with my two Blogger websites and my Facebook blog, to learn more in Christ, hopefully assist a few others, and promote my work for continued employment. I find it quite spiritually and intellectually disappointing that when there is a problem, I am not informed, with truth and love, but instead deleted. There are not many deletions!

•For example, in regard to my controversial and critical views on evangelical, Christian dating which I reason are largely worldly and overly market value based; I would gladly take being told I am too old, too ugly, too kingpin, too this and that, in order to get my points in, with a possibility of repentance with certain types of people...

•My view is that these kinds of conversations when guided by the Holy Spirit can shed light where there is darkness. Sin and wrong thinking, including mine, is exposed in the light. (John 3). Too often, in my humble opinion, people in the Church stay in darkness because it is risky to expose views to the light. The evangelical church risks appearing Pharisaical at points.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Don't eat yellow...

The government has to tell parents this fact?
When I have toured Britain while on the top deck of a double-decker bus, a person could be struck by the overpass if standing when one should be sitting. There were no warning signs...

But of course, eating yellow snow would be worse than a potentially fractured skull or related...
Pinterest: I am thinking...too much substance abuse and snow sports. The local government will not invest in more street lights. This sign is cheaper. Oz and the Wicked Witch are to the right... Most males know to go behind a bush, if absolutely necessary; not in public. The dog walking bird and that dog, should go on tour. The six-pack people were awarded their own special walkway by the government.

Too bad the bottom images were removed...I wrote:

One has to develop a walk slide technique while staying low to the ground (I live in Canada).

This cat might also be upset because well-meaning 'Mom' put him/her in that Christmas suit...a violation of the cat's sovereignty.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Mysterious Blue Alarm

Mysterious Blue Alarm

I stated on October 21

My 'newish' Nissan SUV has a 'blue light' alarm (Satanic?) that will go off unless the truck is opened by the fob and closed by the fob.

If someone tries to break in or some 'fool' tries to open the SUV door normally with the key (Apparently both have already occurred), the alarm takes over. The mechanic told me it was a high-end, after-market alarm and work keeping.

According to the mechanic, if the alarm is set-off, some Kingpin has to sit in detention in the truck for fifteen minutes plus, with engine running, while the alarm goes on and off. This can both entertain and irritate the public. The alarm may then resume normal programming, but one must open and close the truck with fob only and one must never, ever, ever, let the battery in the fob die or else Kingpin will be back in detention.

Obey the blue light...Actual product not shown.

I thought the worst was over...

After leaving the TriCity Church on Sunday afternoon, I headed out to the parking lot. I heard what sounded like a loud vehicle alarm. But it sounded different than my blue alarm that I have heard, now several times. There were two or so vehicles left on the lot and as I headed toward my truck it was sounding as if my Nissan, American, SUV had another type of alarm sound. As I came within a few feet of the truck, the alarm stopped.

This was troubling.

Does the vehicle alarm have another type of alarm sound? I was wondering if someone had touched the vehicle or like.

Is there a 'break in' alarm sound and an inappropriate touch alarm sound?

I headed home, incident free.

That evening I washed the vehicle in the building garage. After I locked it up and set the alarm, I decided to go back and (against what I have done for years) take a towel and dry off the glass of a vehicle, as too many water stains were remaining after a wash, and I do a lot of driving with my vehicle.

All was going well until I moved the mirror and then the blue light went flashing and the alarm went off. But this was the regular alarm sound.

I am still not sure what the alarm sound I heard in the TriCity parking lot means. I was handling the mirror...

Does the alarm sound alternate after awhile?

By the way, when the fob battery runs out (I think), it plays a loud tune.

On the bright side, in agreement with my mechanic, my vehicle is pretty secure.

On the dark side, I am never really sure when the alarm is going to act up and what it is going to demand...

Sunday, December 10, 2017

My earliest USA education

Zazzle UK

Incredibly, all these years later, the music from these three videos, reportedly from Schoolhouse Rock, still go through my adult Canadian and to a much lesser extent, British mind.

This is evidence that these films are very well-done artistically.

A Columbia Bible College professor of mine, and Chucky's very dear, Uncle Gerry, while advising me stated that every country has their mythology.

Well, here are some American cartoons as examples.

What is a Canadian equivalent for me?

I suppose those National Film Board of Canada documentaries we were forced to view in grade school.

Anyway, the propaganda in the 'No More Kings' cartoon is particularly amusing. 'Those evil Brits! (Even though we are colonizing Brits!)'

This is not to be confused with 'A Farewell To Kings' from Rush in 1977, also artistic music from the same era.

And again, these are well-done artistic cartoons.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

As in 2013, Chucky refuses to sit beside a 'fat guy' at concert

December 5, 2017

Friday, July 26, 2013, Roger's Arena,Vancouver: Rush 

Saint Chucky is placed in seating that he states is next to 'A fat guy'. Rather than take my advice and move to the empty seats above, Charles Chucklins II, gets up and walks toward the stairs and then stands. Soon a heavily 'tatted' audience member is yelling at Pope Chuckins to move.

Arena security deals with Mennonite Chucky and he is moved to a seat, by himself, not too far from where I suggested he move to.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017, Moore Theatre, Seattle: Mahavishnu Orchestra

As I purchased balcony tickets, as I prefer, we are directed to the second balcony, general seating. This is contrary to the assigned seating on our tickets, which Chuck disliked. He then states that he is not sitting beside 'a fat guy'. He then attempts to sit by me and states: 'This won't work!'

I move my elbows out hitting him in the side several times and state that I am not sitting by 'a fat guy'.

He moves behind me, to the right, after stating that my head was too big to sit directly behind me...

No bathroom at gas station

Give a hoot, don't pollute

Artistic, Moore Theatre, Seattle

Religious theme? Humanistic theme?

Good atmosphere

John Mclaughlin guitar solo section

Drumming and bizarre verbal counting

Part of The Dance of Maya, intro

The Lord definitely blessed us on the Seattle trip, yesterday to see a form of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. This is John McLaughlin's stated last North American tour and a very rare tour and performance of mostly Mahavishnu Orchestra material. For electric music, Mahavishnu Orchestra and Rush, in alphabetical order, at this point in my life are my favourite artists. Neither may tour again in any form.

It was also a blessed trip because Saint Chuckles and I have had some disturbing trips in the past, including our last trip to the Moore Theatre in Seattle (2002) where a certain 'computer guy' left his camera in sight, in my car, which was then broken into during the concert. Glass abounded. Strangely enough, Mr. John Wee returned the favour to Chuckles (2017) in downtown Vancouver, after a singles event we attended. I laughed for some reason as Chuck's car windshield was smashed in and vehicle seats covered in glass. John's clothes were stolen, and my expensive sunglasses were untouched. They were prescription, anyway...
There he is again...

Joking aside about America, and I joke online about Canada and the United Kingdom as well, there are two things specifically, that I very much enjoy about the United States of America when I visit, and this was a particularly positive visit.

One, is the availability of product. My very likely only chance to see Mahavishnu Orchestra live, did not take place in the Vancouver area. Vancouver, Metropolitan Vancouver and the Fraser Valley are rather isolated parts of the Western World,  and as well, Canada has a much smaller population than does America. This area is not the most 'happening' area of the free world...

The variety of products available, the variety of restaurants, compared to Canada is intriguing. Saint Chuckles and I went out for his belated birthday to Buffalo Wild Wings for the first time. This place is probably common to my American readers, but we had not heard of it. We appreciated the food and the service.

Two, is the religious nature of America, compared to Canada which is less religious. On our way back to Canada late night and early morning, we viewed religious imagery, including a very bright white cross, which we assumed was likely on a hill or like.

As with my philosophical and theological mixed views on Europe/United Kingdom and its Christian heritage of church-state, in regard to the United States of America, I have mixed views on this quite religious nation. I reason the biblical gospel is prevalent there but there are also many Christian and non-Christian cults which focus of aberrant doctrine and sometimes heresy. Overall, the evangelical church does seem in decline and the nation is becoming more secular. I also find the lack of embraced Reformed theology, in the evangelical church, disturbing (Covered in my British academic surveys), as well as the over-dependence of the evangelical church on culture as opposed to Bible on many issues, for example social and political.

I find the religious Christian nature of America, fascinating. And Christianity is still significantly more culturally and politically relevant, than in Europe, in 2017.
Seattle: We were not on a church tour

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Know your Wee place, John...

Today's Baptist Church singles meeting at McDonald's



What are some female and male perspectives on the difficulties with Christian dating?


Yes, John, you always have good things to say.

John Wee

I am  most comfortable with market value dating.


You know this means that John has to date a 5 foot 4 inch, Asian woman!


No way (Laughs) !


Then you do not want market value dating, you want a biblical model (Based on character).

Later in the SUV


I am glad you let them have it in regard to me being expected to date and marry my Asian 'clone'!


Yes, I do not care. I state the truth as I see it.

Know your Wee place, John...

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Rogers Sportsnet missed this stick to the face

I viewed the last half of the game and this was missed by the Canadian broadcast.

Player perspective: I have written on this website on how I have repented of situational ethics and sports. A New Testament moral ethic should be a consistent one. That is if I was a player.

Off-ice official perspective: I would have said something to the player as well. That was a good shot to the face.

The player apologized.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Football follies, fake funds

Today: EPA
The Sun November 22 


'Bayern Munich fans launch fake money and unveil banner in protest at £89 tickets in Champions League match at Anderlecht

The large banner in the stands read: 'Is your greed now finally satisfied... 100€?' By Richard Forrester'


'BAYERN MUNICH fans covered the pitch in fake notes in protest of the extraordinary ticket prices for their Champions League encounter. Supporters from the German giants were charged £89 each for their ticket against Anderlecht.'

Is this a smaller club, Anderlecht, attempting to abuse the foreign fans of a much larger club, Bayern Munich?


Quote from CNN

Aerial footage shows traffic gridlock in Los Angeles as the Thanksgiving travel rush begins

This made me think Christmas lights...

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Jacked up, but not on common sense

Someone's preferred destination?

I have noticed the last couple of nights how warm it has been at night, It happens, but not usually this late into the year. I need a good night's sleep to work and last night's sleep was not good, My loft part of our condominium is considerably warmer than downstairs.

I came home this evening, after being out for approximately twelve hours with academic work and then the megachurch service.

I noticed that 'someone' (a careworker) had jacked the temperatures of the living room, where the Boss sleeps, and also the former bedroom of the Boss to almost 30 degrees Celsius, which is approximately 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

A kind note was left stating I would be monitoring the room temperatures and keeping them at 15 degrees Celsius. There is a gas fireplace downstairs and the Boss has plenty of blankets.

When I mentioned the heat this evening, the careworker from Eastern Europe agreed that it was basically sauna like. Obviously, she was not the heat bandit.

Jacked up, but not on common sense.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Glory Cloud..Actually gas

You Tube

The Babylon Bee


‘Glory Cloud’ Turns Out To Be Dangerous Gas Leak

November 1, 2016


'REDDING, CA—As worshipers at Bethel Church enthusiastically sang and danced at a Sunday evening service several weeks ago, onlookers were reportedly amazed to see a shining, thick mist descending from on high, only to later discover the “glory cloud” was actually a potentially deadly leak from a faulty gas line.'


'But as “a few more people than usual” fainted during the experience, church leaders began to grow concerned, and had the building evacuated as the deadly gaseous chemicals continued to slowly spread throughout the room.'

'But as “a few more people than usual” fainted during the experience...'

Doubtful this is written by hyper-charismatics.

There are so many other possibilities for bad gas...

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Live by the sword, supposed prophets

Thanks Rudolph, for the posting on Facebook. When the New Testament gospel and sound theology are just too boring for some...Video game like theology is preferred.
Saturday night

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Trick or Treat Marijuana in British Columbia

Victoria Police

CTV News: Vancouver Island, November 1


'Young trick-or-treater given marijuana gummies in Victoria neighbourhood'


'Police say a package of marijuana gummies handed to a trick-or-treater on Oct. 31 in Victoria's James Bay neighbourhood were likely given by mistake. (Victoria Police)


'Victoria police are asking parents to check their kids' candy after a child went trick-or-treating and wound up with a package of marijuana gummies.'

When I was little kid, my parents would check for razor blades. Now parents need to check for 'pot'. 

If I was a parent, I would be sifting through the candy see if I could get a cut. Of the candy that is, not pot.


'The parents called police immediately and identified the home the gummies were handed out at. Police seized the gummies, labelled "Twisted Extracts Black Cherry Zzz Bomb." Each dose contains 10 milligrams of cannabis, according to the label.'


'When officers attended the home, they spoke with an occupant who they say didn't appear to be aware that pot-infused candies had been handed out to a child. In a follow-up tweet, police said they didn't believe the gummies were handed out maliciously. Police say they instructed the person to stop giving out candy and to turn out their lights to deter any other trick-or-treaters.'

Quote (satirical) to Victoria Police: 'Hey man, that was for my own personal use only, maaan.'

Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Planet of the Apes: Bible Study

Garbage Guts 10: 10 pm post dinner  and after church meal.

While at a post church event, at a local pub, Mr. Guts devoured Chicken and Waffles, after 10 pm.

This event had nothing to do with The Planet of the Apes, event of weeks ago.

Chucky played The Planet of the Apes 'horn' in the pub, via You Tube.

John and Chuck reminisced in sadness over the decline of the 'Apes' event, which was a one time only event. At least for us. And now for all, it is over. 'Dirty apes!'

John stated he had nightmares for the next week following our one and only visit to The Planet of the Apes. Note; The context is hygiene!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Facts should be allowed to beat up opinions

Jeff Jenkins

Apart from presentations that promote unlawful violence, in a Western context, opinions should be allowed to be freely expressed in a public forum. Every worldview and philosophy should be up for debate in a public forum.

Facts should be allowed to beat up opinions.

Private contexts have orthodoxy (Orthodox doctrine within the Christian Church, for example) for membership.

A public context should not have the same level of forced orthodoxy, as a private context with a more specific membership. Canadian citizenship, for example, requires allegiance to the State, but not a specific worldview.

(This idea, in part, based on an online chat I had with a good English friend, yesterday.)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Obey the blue light

This evening, while buying cheaper gas out of Metropolitan Vancouver, on the long way home after academic work and an evening church service.

With any progress there is usually a negative. My 'newish' Nissan SUV has a 'blue light' alarm (Satanic?) that will go off unless the truck is opened by the fob and closed by the fob. If someone tries to break in or some 'fool' tries to open the SUV door normally with the key (Apparently both have already occurred), the alarm takes over. The mechanic told me it was a high-end, after-market alarm and work keeping. According to the mechanic, if the alarm is set-off, some Kingpin has to sit in detention in the truck for fifteen minutes plus, with engine running, while the alarm goes on and off. This can both entertain and irritate the public. The alarm may then resume normal programming, but one must open and close the truck with fob only and one must never, ever, ever, let the battery in the fob die or else Kingpin will be back in detention. Obey the blue light...Actual product not shown.

Friday, October 20, 2017

US: 110 Million S.T.D. Infections, Estimated


By NICHOLAS BAKALARSEPT. 29, 2017: New York Times 


'In the U.S., 110 Million S.T.D. Infections'


'The incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis is increasing, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At any given time, there are an estimated 110 million sexually transmitted infections in the United States.'

Cited '

Rates of syphilis increased in every age group and all races, and they were highest among people in their twenties. The number of babies born infected with syphilis increased to 628 cases in 2016, from 492 in 2015 — each case, in Dr. Bolan’s words, “a needless tragedy.” ”The enormity of the S.T.D. epidemic requires everyone play a role in reversing these trends,” Dr. Bolan said.'


'Correction: October 3, 2017

An earlier version of this story misstated the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States. There are 110 million such infections, not 110 million people with infections, at any given time. (Some people may have more than one infection.)'

'There are 110 million such infections, not 110 million people with infections'

I actually had that thought as I read the article for the first time. Then there is HIV infection as well.



'People and Society :: UNITED STATES Panel - Expanded Population: 326,625,791 (July 2017 est.)' 

Hmm, compare numbers to population. Devastating.

Now there is an advertisement to follow the biblical model to avoid fornication and adultery (Exodus 20, Matthew 5, 1 Corinthians 5-6 as examples).

Being a youthful adult, technically too old for young adults ministry, this article is another cumulative point in support of my dating theology/philosophy. Any possible romantic relationship should likely be with someone less sexually experienced than average (with minimal experience), with the significant possibility of it being someone significantly younger and less experienced than average.

'Rates of syphilis increased in every age group and all races, and they were highest among people in their twenties.'

Yes, and this risk increases for someone in their twenties that becomes older and is still sexually active outside of biblical marriage.

Sometimes, theological/philosophical common sense does not fit into cultural norms.

Sodom and Gonorrhea?

Monday, October 16, 2017

Bullet Moday: The Return of Garbage Guts

Only in Canada...pity.
•Another weekend of church events in Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford. 'Garbage Guts' desired to return to the same Maple Ridge, Fish and Chips established.

•This time he had chips and eight pieces of fish, topping his original seven from weeks ago. I had three pieces of fish and chips.

•Garbage Guts attributes his eating prowess to his speedy Asian metabolism, and years of training.

•Chucky Saint Divine was away at choir practice and so I had to drive 'everywhere' again, but at least I now have a 'Big Wheel' and Mr. GG covers meals. Chuck get off your gas and start driving us around again!

•Mr. GG complained all weekend long because a cult-like leader is attempting to play his match-maker.

•My friend is solid, well under six feet tall and technically Asian, but is for all intense and purposes a Canadian Anglophone. The cult-leader thinks Mr. GG of course is suited for the female equivalent, originally from say, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei or the Mainland.

•But, of course, Mr. Fish Guts is radically culturally different, but modern, robotic, lazy intellectual, evangelical thinking, simply matches based on two people of the opposite sex being of similar ethnic origins, similar age and of course, the same level of looks.

The more biblical theological ideas of mutual spiritual, intellectual and physical attraction are usually overlooked, as is much good theology in today's evangelical church.

•This same cult-leader tried the name match-making nonsense with me a few years ago and went down like a Dead Zeppelin...

•The Boss receives four care visits a day. I was away much of the weekend. The kitchen was rearranged again. Inside the glass cabinet there was a jar of herbal teas. I am not certain if that belongs to the Boss from years ago, or if a careworker donated it because my herbal tea ran out weeks ago and I really favour Red Rose. Is my choice of tea being questioned?

Friday, October 13, 2017

Bullet Friday: Oh Canada, again & USA misses FIFA 2018 World Cup

•I have been very busy with academic work, homecaring for the Boss and being social. The first and third of these require a lot of driving around Metropolitan Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, thankfully the Lord has blessed me with a 'newish' SUV that so far is tank me.

•As I have been busy, I was not following FIFA World Cup qualifying as closely as I would like. I was thrilled and very surprised today to read that the United States did not qualify for the FIFA 2018 World Cup. To be clear, the USA is one of my favourite countries, and I have many friends, and next to Europe my favourite vacation destination. But I do not like how some of their media embraces this dream of the USA winning the World Cup one day, as if it is America's right. Even with the MLS growing, the USA still did not qualify for 2018. Perhaps the dream will largely die like Quebec separation will likely, but in that case, due to immigration. I love America, Canada, Europe, but I just do no not ever want to see the US media with a chance to gloat on this issue. Yes, the Canadian media gloats = equally annoying.

•Example of this US attitude: In 2006, I think, after church at Grace Vancouver, an American acquaintance was wearing an Arsenal cap. I stated... Me (paraphrased) : 'Are you looking forward to the World Cup?' Acquaintance (paraphrased): 'Yes we (USA) have a great chance this time'. Me (paraphrased) : 'I doubt the USA will win it this year. Europe and South America are too strong as usual.' Acquaintance (paraphrased): 'Well, we are bound to win it eventually.' Me (paraphrased): 'I doubt it. There are too many sports in the USA such as football, baseball and basketball ahead of soccer in the USA that will always take most of the top athletes, whereas football is the number one sport for athletes in Europe and South America.' Acquaintance (paraphrased); 'Grumbles' and walks away. So, we cannot have a reasonable discussion on the World Cup unless I buy your 'Kool-Aid' on predestined American dominance? Houston: We have a problem.

•Philosophical clue: Largest economy and largest military does not = best everything.

•The USA has dominated women's soccer and hockey.

•Yes, I always support Europe in the FIFA World Cup, it makes 'use' of my United Kingdom/Europe passport. Plus, Europe has won most of them and is going for the '4peat'. I have such low hopes for Canada Soccer, who cares that they did not qualify...once again.

•Metro Vancouver is filled with drivers that will not slow down even with our many rainy days. No wonder the insurance rate increase...

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Strange Gay Islamic Tales: Texas

Marvel: Never seen this cover before...

WZ Oct 2 2017

I heard this story, driving home this evening from work on the beginning of Fortress of Faith before I parked in our parking garage.


'University Of Texas Threatened To Expel Gay Student For Saying Islamic Countries Kill People For Being Gay…'

Alfred MacDonald left University of Texas at San Antonio after feeling ‘difficult to stay motivated’. 

He had made the comments during an out-of-class conversation with another graduate student. They had been discussing the ‘religious leanings of philosophy professors.  He pointed out that in some Muslim countries, he could be executed for being bisexual.  A few days after the conversation, he was called in for a meeting with Dr Eve Browning.

She is the Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Texas at San Antonio. MacDonald studied here at the time. This event took place in September 2016 but Alfred MacDonald only went public with it this summer. Dr Eve Browning said if his behavior continued, he would be referred to the student conduct board. She said they would recommend dismissal.

A university head of department threatened a bisexual student with dismissal after he made a comment regarding LGBTI executions in Islamic countries.'

I reason that every worldview, every philosophy/theology, is up for a reasonable, respectful, critical review. Especially on a University campus, a supposed place of learning at all times, one would hope.

It is called living in a Western democracy. That means other people with a different worldview, philosophy/theology than you have, have the right to exist and publicly opine.

Warning: Critical Thinking Can Be Dangerous To Your Thoughts & Feelings!

Facebook image, not my creation

Every time, like today, I lose a follower on my Facebook Business Page (I soon gained two back.), I think:

Warning: Critical Thinking Can Be Dangerous To Your Thoughts And Feelings!

I mean, someone could ask me why I have my views, as opposed to just unfollowing. There is often a distinct lack of civility and dialogue in Western culture today, especially online.

Russell Norman Murray, PhD

Monday, October 09, 2017

New method to prevent statue crime: Post job applications on statue

Stirling Castle

Babylon Bee October 9 2017

'Police Keep Antifa Away From Columbus Statues By Taping Job Applications Onto Them'


Thanks to Mr. Howard James Bartel.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Chucky says Honky B Tonky

The Honky Tonk Man, with guitar: WWE

This just sent to me today by Saint Charles Chuckles of Maple Ridge, Patron Saint of  Rush:

I take it this is dedicated to our friendly neigbour, Mr. Roger's father, Honky Tonk Don?

'Just read this hilarious comment on FB: "I heard on the radio that Trace Adkins was at Kenny Beard's funeral recently and Trace had "Honky tonk badonkadonk" play as the casket was being closed. I guess Kenny was a jokester so it went over pretty well."'

Speaking of which, my friendly neighbour and wife invited me over for Canadian Thanksgiving. I have to walk there by 5 pm. I hope Don is there...

Thursday, October 05, 2017

A tank trying to park a tank?

The Lord has blessed me with the 'newish' 2006 SUV, no doubt, no debt.

But I am working through parking in the tight strata garage.

On my left: A huge concrete pillar

On my right: A sweet senior citizen that likes to park her 'newish' lovely green Toyota, often slightly to her left and lacks the coordination to fit herself into a tight squeeze once she opens her car door.

No damage yet...

I am like a Tank (Kingpin), trying to park a tank (SUV).

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Planet of the Apes

New Westminster: Last weekend's events were very good with the bowling and SUV. However, some time ago, in a land far, far, away, Chucky, Garbage Guts and I happened on an event that I later coined 'Planet of the Apes'. I have never cared for the Planet of the Apes film franchise, and the three of us liked the event about as much. That Planet of the Apes horn sound went through my head while at the event...Note; The context is hygiene!

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Garbage Guts

This weekend...

I bought a new/used SUV/CUV, no debt.

I drove new vehicle with Chucky and John Wee to Surrey, bowling alley. Problem is, Chuck's navigation was in error and the bowling alley was in Langley.

There is no manual. We needed to look online in order to open the gas cap.

In all the kerfuffle, I temporarily, put related vehicle papers in the wrong container...

I had to ask JB (car flipper) how to open the hatch and then how to lock it.

I went to church with John Wee and after we went out for fish and chips. John Wee, now known as Garbage Guts ate seven pieces of fish, plus chips.

Thursday, September 28, 2017