Sunday, July 16, 2017

Proverbs 31/Medical waste & Kitchen tips

Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31: 30 was preached on at church this morning.

English Standard Version

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

New American Standard Bible

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

King James Bible

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Pastor (paraphrased): Beauty is fleeting and even the most attractive women age.

Pastor (paraphrased): Actresses in Hollywood that are over 35 years of age are expected to receive plastic surgery to look 25 years of age. I feel sorry for these women.

Old lady to my distant right: (paraphrased): What about men!

Younger lady beside her (daughter?): Shhhhhh!

Well, the verse in context is about women, but the pastor did critique men as well. And after all, an old lady should be able to relate to the verse. All of us should in a sense, eventually. Even me being a little 'Chuck Norris' like...

Medical waste and kitchen tips

With the Boss now being back home from her exotic vacation at the expense of the Province of British Columbia. Not prison. She now has more visits for homecare than she did previously. When I am not home the careworkers are dabbling in the kitchen to make the Boss a meal.

I had to label on both sides, today, the white recycling bag, that it is not for medical waste. Some careworkers have been tossing their soiled gloves and the disposable version of the bed protectors in that bag. I therefore, not willing to separate the items, had to place the contents of the recycling in our strata garbage bin. There is a garbage bin with a black garbage bag, right beside the recycling bag in our condominium! It has the soiled Depend or like in the garbage. It is difficult to see how the connection would not be made, as in where all medical waste should be placed. Yes, the medical gloves are plastic, but I am not separating their medical waste from Perrier cans.

Overall, the care-aids are excellent help.

I am now receiving kitchen 'tips' from the kind ladies of careworking.

One worker that calls me 'Kiddo' stated that I should not expect the careworkers to deal with a frozen block of butter in the refrigerator. I stated that the careworkers just needed to look in the kitchen cabinet with the glass front to see the butter in a dish by the plates that the careworkers would need to use for the Boss.

Another kind careworker stated that I left the coffee pot on while I went out to meet a friend. This careworker is very kind, but the Boss told her the other day, in a comical moment, that this worker talked too much.

I stated that the coffee pot was probably safe. Sure, ideally, I should have turned it off.

Let us hope the used coffee grinds do not end up in the recycling bag.

Time for coffee...

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