• From How Many Mosquito Bites Would It Take to Kill You (and Other Mosquito Musings): Matt Heid/July 1, 2014: Appalachian MTN Club
• Cited 'Death by mosquito draining?
For an average person, losing two liters of blood becomes life-threatening. The average mosquito bite drains 0.01 to 0.001 milliliters of blood.'
• Cited 'Thus it would take somewhere between 200,000 and 2 million mosquito bites to kill you from blood loss. For the average adult male (a.k.a. me), that works out to between 68 and 680 bites for every square inch of skin. (Converted from average body surface area of adult male: 1.9 square meters.)'
• Cited 'Now consider the average human has 5.5 liters of blood, or 5.5 million microliters. If you do the math, you'd need a swarm of 1.1 million Asian tiger mosquitoes to completely drain a human's blood — but chances are you'd die long before all your blood was gone.'
• Cited 'A condition called hypovolemic shock sets in after you lose about 20% of your blood, and it leads to major organ failures because your heart loses the pressure necessary to circulate blood.'
• Good news on the mosquito bite front...
• TSN (paraphrased): The new Blue Jays manager, is not to be confused with former Dukes of Hazzard star John Schneider.
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