Friday, December 22, 2006

The supposed national sport


This is a short follow up to my article that I originally posted on a former blog 'kingpinned' but reposted on here in September. The link below is to the original article on this blog:

Just to be clear here, I am in general terms both pro-American and pro-Canadian. I disagree with some things with both countries but overall think that North America is the best place in the world to live. The above article and my related comments are in the context of professional sports and in particular the National Hockey League. Below are some comments I made on another blog yesterday. I think the post has merit, although the concept of hate is too strong.


  1. Some related links:



  2. I live here in the good ol U.S of A.

    Frankly, I believe we are going down the toilet fast. We give the thugs and hard core crimanles more rights then the free recive.

    If someone breaks into my house, and I beat them silly I would go to jail and they could sue me.

    2 kids just the other day tried car jacking a women, when she said she was 7 weeks pregnet and asked them to leave, they beat her silly. One busted a bottle over her head. She had two blacks eyes and some cracked and chipped teeth.

    One kid was 16 years old. I have a note posted on my back door, it states to any would be burgler, if they break into my house, they will experince a world of hurt and pain like no other, I am very serious.

    I have a wife and three kids. If you break into my house, you simply better shoot me dead, otherwise, you will wish you were.

    I could mention also, People over here have a serious double standerd. If you harm a prgrent women or kill the unborn baby, you will go to jail for a double murder of the women and unborn child, yet if you decide you want to abort your baby, then it is no longer an unborn human, and you are ok to kill your child, How sick are we. Rick b

  3. Thanks Rick,

    I have been bottled before, in Manchester 6 years ago and my crowns still need to be replaced from that episode. My nose was reconstructed this year from the same incident. Thankfully I look normal.

    In regard to crime, I think we agree Rick. There needs to be tougher penalties and I would also add, better parenting. In Canada there are so many liberal judges it seems to be difficult to have long enough sentences for crimes.
