Tuesday, January 16, 2007

LCD monitor cleaning tip

Somerset, Bath, England

From the Worst-Case Scenario: Little Book for Dating, tip 3.

How to save your date from choking.

Point 7:

Use force and a quick motion. This will push out the residual lung gas under pressure, clearing any obstructions from the trachea. p 32.


Since I have a 10-year-old tube monitor, which could die at any time, for an early Christmas present my Mom bought me a Samsung TFT 20 inch monitor. A concern I had when reading through the instruction manual was cleaning because I received the impression that it could not be wiped with a damp cloth like a tube monitor. I began getting little spots on my LCD monitor but I did not want to pay the $10-$20 that London Drugs wanted for the special LCD cleaning fluid. As well from my experience with CDs in the 1990's, cleaning fluid leaves residue. I thought I would try my soft cleaning cloth made for cleaning sunglasses, by Eyewear. I just placed a very little amount of water on the cloth and softly and slowly wiped away the spots and the LCD monitor looked clean with no apparent damage. I did not wipe the LCD screen like I did my old tube monitor, as I was much more careful and only wiped the actual spots. The water technique works alright, but I used Klear Screen and followed the directions for glossy screens and it gets rid of some of the marks water did not and claims to leave an anti-static coating which preserves the screen. It is used by major manufacturers.


  1. I find the LCD monitor generally superior to the tube monitor for viewing web pages and desktop pictures. However, with web pages for some colours and whites I occasionally prefer the tube monitor.

  2. Hey Russ,

    I bought the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Parenting edition today - hysterical!!

    It has:

    - How to Discipline an Imaginary Friend

    - How to Rid a Bedroom of Monsters (Spray water in affected areas, monsters are afraid of water - ha!)

    - How to Tell If Your Child Was Switched at Birth


  3. Cool Wade, I would love to see you post it here or on your blog.


  4. Here is another email I received:

    From. Mr Thomas James.

    Kindest Attention:

    My name is Mr. Thomas James, I am from Portugal. I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer. It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right
    now I have only about a few months to live,according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life sowell, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but mybusiness. Though I am very rich, I was never
    generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for.But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it.

    Now that God has called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as few close
    friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have Distributed money to some
    charity organizations in theU.A.E, Somalia and Malaysia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself any more. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they
    refused and kept the money to themselves.

    Hence, I do not trust them any more, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the
    huge cash deposit of Ten Million United States Dollars ($10,000,000,00) that I have with an Asset Management Company Abroad. I will want you to help me
    collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations.

    N/B : Kindly note that 35% of this funds must go to the tsunami victims,60% to other Charity Organization and 5% for your effort and time.

    I cannot talk with you on the phone due to my health situation, as I am using my Lap Top Computer to communicate with you. You should respond to this e-mail if you are interested in carrying out this assignment on my

    Urgent Reply Needed.

    God be with you.

    Mr. Thomas James

  5. Yet another email received:

    Greetings please join me to work for the lord. I am Reverend Father Smith Adams a catholic priest of the Cathedral Church Rome Italy. I am soliciting for your help to assist us in a search for comfortable properties to buy in your Country for establishment of Churches as I have decided to spread all our funds raised and contributions mainly to the development of charity in Africa, America, Asia and Europe. I need your trust. November last year 2006, we received a donation of US$10Million dollars from a 68 years old wealthy Kuwait business woman a long time breast Cancer patient. She decided to donate these funds to us in order to enhance God’s work and to benefit charity because of her deteriorating condition and her cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage. According to the doctors she won’t live more than 2 months. I need you to collect this fund and distribute it yourself. The funds will be entirely in your hands and management. I hope God gives you the wisdom to touch very many lives that is my main concern.20% of this money will be for your time and efforts, while 80% goes to charity. I found your e-mail address in the web directory, and I have decided to contact you. I will give you more details and position of the funds as soon as I receive your reply. Please I need your urgent reply to enable us carry out this project together for the benefit of charity. Send your reply to me on smithadams50@netscape.net God bless you. Rev.Father Smith Adams.

  6. Wow, satire-and-theology,
    you sure are one trusted dude to get all these rich guys emailing you to help administer their funds. Out of all the email addresses out there, YOU are the ONE.

  7. http://www.samsung.com/my/support/faqs/index.htm#

    How to clean LCD screen? Use only a soft clean cloth and dampen it lightly with water. You may also purchase LCD cleaning solutions that is suitable for anti-static coating. Remember do not use flammable cleaning material as this may damage to your monitor. For more information, please refer to the user manual.

  8. Finally!
    A blog worth reading on forward until the end! :) I really admire the wording in this blog, quite precise to the details but I just might change one or two things, never-the-less, bravo on well choiced words mate.. p.s.>> Thanks for sharing, I actually picked up some knowledge on this one :)
    -Have an amazing day!

  9. 'but I just might change one or two things, never-the-less, bravo on well choiced words mate.'

    Yes, I probably would too, as I have revised MPhil and PhD theses (Wales) again and again and again.

    Thanks very much.

