Thursday, November 01, 2007

Facebook quotes #2 post Halloween edition

(photo from Richard Cross)

Richard's website:

Written Halloween night:

Tonight is Halloween, but I have no costume and have not worn one since I was about 12 years old. Perhaps since I am a muscular 5 foot 10 and 235 pounds and look like a doorman, I am scary enough that I could walk around town with no shirt on, carrying my martial arts work out club, for my 'costume'. After church on some Sundays I play board and video games with friends. As I mentioned in a previous article, they have three very cute little girls and when I tease the children and tell them I am a 'big monster', the oldest very nice little girl, says 'no you are a handsome man', but the middle feisty child agrees that I am a monster...and 'too fat to have a baby'.:)

Tonight, I could also attempt to dress up like some of my friends by shaving the majority of the hair off the top of my head, or I could dress up as one of the Buff twins by covering myself with Crisco and carrying a dumbbell around town. Okay, I am not a huge Halloween fan, but I can see how it could be fun.

I listen to BBC Radio Five radio on the internet occasionally. I have heard two funny comments recently which I shall paraphrase. One concerns fired Tottenham Hotspurs manager Martin Jol. The commentator stated that it was a shame that the stout Jol was fired as it was so close to Christmas and the season to be jolly. Also an older cricket analyst was complaining about one of the representatives of England's cricket team. This older man stated that this player did not smile and always walked around as if he had piles.

I am not a Star Wars fan (but like the movies), but a friend on Facebook asked me to accept the Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith application, and so for a potential satirical laugh, I accepted. My goal was to see if I could rise to the level of Jedi Master with minimal Star Wars knowledge, in other words by deducing the answer to questions. I have succeeded in reaching the level of Jedi Master, which is one level behind the highest level of Grand Master. I also decided to write my own Star Wars question without knowing much about Star Wars, and this was also done for a satirical laugh. The reports/responses to my question provided me with a laugh! Facebook is good for dialoguing with people, but also has a lot of fluff.

Wrong Answers
Which villain has Christopher Lee not played in a film?Jack the RipperSaruman
Count Dooku
Count Dracula

pertinence: this isnt a chirstopher lee trivia game....

pertinence: nothing to do with star wars..

pertinence: This question isn't about star wars, its about an actor from star wars. It'd be like asking what Mark Hammil's favorite type of ketchup is.

pertinence: not really to do with star wars now is it?

pertinence: Really?

pertinence: This questions is about a specific actor's career, not Star Wars at all.

pertinence: nothing to do with Star Wars

pertinence: this question is about his other work.. I personally dont care because I got it right, but just saying for the other people on the book that is face.

pertinence: This is not a Star Wars Question, this is a Christopher Lee question. There is very minimal Star Wars reference here, and the answer requires knowledge outside of Star Wars Trivia.

pertinence: Having one answer be a star wars character does not make this a star wars question


  1. Yes, pretty funny.... Both of us doing a post on quotes......... I had no idea about this post......... :)


  2. With the water trap, I would hope the producers made sure that no little children could potentially end up in the trap. The stunt is funny, but I can understand the potential controversy involved.

    This just arrived to two email addresses...

    Paleisstraat 52514 JA Den Haag, Netherlands.

    Ref.: 01752-546408 Batch: 0476374W08

    Dear E-mail Owner,

    Your email address (deleted), won in our special Lottery held in October 2007. You are formally approved to receive 250 Thousand Euros as prize. Tickets were not sold for this program, therefore Winners were randomly chosen by an automated system, which were drawn from 897 thousand company and individual e-mail addresses.

    Safe-guard your winning data till you receive your money. This is to curb impersonators and undue abuse of this promotional program by criminals.

    You are to either receive it in person (You will get instructions on how-to, when you contact us at the above e-mail) or use service of the below attorney we recommend if you cannot travel due to personal reasons.

    Tony Smit -

    To avoid delays, please remember to quote your Reference and Batch numbers to the attorney. You must act now to receive your money within THREE weeks starting from today. If not, it will be null and void.

    Congratulations once more from our staff members and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

    Note: Under 18yrs is automatically disqualified.

    Best wishes,

    Mr. Samuel Hendry

    You are currently signed up to this newsletter as: (deleted). To unsubscribe, please send a blank email with the subject "unsubscribe" to e-mail.

  3. Wow, who knew Star Wars fans were so intolerant?

  4. Good point.

    I expected a couple of negative comments, but not ten! On the other hand, some Star Wars and Star Trek fans at times appear to be hardcore.


  5. I do not and have never had an account with the Bank of Montreal.
    These messages are false and have been received by email concerning several banks. I have posted several of these letters on this blog. The emails use official bank logos.


    Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the BMO Bank of Montreal Online Service we have issued this warning message.

    As a result of too many incorrect attempts to access and Login failures,

    Please note that Your Bank of Montreal Online Account has been terminated. In order for it to remain active,

    Please use the link below to proceed and restore access to Your Account:

    Restore access to Your Account now!

    Thank You.

    Bank of Montreal Bank.

    Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, BMO Bank of Montreal® will periodically send you information about site changes and enhancements.

    Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions.

    BMO Bank of Montreal Security and Privacy

  6. Laughter is great medicine for the soul. I hope that no one was injured in the water trap, but was that ever funny!
    -Sir Giggles-

  7. Who says Germans don't have a sense of humour?

  8. Hi from Montreal, Canada!

    I got the same e-mail today:

    Paleisstraat 5, 2514 JA Den Haag, Netherlands.

    Ref.: 01752-546408 Batch: 0476374W08

    Dear E-mail Owner,

    Your e-mail address (deleted), won in our special Lottery held in November 2007. You are approved to receive 250 Thousand Euros as prize. Tickets were not sold for this program, therefore lucky e-mails were randomly chosen by an automated system, drawn from 982 thousand company and individual e-mail addresses.

    Safe-guard your winning data till you receive your money. This is to curb impersonators and undue abuse of this promotional program by criminals.

    You are to either receive it in person or use service of the below attorney we recommend if you cannot travel due to geniune reasons.

    Tony Smit -

    To avoid delays, please remember to quote your Reference and Batch numbers to the attorney. You must act now to receive your money within THREE weeks starting from today. If not, it will be null and void.

    Cheers! once more from our staff members and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

    Note: Under 18yrs is automatically disqualified.

    Best wishes,

    Mr. Mark Johnson


    Did you ever claim? hehe

    Signed: Emmanuelle

  9. Dear Emmanuelle from Montreal

    Thanks for the comment and I appreciate new comments and readers. If I claimed all these scams I would be worth millions, and could start my own theological college.;)

    We should tell the scammers to send cheques and forget about our bank account numbers!


    Russ from Greater Vancouver
