Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Elite

Cha Grande, Brazil (

The Elite

A family friend, the same family friend from the Dr. Russell Norman Murray post 'The Battle of Ricky's: Dr. Kingpin and The Demon Chaser' wanted my professional opinion as a theologian and philosopher of religion on this topic. I was given the DVD series to copy to my hard drive within two days and then it was to be returned. It is produced by the The Prophecy Club and The Prophecy The DVD is Lindsey Williams 'The Elite Speak' The CD is Lindsey Williams 'Plans of the Elite'. 

Replacement video as the original link no longer exists. (July 2020)


Mr.Williams states he worked on Alaskan pipeline in the 1970s as a chaplain. He knew two in-charge persons which he calls members of the elite. He claims the elite economically run the world. He states today there is a new agreement between Russia and China with Russia supplying China with energy in an exclusive manner. He therefore reasons Russia and China are basically most important in the world scene for America. 

Mr. Williams then launches into a patriotic presentation on how many American companies now manufacture their products in other countries. He states that the elitists are responsible for this and the resulting US job losses. He reasons this has been a betrayal by the US political elected officials of the American people. He claims China's economy will be 40% larger than the US economy by 2040. He explains the US has more debt than rest of the world combined.

Mr. Williams reasons by 2012 the US dollar will be dead. The elitists have the Devil's Messiah and he ties this into the future antichrist of the Bible. The only way the elitists could make future slaves of the American people was to bring evolution into school, take prayer out of school and to get rid of the Christian God. He states that several counties in the US have ordinances that if there is a single complaint against a church that a church can be shut down. 

Eventually every single church not in compliance with the Devil's Messiah in the United States will be shut down. He suggests that one invest in gold and silver, the currency of the elite. Mr. Williams states that one should pay close attention to the price of oil as the higher that becomes the worse things could be for Americans. The major mortgage crisis will become worse. He suggests that Americans should stay out of debt. With the government bailout the elite will end up owning all commercial and domestic/residential mortgages in the USA. He urges his listeners to trust in Jesus Christ. He appears to be a King James Version only Bible supporter. He explains that the elite are not of any ethnic group as some would expect. 

My comments:

1.Thank you to my friend for providing me with this information. In a sense, knowledge is power.

2. I believe that billionaires that run corporations have very strong influences on economies, governments, and the markets. Is that a world-wide elitist conspiracy? Not sure. Not convinced. 

3. A Russia-China pact and a weakening United States is a potential threat to Western democracy in my opinion. 

4. With all due respect to my much loved American readers, links, followers and friends, the United States in not the only democratic country in the world here that matters but Mr. Williams acts like it is. He offends me a little as a Canadian/British intellectual. But, I do think the United States should protect its jobs and economy and its freedom, but I think other Western countries should as well! 

5. Whether the antichrist is a system only (my pastor's view for example) or a system and a person, which seems quite possible as the man of lawlessness of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, it would seem many of the world's wealthy and powerful would be enlisted by the antichrist. So, in the future the elite, so to speak, of all sorts will follow the antichrist, but so will many of the masses. 

6. Good to see that he is not stating a 'Jewish elite' for example, exists. The elite are not an ethnic group.

7. Concerning the King James Version. There were English versions before it. There are later versions based on possible earlier manuscripts. It is 'a' version. 

8. Good to see the gospel preached.

February 19, 2011 

Yesterday I was trying to clean up a mess from the day before as I had received a near mint book shoved and bent in my mail box by Canada Post, so now only a Fine. Canada Post does not want to take responsibility...we shall see! They want me to go after the sender. I see this as morally unethical and immoral. As I was leaving their parking lot in my vehicle I was rear-ended and now the bumper needs replacing. I was angry for about thirty seconds and then as the red truck approached I greeted the man with a 'Good Afternoon'. He admitted fault. My bumper is destroyed…for the fourth time. Each time I have not been at fault officially. I filed a claim online yesterday. We shall see. My poor ol’ Mom was jolted up a bit, as I was taking her shopping. No, the man in the red truck had nothing to do with the elite.


PMH sent me this, thank you.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Islam and estimated world population growth

Austin, Texas (

January 30, 2011

I came across this article in The Economist from January 27, 2011. I present segments of it in quotations and comment.

the economist

From The Economist

'"The Future of the Global Muslim Population”, produced by the Pew Research Centre, a non-profit outfit based in Washington, DC, reckons Muslim numbers will soar from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030. In other words, from 23.4% to 26.4% of the global total.

At the heart of its analysis is the ongoing effect of a “youth bulge” which peaked in 2000. In 1990 Islam’s share of the world’s youth was 20%; in 2010, 26%. In 2030 it will be 29% (of 15-to-29-year-olds). But the Muslim world is slowly heading towards paunchiness: the median age in Muslim-majority countries was 19 in 1990. It is 24 now, and will be 30 by 2030. (For French, Germans and Japanese the figure is 40 or over.) This suggests Muslim numbers will ultimately stop climbing, but later than the rest of the world population."

The article concerning Europe and North America

'The total Muslim share of Europe’s population is predicted to grow from 6% now to 8% in 2030: hardly the stuff of nightmares. But amid that are some sharp rises. The report assumes Britain has 2.9m Muslims now (far higher than the usual estimates, which suggest 2.4m at most), rising to 5.6m by 2030. As poor migrants start families in Spain and Italy, numbers there will rocket; in France and Germany, where some Muslims are middle-class, rises will be more modest—though from a higher base. Russia’s Muslims will increase to 14.4% or 18.6m, up from 11.7% now (partly because non-Muslims are declining). The report takes a cautious baseline of 2.6m American Muslims in 2010, but predicts the number will surge by 2030 to 6.2m, or 1.7% of the population—about the same size as Jews or Episcopalians. In Canada the Muslim share will surge from 2.8% to 6.6%."

Based on the Pew Research Centre research and forecast in 19 years there will be 2.2. billion Muslims instead of the present (2010) estimated 1.6 billion. The % will go from 23.4 % to 26.4% in their estimation.

However, in the next 19 years that will still have the world at basically/approximately the 25% mark with Muslims. This is just one study, but it seems things will be much the same over the next twenty years in regard to Muslim world numbers.

Therefore, from this study I cannot deduce that the increase in numbers will have Islam substantially cause cultural change in the West within the next twenty years.

Concerning Europe and North America

'The total Muslim share of Europe’s population is predicted to grow from 6% now to 8% in 2030: hardly the stuff of nightmares.'

If this is accurate, I would tend to agree. With over 5.5 million Muslims in the UK estimated by 2030, those are high numbers. The study claims numbers will rise in Spain and Italy and interestingly the rises are predicted to be modest in France and Germany, although 10% Muslims in France by 2030 would be quite substantial but still nowhere near a majority of the population. There would be over 7+% forecast for Germany, a significant minority. Russia is still a non-Western country and is mostly in Asia and so in a sense a different issue. With less than 2% of Americans being Muslim in 2030 that is obviously a small minority. In Canada the rise from 2.8% to 6.6% seems fairly substantial. Back to Europe and the graphic...Sweden? Interesting, those are large numbers predicted.

The question is asked at the end of the article how liberal democracies will respond to the challenge.

It states that the USA has its constitution which may protect it better than many European countries.

I ponder on which trend is more likely in certain European countries with no specific timeline.

1. The Muslim minority tend to become Westernized, and support the Western democratic system, and radical political and religious persons within Islam are not able to cause significant movements toward Islamic (Shari'a) law that are a threat to democracy.

2. The Muslim minority tend to become Westernized, and many support the Western democratic system, but radical political and religious persons within Islam cause significant movements toward Islamic (Shari'a) law that are a threat to democracy.

Aberystwyth, Wales


Admittedly I am a moderate conservative and I for example, do not generally think tattoos look good on women. No moral judgment, but a strong preference, especially against large ones. But this Facebook ad showed up today (January 30, 2011) on the right side of my Facebook page as a young lady was trying to message me. She (not the woman in the ad) is a Facebook friend that I may have met online during my former Facebook dating application days.

Now why does this 'Christian Girl' have dyed orange hair and piercings of the nose and lip? The typical single Christian male is probably going to look for someone a bit more conservative looking. But no moral judgment of the young lady. There are sincere true Christians with tattoos and piercings. But that is not the main point of this second section of my post.

This ad was not a work of a marketing genius.

Perhaps the next ad should feature a 'Christian Goth Girl'.

I am not trying to provide any links.

Want a Christian Girl?

Experience the relationship that was indeed set forth by the Lord-Search Christian Mingle for free now!