Thursday, October 08, 2015

Unsolicited Textbooks: So Is Someone Sending Me A Message?

Apologies for the sound quality which is somewhat distorted. I turned the system volume down but I still needed to be too close to the camera microphone in order to open the book wrapping. Also, although the Wonder Share text size varies with the videos, it is too large here...

Therefore I provide the original Microsoft version as well.

So, is someone sending me a message?



  1. Hello my new friend! How are you? May I propose you my acquaintance?
    I got your e-mail in my junk box today and I decided to reply.
    Maybe you are lonely as well as me and want to change it soon.
    Few words about me: my name Svetlana, I live in Canada, in Toronto.
    I am a nice lady with good education and a background.
    I am 30 years old and my life seem to be right, I only miss my right man
    to share it together!
    i am waiting for simple woman`s happiness:
    cosy home, good man, happy family. I want to
    meet serious man with family values,
    strong spirit and kind heart. I am tired of fake people, so if you look for entertainment
    or casual relations you do not need to reply back. But if you are ready to create a
    nice strong family based on mutural love and respect-welcome to write me back!
    Baybe this message will change things for both of us. Let`s see!
    I am waiting for your reply! Have a great day!

  2. Hello my new friend! How are you? May I propose you my acquaintance?
    I got your e-mail in my junk box today and I decided to reply.
    Maybe you are lonely as well as me and want to change it soon.
    Few words about me: my name Svetlana, I live in Canada, in Toronto.
    I am a nice lady with good education and a background.
    I am 30 years old and my life seem to be right, I only miss my right man
    to share it together!
    i am waiting for simple woman`s happiness:
    cosy home, good man, happy family. I want to
    meet serious man with family values,
    strong spirit and kind heart. I am tired of fake people, so if you look for entertainment
    or casual relations you do not need to reply back. But if you are ready to create a
    nice strong family based on mutural love and respect-welcome to write me back!
    Baybe this message will change things for both of us. Let`s see!
    I am waiting for your reply! Have a great day!

  3. More clues I am pretty clueless on how many page views I actually receive and from whom.

    On my Facebook blog page, I recently have many KS views, as in State, US State, and not one page view from KS has been tagged on Stat Counter, Site Meter or Hi Stats.

    Hard to believe someone would look on my Facebook blog page and then click on none of the Blogger links.

    Again my Norwegian friend states she was on my Satire blog, but once again no Norway views.

    It makes it easy for stalkers...

  4. The Facebook Blog page is not that good either, missing the locale of a recent 'Like'.

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  7. If you were frankful instead of thankful, you would be like my newest colleague, Fraaank.

  8. Justification Shows Us The Way

    In my teaching days students would calculate my rambling quotient. That’s not how I saw it, I thought I was showing them how what we were talking about resembled something earlier or later in church history. But I did once get this startling question: “what century are we talking about?” There always is a bigger picture but we need to be sure we talk about right now.

  9. That’s why I keep harping on why we need application to life in the sermons we hear and preach. We all need to keep thinking about what difference it makes that “now I belong to Jesus .” That’s more obvious when it involves “personal” things, like how you deal with those lonely feelings or the frustrations when nothing goes according to plan. But is knowing the gospel of any help when things like racism and poverty are the issues?

  10. Our history is discouraging, isn’t it? The gospel and slavery—those Bible-believing folks who wouldn’t look at the Bible’s own rules on slavery, and then those who turned Unitarian when the evangelical way didn’t seem to give any help. Fundamentalism told us that Jesus would bring about great social change but only after we’re raptured out of here. Liberalism had its social gospel, so comprehensive that it left no room for Christ’s atonement or resurrection. Abraham Kuyper brought an urban cosmopolitan world view, attractive to those post-Christians too—but is “common grace” biblical?

  11. Can we ever do better? Is a minimal gospel enough for now? All those millennials abandoning us, why can’t they be content with what we think is good enough? But right now the Lord shows us the way ahead! I find so much hope as I learn how Mark Gornik did it in Sandtown in Baltimore, summarized by theologian Miroslav Volf in Tim Keller’s Generous Justice, p. 106: Your dignity is shattered and your soul is enveloped in the darkness of despair. But the gospel tells you that you are not defined by outside forces. It tells you that you count, even more, that you are loved unconditionally and infinitely, irrespective of anything you have achieved or failed to achieve. Imagine now this gospel not simply proclaimed but embodied in a community.

  12. I’m with Volf, did you ever imagine that this could be what justification by faith alone is really about? That what we almost take for granted, old reliable justification, can be the cutting-edge we need so much for our lives ahead? That faith alone by Christ alone makes this so clear to us: that when I have to choose between going up even higher on the middle-class ladder of “success” or of caring for needy people around me, since my identity is totally in and around the reality that Jesus loves me, I’m able now to choose caring as my real calling! Who would have thunk that one? Could it be that Christ alone and my total identity, without needing social and economic embellishments, are the same thing?

  13. Yes, the Reformation and the Renaissance did come along at the same time, Calvinism and Capitalism together. Work hard, save money, grow the business—that could fit your godly calling, couldn’t it? But what comes next, giving your life for more of the same? Should that turn out this way: now I can take good care of myself—so I still love Jesus but don’t much need him? NO, right now we’ve been turning a big corner and we’re not ever going back to that old slough of dark and dank confusion.

  14. It’s clear when we finally see it: which one is truly real, being loved by the Lord so much that he gave up his Beloved Son for me, or living in the world where I try to prove how really lovable I am by being superior to other people? By believing that the color of my skin proves my superior character or intelligence, or knowing that the Lord especially loves losers?

  15. In theory or on paper, it’s not hard to see. But in real life it’s so hard. Those Pharisees must have been great neighbors, no junk on the lawn, no wild parties in the middle of the night, really religious. But they enjoyed being themselves so much that they left no room for worshipping Jesus. Is God God or am I? That’s the most basic question of all and the hardest.

  16. Racism is terrible, despising poor people is too. Knowing that is a good thing, but a lot easier than knowing the answer. But now we know, so much better than ever before. Thank you Lord for allowing our world to become so evil that it gets our attention. Thank you Mark Gornik, Miroslav Volf and Tim Keller, for showing us how enormous is your blessing in our justification, teaching us so much humility that we now begin to see what we can do. Thank you, my brothers and sisters in the PCA, for leading us in heart-felt repentance for our racism. Thank you most of all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for showing us the heart of God himself, and for giving up your life for us to change our own hearts.

    D. Clair Davis

  17. Perhaps tҺe best one is to loѕe weight quickly and safely.

  18. “A difference of taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.”

    -George Eliot, Daniel Deronda

  19. “There is a perfect rout of characters in every man-and every man is like an actor’s trunk, full of strange creatures, new & old. But an actor and his trunk are two different things.”

    -Wallace Stevens, Wallace Stevens: A Mythology of Self

  20. Chocolate Chip Cookies and Children's Church

    During our church's worship service, the pastor invites all the young children to join him near the altar for the "Children's Moments Sermon."

    One day, with seven small children in attendance, he spoke about the ingredients required to make up a church, using a chocolate-chip cookie as an example.

    He explained to the children that, as with a cookie requiring ingredients such as sugar and eggs, the church needed ingredients to make up the congregation.

    Holding a cookie aloft, he asked, "If I took the chocolate chips out of this cookie, what would I have?"

    A shy six-year-old raised his hand. "Six less grams of fat," he replied.

    …..Doc’s Daily Chuckle ( by way of “Christian Voices” (
