Sunday, December 06, 2015

Birthday Chuck: Tom Jones Commentary

Maple Ridge about two years ago exactly, on a local walk

Tom Jones, The Star, April 2015

Trish Crawford author


'Tom Jones — The Life, beyond the knickers, open shirts and gold chains'

'Tom Jones, the singer known for his exposed chest, swivel hips, sexual escapades and deep, strong voice, has always wanted to be respected as an artist, according to a new biography.'

End Cited

Here was have (satirically) a possible Biblical connection with the fine singer, Mr. Tom Jones.

Perhaps Tom Jones' chest hair made him 'like Samson' in regards to his Delilah?



  1. I just turned down a Facebook request from an early 20s something from Dallas, Texas. Her profile photo has her tied to a bed and many of her photos are semi-nude.

    All of her Facebook friends are male...

    As my basically secular colleague stated the other has to have much more in common with a woman than just sex.

    But a few on Facebook and Google+ think this is enough. And money is often a motivator.

  2. “The constant remaking of order out of chaos is what life is all about, even in the simplest domestic chores such as clearing the table and washing the dishes after a meal…but when it comes to the inner world, the world of feeling and thinking, many people leave the dishes unwashed for weeks so no wonder they feel ill and exhausted.”

    -May Sarton, Recovering

  3. (Note: I am not against hiring those that are ESL or immigrants but reason employees should have common sense. To not hire persons with common sense is a sign, in my opinion, of corporate cost cutting as the wages can be kept lower for some that can also be more easily manipulated).
    I am in my suit checking the back doors to the office building making sure they are all locked.
    Janitor: Door not locked.
    Me: I just checked it, it is locked.
    Janitor: Not locked (and he pushes the panic bar. on the inside).
    Me: No, it is supposed to do that, we do not lock people in, in case of fire (emergency).
    Janitor: Hahahahah (Joker type laugh).
    (Note: This man is several years older that I, and could very well have many years of office building janitorial experience).

  4. Fat middle aged guys checking out the younger women...

    I don't claim a beach body, but at least I work out a lot and have muscle.

  5. George Wallace on Church

    Freaks everywhere. I went to a church in Chicago. Church had six Commandments and four do-the-best-you-cans.

  6. George Wallace on The Clapper

    What lazy SOB invented the Clapper? What do I have to invent so I don’t have to get off my lazy butt and go over and flip that light switch. My father had a Clapper 30 years ago—me.

  7. Why is there a Bible in the Courtroom? Isn't that why we're here in the first place? Somebody is lying.

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  8. My girlfriend likes to play doctor. So I always make her wait 90 minutes before I see her.

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  9. People don't let politicians kiss your babies. Those lips have been on lobbyist asses for years now.

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  10. Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  11. My mother could say some stupid things. I do something wrong, she'd say things that didn't even make sense. "You go to your room and you stay there until you know how to act." I'm in my room for three hours. "To be or not to be, that is the question."

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  12. I swear some days I think I owe my toilet an apology.

    Give it 1/5
    Give it 2/5
    Give it 3/5
    Give it 4/5
    Give it 5/5
    — George Wallace

  13. As do some people @ work...

    Business should be done @ home.

  14. George Wallace embraces status as 'most successful comedian in America'

  15. Legendary comedian George Wallace thinks white people do the stupidest things.

  16. I love the concept of togetherness and the entwinement of marriage.
    William Shatner

