Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Canada + US States: Fat chance I think it is hypothetically reasonably possible these states and provinces may one day, in the distant future, be part of one sovereign entity. But, I would say, fat chance in hell, it will be Canada.

Thank you to Saint Chucklins for posting on Facebook. I am not certain how serious this cited article is supposed to be, but I treat it semi-satirically in this entry. November 12


'Canadians invite California, Oregon and Washington to join Canada'


'Canadians are inviting people in the United States Pacific coastal states of California, Oregon and Washington, where United States President-elect Donald Trump lost heavily to his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, to secede from the US and join Canada.'


'“Now is the time for Canada to prepare to add 3 provinces, Washington, Oregon and California,” fellow British Columbian Craig Heber from Tofino shared the sentiment. “Guaranteed means to grow economy would be adding the sixth largest economy in the world to ours.” Some extended the invitation to Nevada, also won by the Democratic candidate.'

Canada would still be the little brother is such a political arrangement. California has a larger population than Canada. California has a larger economy than Canada. No political change in sovereignty is likely at this point in history, but if it occurred, I can see new independent or semi-independent American states developing with closer ties internally, historically, culturally, economically to each other than to Canada.


'“These days I love daydreaming about Washington, Oregon, and California all ceding from the US and joining Canada,” Scott Dixon of Mercer Island, Washington, posted on Facebook. “Besides that this would form a country that had one of the largest economies in the world (California is #6, Canada is #8 by GDP), it certainly seems like the American West coast has more in common with British Columbia then it does Idaho, Utah, and Arizona (In my daydream Nevada also cedes but becomes it’s own mad-max themed nation-state).”'

America has more in common with America, than Canada, on most levels. I just mentioned historical, cultural and political. The Democratic party in the United States, is probably more to the right politically than the Canadian conservative party; look at the more interventionist American foreign policy for example, with either the Democratic or Republican party. Canada, in comparison, does not have a particularly large military that is a major force in the world. I would like to see it significantly larger for defensive purposes only, but that is another entry.

These States would still be more religious and Christian, at least, than almost every area of Canada.


 'A merger with the Pacific states would more than double Canada’s population from 35 million to 83 million, while tripling the GDP from US$ 1.5 trillion to US$ 4.5 trillion.'

Pipe dream. And we know what many people in the Western United States and Canada smoke today.
What major benefit would these American states receive from merger under the umbrella of a junior partner, called Canada? This makes little sense. This would sort of be like the United Kingdom ending and England joining Scotland under the umbrella of a Scottish republic.

From a Canadian perspective, for example, although greater access to markets such as California would be significant, I doubt Canadians would prefer to significantly be federally politically and economically ruled by Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay areas of California.