Sunday, December 18, 2016

Snowed In Sunday: May have to reconsider no winter tires philosophy

Paraphrased conversations from a Christmas party Friday night in snowy Vancouver 

Preparing for the post-party drive home:

Ms. CIA: 'Yea you guys are like way older than me.'

Me: 'Yea, well you can introduce us to some younger women....'

JAMES of Saint Chuckles, basically chauffeuring our CIA friend and myself to and from our homes, on both sides of the Fraser River. Funny, how Ms. CIA is one of my good friends now, being as I am so much older than her. I thought according to many in society and some in the church, we were not supposed to relate. Or is it more about having a common worldview?

Same party:

A quite well-spoken man was stating that religions, including Christianity, in today's western culture with many people suffering psychologically, need to through ministry relate to people in a loving caring way. Each person on a specialized individual basis. I agreed, that in the sense, ministry must be tailored to each and every person as an individual.

But I pointed out that the gospel and Jesus Christ (John 3;16, John 14: 6) claims to be the objective solution in an overall sense to human sin and suffering. The gospel has an exclusivity to it provided by the person and ministry of Christ, as God and perfect man, and his atoning work, resurrection work is applied to believers. This leads to an eventual culminated Kingdom of God.