Friday, March 08, 2019


Web trolls are blocked on my Facebook account and Page. As my Russell Norman Murray, PhD Page remains public, any troll comments, including those from blocked persons, will be deleted.
And for anyone that pays attention, he/she will realize that with laptop and mobile versions, almost always available, comments will be deleted quickly.

It is reasonable to have a different worldview (s) on spirituality, religion and philosophy without trolling. My friend Russell in England is an example of this in regard to my writing and his, and how we interact on each other's websites with respect.

Web troll comments will be deleted on my Blogger websites.


  1. Thanks for the generous words. We both of us cite the Golden Rule. For me, as I suspect you, it is something I try to live by. "Don't do to another something you wouldn't like done to you." I wouldn't like to be poor, murdered, burgled, have items stolen from me.Respect for others falls into that wise saying. To respect yourself you have to respect others for them to respect you. Without respecting others you obviously don't respect yourself. I think Web Trolls fall into the latter catergory.
