Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Blunt honesty: Special discount?

Vintage American Home
Today, I was chauffeuring a person that wanted to purchase a new desk chair at Staples.

This person was interested in the floor model which both this person and myself tested. It was quite comfortable.

The kindly Staples person stated (paraphrased):

Two reasons we will not sell you the floor model, although you can make a request via management...

1) He might have damaged the chair when he used the crane to move it into the store.

2) People have farted in the chair.

I appreciated the honesty and assistance, but thoughts came to mind of visiting a high-end antiques store or auction house, perhaps in Europe or in a major city in North America, and asking for a discount on an antique chair because decades of people have farted on it. and in it....

Special note attached with price tag: This antique chair has been farted on for decades (centuries, when required)

The identical chair, boxed, was purchased.

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