Friday, October 04, 2019

Is red meat good for you? (Thanks, Chuck)

My dietitian, that is a vegetarian, admitted very recently (paraphrased) via email newsletter, that as science progresses, contradictory data will be in existence in regards to the positives and negatives of certain foods, including concerning red meat. She wrote that it might be fine to have a weekly steak. Well-stated.

Personally, I have found that increasing water intake (Perrier in my case), significantly decreasing sugar intake and maintaining a high fibre diet, is quite helpful for the health. Basically, I mainly leave significant sugar and junk food intake for social eating at restaurants and for social invites. These events are rare compared to eating at home. But, still, we all die in this realm, eventually (Genesis 1-3). I will keep looking like a 'kingpin' and not a beach model.

Chuckles may have at least three secret motives for sharing this article on Facebook:

1. Chuck hopes that the bizarre eschatological bible study from the 1990's, is still in existence and that he therefore has an excuse to hang out at that Vancouver, Burger King. At the Burger King he hopes to secretly listen into strange theories and conspiracies while chomping on burgers. He may sneak A&W food into Burger King to do so...

2. Chucky hopes that continued intake of red meat will assist in his stylish dome staying red in the spring/summer and that he can further maintain his nickname of the Red Skull. Sunscreen? Who needs it? Dummkopf, do not question Skull! 

3. Chuckles hopes that people keep buying red meat, so he can deliver it...

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