Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday Bullets: Glowed better than bowled

New shirt @bowling. I glowed better than bowled...
• Once again, I have been informed that I look like an Italian gangster. My adoption papers state Irish-Swedish-Italian, paternal side.

• I have been enjoying dealing with more Koine, New Testament Greek on my first Blogger website, my academic blog: Dr RNM

• The vast similarities within the Greek manuscripts support and verify a consistent biblical and New Testament theology. The inspired, inerrant original autographs are adequately and reasonably copied. The relatively few differences, assumed by scholarship to be scribal errors and scribal edits that perhaps exist for biblical and theological harmonization, discount a fundamentalist theology of inspired, inerrant, copying.

• For me, God does not typically work in this realm with such things as 'supernatural force fields' protecting the original biblical and New Testament autographs from physical decay, and eliminating the need for copying of original documents. The manuscripts as are make sense in this present, empirical reality; at the same time the New Testament, gospel message is accurately presented.

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