Sunday, June 21, 2020

Epigraph: An alternative

The cited article is satire. 


Rather than replacing a statue, in general, I would prefer that a statue would have a written explanation, an epigraph, which would provide an attempt at an objective, historical account in regards to the subject (s) of the statue.  

But this approach requires cooler heads, more interested in truth than the reactionary, political agenda of the day. By the way, eras from now, some of our present western views may be exposed as less than good, by many. Certainly, in the culminated Kingdom of God (Revelation 20-22) this realm and world system will be condemned as being infected with problems of evil.

Theologically, keeping past statutes and allowing the public presentation of past worldviews, formerly embraced by a society, or at least, aspects of a society, demonstrates that humanity is less than perfect. I acknowledge there have been improvements in our world from previous eras in many ways. But, apart from the religious history, such as within Genesis in the Hebrew Bible, prior to the fall, humanity has been imperfect by nature in every era. History documents this as fact, despite human evolution and progress (non-Darwinian, in my view).

Humanity is universally corrupted through sin, and there has been a fall of humanity (Genesis 1-3, Romans 1-3) which greatly damages, God to human relationship and fellowship and human to human relationship and fellowship. There obviously exists racism and other human to human evils. Presently we have imperfect, tainted people and imperfect, tainted, human philosophy, theology, politics and worldview. According to scriptural revelation, this can only be ultimately fixed through the atoning and resurrection work of God incarnate, Jesus Christ, applied to persons (1 Corinthians 15).

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