Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Radical Canadian liberal Christianity: a price to pay

Victoria, BC (photo from

Chucky and I had lunch with one of our pastors from church on Sunday. We all basically agreed that the Canadian government, Canadian culture, and radical liberal Christianity has given in to secular non-Christian perspectives on many issues such as same-sex marriage. We also agreed that Biblical Christianity would likely face greater persecution in the Lower Mainland in the future. I stated that in the future I would rather be in a house church where Biblical theology is taught than to share a church with extreme liberals who just flatly refuse to submit to Biblical teaching in many essential areas. I will not be a member of a church with a group of persons that deny Biblical essentials and are basically attempting to mould God into a 21st Century human image rather than submitting to God as is revealed in historical Scripture. Please note, I do realize that there are moderate Christian liberals that hold to many Biblical essentials.

Human made religion on its own cannot please God. Paul notes that no one is righteous in Romans 3: 10 and that no one seeks God in Romans 3: 11, that all fall short of the glory of God in sin in Romans 3: 23. In Romans 6: 23, Paul explains that the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is everlasting life in Christ. The final place for those outside of Christ is noted as providing everlasting punishment for the devil, the beast and false prophet in Revelation 20: 10. The beast and false prophet are very likely human beings, and other persons outside of Christ will be thrown into the lake of fire as it states in verse 20: 15. Sin is against an eternal God and required the God-man Christ to die for it. In the atoning work he expiated sin, as in covering it, and provided a propitiation for sin as in appeasing God's anger against sin.

From a Reformed perspective, since human beings cannot atone for their own sins, punishment must continue forever as sin is never paid for and never will be paid for outside of Christ. Expiation is the idea that Christ’s atoning death covers sin in believers and cleanses followers from corruption, according to Erickson. Erickson (1994: 811). J.S. Whale writes that expiation means God himself purges or covers human sin. Whale (1958: 81). Propitiation is found in Romans 3: 25 and James Strong explains that the word under review, hilasterion, is defined as an expiatory place or thing, an ‘atoning victim’ along with ‘mercyseat’ and ‘propitiation'. Strong (1986: 48). In John 2: 2 and 4:10 propitiation is defined in the same way. Strong (1986: 48). Some within both liberal and conservative Christianity attempt to deny propitiation, but the Greek text allows it as a strong possibility. Walter Bauer writes that the meaning in Romans 3: 25 is uncertain and could be either expiates or propitiates. Bauer (1979: 375). Even if propitiation is denied as an aspect of atonement, which I see no Biblical or theological need for, it would not change the concept of everlasting punishment in the New Testament. Jesus was of course known for discussing hell in Matthew 5: 29, for example. In Matthew 10: 28, Jesus mentions that persons should fear God that can destroy both the soul and body in hell. In Matthew 18: 8, Jesus describes this as everlasting fire. Does destroy in Matthew 10 necessarily mean annihilation, or is it describing a destruction of meaningful life due to punishment? Strong defines destroy in 10: 28 as apollumi meaning to destroy fully, perish, or lose in a literal or figurative sense, destroy lose, mar, and perish. Strong (1986: 16). R.T. France mentions that the exact form of the Greek word here apolesai carries a meaning of loss and ruin as well as literal destruction and annihilation, and so annihilation is not necessarily to be favoured here over everlasting punishment as the view of Jesus. France (2001:186).

Any organization can call itself religious and Christian, but obedience to Christ and his New Testament message is crucial. We are saved by grace through faith, and not works, although true Christianity should lead to works (Ephesians 2: 8-10). It is God through Christ that saves and human religion that claims Christ and yet denies the gospel message in disobedience is doomed. I do not state this in arrogance but simply point out the Biblical reality. Since human beings are sinful, corrupted, and not perfectly good, an organization should not expect its radical liberal attempts at religion to impress God in order that he provide its followers with everlasting life.

ERICKSON, MILLARD (1994) Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, Baker Book House.

FRANCE, R.T. (2001) Matthew, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans.

STRONG, J. (1986) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Pickering, Ontario, Welch Publishing Company.

WHALE, J.S. (1958) Christian Doctrine, Glasgow, Fontana Books.

Satirical cartoons:


  1. In reading your blog today I am again taught the meaning of words such as propitiation, expiation, and Jesus explanation of 'hell' being the lake of fire, a place of everlasting punishment.

    Copying your words:
    "I stated that in the future I would rather be in a house church where Biblical theology is taught than to share a church with extreme liberals who just flatly refuse to submit to Biblical teaching in many essential areas. I will not be a member of a church with a group of persons that deny Biblical essentials and are basically attempting to mould God into a 21st Century human image rather than submitting to God as is revealed in historical Scripture. Please note, I do realize that there are moderate Christian liberals that hold to many Biblical essentials."

    I am thankful to now be able to read the blog of one who has always strived to know what is "true" and has diligently searched for the answers. Christianity is not to always be living in the comfort zone, but it is having faith in our one true God, and living and doing as he wills, and as written in the true word, the Bible. So if we believe the Bible is the true word of God, then how can we accept the secular non-Christian perspectives you speak of. The truth is not being always 'comfortable' but it is 'truth.' That cannot be changed.

    I am sorry I have not commented for a number of weeks, but I will attempt to again follow your blogs as I do learn from them. God bless you in your work.

  2. Christianity is not to always be living in the comfort zone, but it is having faith in our one true God, and living and doing as he wills, and as written in the true word, the Bible. So if we believe the Bible is the true word of God, then how can we accept the secular non-Christian perspectives you speak of. The truth is not being always 'comfortable' but it is 'truth.'

    Thank you, and very good points.

    It is troubling that certain groups and persons claim Christ and yet deny what he and his chosen apostles stated concerning the gospel and related theology.

  3. In your description and cartoon of people who are so flimsy in what they believe, I thought of Bunyan's Talkative. I remember it being pointed out (I think it may have been by Alexander White) that if we all were more like Christian in character and in how we treated amoral Christians, there would not be nearly so many flimsy Christians. They would back out unless they were actually serious.

    At the same time, however, there are a lot of self-righteous Christians who seem to think that either they're earning their salvation, or God is favoring them because of their righteousness.

    Even looking at your first cartoon, I could imagine another cartoon that would show God biting at His nails because He wants so badly to be our God. Unfortunately, that seems to be a commonly thought doctrine that we can accept God. I honestly don't think there's any way we can resist God's grace if He has chosen you.

  4. Thanks, Abbey.

    They would back out unless they were actually serious.

    At the same time, however, there are a lot of self-righteous Christians who seem to think that either they're earning their salvation, or God is favoring them because of their righteousness.

    There are seemingly plenty of both nominal Christians and the self-righteous types. You make a good point concerning the opinion of some that God is favouring them in their self-righteousness. I find these people often quite annoying.

    Unfortunately, that seems to be a commonly thought doctrine that we can accept God. I honestly don't think there's any way we can resist God's grace if He has chosen you.

    I agree, and that is a key to both Biblical and Reformed doctrines concerning salvation and the ability to do works for God as a Christian.


  5. The "Church" is a product of the New Testament. These first believers including Jesus believed in the Old Testament despite what cultural trends of beliefs flowed through the societies that existed at the time of the NT's writing. This means that early Christians held to the theology and teachings that some Christians today are trying to deny, ignore, or speak against. How is it that Christians who profess Christ are disobeying the very words and teachings that Jesus endorsed and taught??
    -Signs of the Times-

  6. These first believers including Jesus believed in the Old Testament despite what cultural trends of beliefs flowed through the societies that existed at the time of the NT's writing.

    Modern Christians should follow Biblical beliefs despite cultural trends as well.


  7. Thanks, Jeff. I have used it on thekingpin68 blog previously.

  8. Hey, anybody want some coffee?

    Don't forget to click on 'OPEN'!!!


  9. A couple of unlikely supporters of Satire & Theology...

    Disclaimer: I don't know Portuguese.

  10. Sir Charles Nelson Chucklins,

    1. I don't like tattoos, especially on women.

    2. That guy is pretty scary.

