Wednesday, October 06, 2010

How to blow-up your blog: Writing that online diary

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming (

This reminds me of Western films from when I was a little boy.

In November, 2008, I wrote an article entitled: How to blow-up your blog without thinking too much. Please consider this post a follow-up. If one is already very, very, well-known in the field he or she blog about perhaps he or she can get away with more and play by some different rules, I suppose. However, most bloggers are not.

1. I do not want to come across here at all as a blogging know-it-all, or a know-it-all in any way. But, I wish to share some of my blogging philosophy...once again.

2. I have been blogging with this blog, satire and theology since 2006, and according to Blogger statistics I am averaging 10, 000 page views per month. I have been blogging with thekingpin68 since 2004, seriously since 2006, and receive about 5, 000-6, 000 page views per month. So, I am a moderately successful blogger with about 15, 000 page views per month, which is still much better than most bloggers do, and so I think I do have some at least fairly important things to state.

3. A right thing I have done is to concentrate on reciprocal blog linking which has helped promote my blogs online. Also very importantly some of my articles, especially with my more academic blog, thekingpin68, are being linked online.

4. A mistake I have made, and I have recently noted this on Facebook, was to basically ignore Google/Blogger followers for six years. With the rise of Twitter, which I have no interest in, and Facebook/Networked Blogs followers which I have worked on, I should have paid more attention to it. Now, as a result with my blogs I have a good amount of Facebook followers on both blogs but only have a decent amount of Google/Blogger followers due to my recent push. For me, I am online enough and Twitter is extra work I do not want or need.

I missed the opportunity for years to visually display my followers with two applications on my blogs, which others were doing, but I basically ignored the marketing possibilities. Yes, an impressive amount of reciprocal links looks good but images of followers for both Facebook and Google/Blogger adds public credibility.

This public credibility does not make my blogs good or right, but means people care about them. If others see this they are more likely to pay attention and see how and where God has guided my work to be good and right, by God's grace.

5. Some may state that I should not be concerned with these things and just share the gospel and related. I do not agree. I should desire to present the gospel, Biblical Studies, theology, philosophy of religion and related as effectively as possible with my talent and skill God has given me. Blog image is not near as important as blog content, not even close, but presenting my blogs as readable and worthwhile by others through links and followers is an important marketing tool. A person comes on my blog and thinks....people care about this blog.

Marketing is so important.

6. Marketing is a reason I always desire to have comments, because '0' comments does not look good. But, more importantly, I am not interested in writing an online diary and really appreciate the public interaction. It makes blogging far more educational and fun for myself and readers. I have so much to learn and my commenters assist.

7. I still reason some Christian and non-Christian bloggers are hurting their own cause and working toward blowing-up their blogs and basically writing an online diary. They are too strict in their overall blogging approach.

8. Many bloggers are too strict concerning comments. Ever wonder why I allow and even encourage off-topic comments? Because I want readers to feel welcome and at home and I hope therefore they will return and contribute more to my work. If I refuse to publish a comment because it is off-topic, I quite likely will never hear from that person again. More bloggers should be much more appreciative for any respectful comments at all. Fine, if ones does not want to publish SPAM, do not, and of course feel free not to publish disrespectful comments, comments from trolls etc.

But one should not be offended and block or delete comments that the blogger does not like in some personal, narrow sense.

9. Do not expect commenters to be as interested in your material as you, the blogger, are. People are busy and accept a respectful comment on your work. Do not make yourself the overly judgmental spiritual/intellectual judge of comments. I am turned off by bloggers that will not publish my kind comment where I state little and promote my blogs. If you are kind to me, I will quite likely read more of your blog and comment more, but if you disrespect me and deem my respectful comment unacceptable, you have likely lost a contact. And I reason many other contacts will see it in a similar way if his or her comment is blocked or deleted. Also, do not expect others to necessarily read all your rules of engagement for comments before commenting. Many people will not. With strict bloggers this may lead to the comment being blocked or deleted and a lost contact.


'But I stubbornly got my righteous way!'

So, many Christian bloggers do this and I think it is destructive for building a blog.

10. In the same way, bloggers should attempt to reply to most comments. When this is reasonable. Remember you must try to network unless you want that online diary. Networking means that you are not going to easily and necessarily find a bunch of clones that think and act just like you, so loosen up a bit, chill out. Do not look at your blog as a power trip but as a chance to network with others, to share with other Christians and non-Christians.

11. I have a PhD in Theology (Philosophical Theology), and Philosophy of Religion. From a marketing perspective, years ago, I decided that with my thekingpin68 blog, if I presented it like an online academic journal I would have difficulty gaining readers. So, I kept it at the same high academic level but added photos and humour. I reasoned the more effective academic approach was not to market it as an academic journal but market it like an academic lecture in a classroom of young people that wanted to learn at the highest level while at the same time being entertained.

This blog, satire and theology is a more readable version if thekingpin68, but the philosophy presented is the same.

12. Being open to others does not mean one must weaken his or her theological stances. My moderately conservative Reformed views have grown not only through six years of public blogging with many that are non-Reformed, but also through MPhil and PhD degrees at Wales which is secular and moderately liberal.

My PhD topics were theodicy, the problem of evil, atheism, liberal Christianity and free will and determinism and my Reformed, Biblical philosophy and faith has grown. These views have been shared on my blogs. My views have been challenged severely especially with the PhD and MPhil degrees. God has guided me.

I truly believe many Christian bloggers have fear of being theologically challenged and therefore often avoid dealing with those of other views. I am meaning in practical and not just philosophical terms, bloggers can feel threatened. Now, I am not stating one should look for trouble, or get in endless debates. These can become tiring and a waste of time. I am simply suggesting one be an open-minded blogger.

Mark 12:28-40 (New American Standard Bible)

28(A)One of the scribes came and heard them arguing, and (B)recognizing that He had answered them well, asked Him, "What commandment is the foremost of all?"

29Jesus answered, "The foremost is, '(C)HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD;


31"The second is this, '(E)YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

32The scribe said to Him, "Right, Teacher; You have truly stated that (F)HE IS ONE, AND THERE IS NO ONE ELSE BESIDES HIM;


34When Jesus saw that he had answered intelligently, He said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." (I)After that, no one would venture to ask Him any more questions.

See also Luke 10...

Autumn...yes deleted from previous post and added here. I placed new comedy material in previous post.


  1. Good advice! Appreciate your comments.

  2. And I appreciate your comment, Greg.
    I am glad we can blog together.

    Do you want to Google/Blogger follow each other?

  3. Great advice! Twitter and Facebook are free and simple ways to connect blogs to readers.

  4. Thanks, David.

    I agree. I have found Facebook useful and realize that Twitter can be useful for promotion and news.

  5. Ok, I think (I hope) that both of my blogs are following both of yours now via Google/Blogger.

    Thanks again for sharing the practical ideas about blogging! I have only been at this a year and just now contemplating what I would like mine to be more long term.

    ¡Un abrazote!(a big hug)

    P.S. Is that Pitman guy spying on me?

  6. 'Ok, I think (I hope) that both of my blogs are following both of yours now via Google/Blogger.'

    We are. Not so simple with both Facebook/Networked Blog followers and Google/Blogger followers, is it?;)

    I would support a merger.

    'Thanks again for sharing the practical ideas about blogging! I have only been at this a year and just now contemplating what I would like mine to be more long term.'

    It is a new field and so I am trying to learn and teach. Thankfully, I am progressing and I pray you will as well.

    Hug back.

    Hmmm, Facebook and Blogger are used for spying, no doubt.

  7. Interesting philosophy on how to blog, according to you a good blog should welcome comments from all people including those who don't agree with your articles, great attitude!
    -Blog Boy-

  8. In general terms, if one is really famous and well-known in his or her field, one may not have to promote a blog well to succeed.

    Typically for one to succeed a blog must be marketed well.


  9. I was in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming section) one year before they had the big fire. Very scenic.

  10. In 1980, as a child I was at, or near Yellowstone, in Idaho and Montana.

    Beautiful area.

  11. Happy weekend, my friend!
    I am already following you. You can follow me too, if you want :)

  12. Happy weekend, my friend!
    I am already following you. You can follow me too, if you want :)'

    Thanks, Li.

    Sure I will follow you. Of course we have been reciprocally linked for awhile.

    What I mean is on your blog where it states in Portuguese 'Seguir' (left on blog), I will now follow your blog with one of my Google accounts and I was inviting you to follow one or both of my theology blog where it states 'Follow' (right on blog), not for Facebook but for Google Friend Connect which is Google/Blogger.

    I do realize the Google/Blogger following can be private and not public.

    Please have an excellent Saturday.

    Dr. Kingpin;)

  13. Yes, that's what I meant. The 'follow' button :)

  14. Ah, there you are over on thekingpin68 with Google/Blogger, thank you. There must have been a delay with the application.

    It is pouring rain here, it probably is not where you are.

    Your blog is looking good.


  15. What was the fire that Chucky was talking about at Yellow Stone Park?
    -Curious George-

  16. 'I was in Yellowstone Park (Wyoming section) one year before they had the big fire. Very scenic.'

    'What was the fire that Chucky was talking about at Yellow Stone Park?
    -Curious George-'

  17. Great Job Russ. Your doing so well that if you can come to St Paul for a visit I will take you out for diner and let you pay. LOl. It makes me laugh.

  18. Thanks greatly, Rick (Chef Hammer).

    Please pray that my $ucce$$ will also be financial.

  19. I too have been a lazy blogger when it comes to organising myslef to get an audience. Like a lot of bloggers though Iv'e never fully decided if I'm writing mostly for myslef or for others. A bit of both I guess. It's good getting comments though because it's a great way to find people with a range of views on things.

  20. 'I too have been a lazy blogger when it comes to organising myslef to get an audience. Like a lot of bloggers though Iv'e never fully decided if I'm writing mostly for myslef or for others. A bit of both I guess. It's good getting comments though because it's a great way to find people with a range of views on things.'

    Thank you, Bunc.

    Good comments. Nice to meet you.

    I have no problem with those writing for self. I am writing for those that wish to have growing blogs and commit negative acts. And I am writing for those that wish to progress and are open-minded.

  21. Good points, Russ. I also enjoy comments and discussion. I confess I've NEVER looked at my blogger stats (didn't even know about them!). I bet there are lots of folks who come and read, but never leave a comment. I usually try to leave a comment, even if it's brainless. ;)

  22. 'Good points, Russ. I also enjoy comments and discussion. I confess I've NEVER looked at my blogger stats (didn't even know about them!). I bet there are lots of folks who come and read, but never leave a comment. I usually try to leave a comment, even if it's brainless. ;)'

    Blogger Stats are new and I originally tried them as they were featured on Blogger Beta.

    From your blog, you stated:

    'Russ, if you're starting a new career as a promoter, allow me to suggest a stage name: Don Kingpin. Keep the shades, but raise the hair!'

    Well-done. Thanks.

    Greg, GGM (Great Googled Man of Colorado) and I are in a friendly discussion on GGM's blog, look for Shalom is the Word in reciprocal links.

    I wanted to share my comments, which will lack article context, but are still useful, in my opinion.

    Here they are:

    'I will stick with the traditional understanding that Christ was completely human, and had to be the perfect man to die for our sins, and as the infinite God could outlast finite sin.

    I do not think Christ had a sinful nature.

    Yes, but as Erickson points out Adam and Eve were not necessarily created immortal, so outside the Garden of Eden especially, it is quite reasonable that a perfect human being could still face physical death.

    Erickson suggests that if Adam and Eve would have stayed sinless their bodies could have been transformed to immortal at a later date.'

    'Thanks for the respect mate (UK), I am glad the Colorado air has not made you Rocky Mountain high. You are a fine bloke (UK) to blog with.

    I am glad your theology is not always under an Avalanche of deception.'

    'Further thinking on this:

    Roman 8: 3

    New American Standard Bible (©1995)
    For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh,

    Cranfield in his Romans commentary p.176, comments on the likeness of sinful flesh.

    Cranfield states with what he thinks is the best explanation, that being that the Greek word for likeness is not to water down Christ's fallen human nature, as in being fully human, but is to draw attention that the fallen nature was assumed but Christ did not become a fallen human being.

    So, unlike some views that reason Christ's sinful human nature was purged out at the incarnation, this view reasons it was there but because of his perfect obedience and I would reason deity, he did not become a fallen human being that sinned.

    So, in a sense in the likeness of sinful flesh he had fallen human nature.

    In another sense in the likeness of sinful flesh he did not have an active fallen human nature that would have led to sinful thoughts and choices.

    Mounce in his Romans commentary sees it the same way on p.175-176, Christ took upon our nature but did not become completely like us, as in sinners.

    So, this could have occurred by having this fallen nature purged out of him at the incarnation or he could have kept the nature, but remained via the Father and Holy Spirit the perfect man and of course God and therefore essentially did not have a fallen nature which allowed him to be the perfect sacrifice.

    So he would not have a sinful nature.'

  23. Here are some more of my comments from GGM's wonderful Colorado blog, see Shalom is the Word in links:

    Well, a good philosophical point can be made that Jesus was not 'exactly' like us in nature as he did not sin and was not sinful. This could be a subject of a PhD thesis.

    I think this is a subject for much debate/discussion and consideration over the years. There are also considerations on whether or not Jesus actually could have sinned, I think not, as God and man, even though I do reason he was truly human via Romans 8, for example.

    Philosophically via Augustine it seems clear any finite perfectly good being could be corrupted as there is limited goodness. This relates to his argument on Privation, see thekingpin68 via search if this interests anyone. On the hand, I reason Jesus' finite human mind and spirit was so in tune with the Father and Spirit that it would not happen, and so in a sense, could not happen.


    Not with force, coercion or compulsion but by God the Son in his new humanity constantly willing obedience even within his questioning of God at times, which is an aspect of being human (Luke 22).

    Jesus' obedience in tune with God is likely another form of compatibilism.

    Blessings to GGM (Great Googled Man) and family this weekend.

    It is good to have friends all over.

    BTW, I am placing my comments in satire and theology comments as well.

  24. Good advice regarding blogging, Russ. When I first started my blog, I did not filter the comments. Now (per your advice, I think it was, after having problems with blog trolls) comments have to go through blog owner approval first, which has been very helpful. Recently I have had a few blog trolls make very disrespectful comments, and those were not approved.

    BTW, I do have an online diary/journal, but I don't really know if it gets many readers, and I really don't keep track of it, because it's really mostly for my own record-keeping, rather than for publishing to the public.

  25. Philosophically via Augustine it seems clear any finite perfectly good being could be corrupted as there is limited goodness.

    Lucifer and the fallen angels would be examples, as would Adam and Eve.

  26. 'Good advice regarding blogging, Russ.'

    Thank you, Jeff.

    'When I first started my blog, I did not filter the comments. Now (per your advice, I think it was, after having problems with blog trolls) comments have to go through blog owner approval first, which has been very helpful.'

    Yes, it is sadly needed for those such as you and I with controversial blogs.

    'Philosophically via Augustine it seems clear any finite perfectly good being could be corrupted as there is limited goodness.'

    'Lucifer and the fallen angels would be examples, as would Adam and Eve.'


  27. I have to agree with Jeff that its probably a good idea to moderate and filter the comments that come into one's blog because of the possiblity of rude commenters. This would uphold the level of integrity on your blog.
    Good Advice!
    -Say "No" to Trolls-

  28. I agree Anonymous, blog integrity is very important.

    Thank you.
