Saturday, October 05, 2019

Fooled by the Joker?

'Joker, Joker, the Devil!' (A take on the old game show: The Joker's Wild)

Together, preferring it to any Stallone film, my good friend, Jamie (Deadman) invited the Red Skull and I to the new Joker film. Jamie's (Zombie's) treat. As usual, the three stooges had an excellent evening.

 I am not a comic scholar, I do not care about the lives of fictional characters, and all the different versions in different worlds. But I know enough about the Joker, that in likely any fictional world presented, he will be a criminal that finds intense humour in intense human suffering and pain. 

The Joker makes, Dr. Doom, Dracula and the Red Skull seem like gentlemen.

When the Joker's humour and violence predictably occurred within the film, many in the theatre seemed agasped. I heard people behind me telling a child, apparently, that is was okay to watch the screen again. 

Many in the theatre seemed shocked when the film ended. (???)

I have one Joker comic book, above, originally from my childhood collection and the cover from 43 years ago provides context for what should have been expected by moviegoers. 

Illuminated enough by the 'DC comics and film realms', Zombie and Red Skull were laughing at the most violent parts of the film, while many patrons were shocked. Sigh, some people need to do a little research. One should have an idea of what he/she and especially one's children are going to view, in a public, paid, theatre.

Opinion: I would  not be shocked if a sequel is made with the Joker as the protagonist and Batman as the antagonist. 


  1. Wow... 30 whole cents for that comic book back in the day.

