Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Recent comments and some free promotion

Fire Lake, BC (photo from

My friend from Manchester, England, Mr. Richard McIntosh recently interviewed Dr. Gary Habermas concerning the resurrection:

Richard's blog:

Since I spend about half of my blogging time commenting on other blogs, here are some of my recent comments.

These are my comments and not the comments of the authors of the blog links.

This is free promotion for some of you. I am not favouring anyone's blog, but I am presenting my better comments from what I can remember.

Rick presented a letter from an ex-Mormon:

For readers to ponder on...

The critic will get nowhere with an educated Biblical Christian or scholar if the critic denies the concept of the Trinity simply because the word is not in the New Testament. The concept is in the New Testament and the word describing it was formulated at a later date.

That is an aspect of systematic theology with many true Biblical doctrines.

Rick discusses Acts 7 and prophets:

Prophets with such a supposedly important message dealing with restoration LDS doctrine in its early stages should have been found in the Hebrew Bible. The message should be something that can be somewhat gathered from the current text, as in a misinterpretation by Hebrew and Christian scholars.

And polytheism, as in more than one true God in nature, in existence, cannot be theologically sustained in either the Hebrew Bible or New Testament. It has been heretical to believe that more than one true God exists.

Modern Christianity does not need restoration; It needs reformation as the essential truth is already in Scripture.

Jeff writes about Donatists and I need some satire for this article:

I have heard of Donatists (at TWU), and the Doughnutists/Donutists that anonymous mentioned. Perhaps Jeff, you should arrange an academic debate between the two groups with the loser, if there is one, agreeing to change the sound of their name. This is far, far, far, too confusing.

Will the Doughnutists have holes in their reasoning? Or will they be very holy?

Jim presents an interesting perspective on the relationship between God and Satan:

From Revelation 20:10, Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, and punished forever. This seems to indicate conscious punishment. I can accept the fact that he will be destroyed in the sense of made powerless and his kingdom destroyed.


As God wills all things within Biblical and Reformed theology, Satan is an instrument of God. But, Satan is not forced to commit evil and does this with a degree of freedom.

Robert responds to this:

What 'crap' are they talking about? They can imply that Christian groups that do not agree with them believe in 'crap', but it is rather meaningless to state this without further explanation. It risks simply appealing to persons that hate aspects of traditional Christianity (and others) and want to go to a church with doctrines more acceptable to modern thought.

Abbey presents some interesting history and philosophy:

Nice art. I doubt these paintings could be completed in 27 minutes.

Within secular society many persons have an idea of how many things work, but do not have a reasonable handle on the philosophical underpinnings and assumptions that lead to a secular worldview.


The will works through the spirit/mind. As persons are fallen and corrupt this would include the body and spirit/mind, and therefore the will would be corrupted. In my PhD, I speculate a Reformed based chain that starts with the human nature which is now corrupted, consciousness, desires and motives leading to wilful decisions and actions. All things are willed by God and therefore God in a sense is the first cause in this human chain and influences persons as he wills. The human will makes choices and persons commit actions influenced by God within one's corrupted nature. The Holy Spirit can regenerate and influence persons to do God's will obediently as opposed to disobediently when left to the corrupted nature alone. God can also influence the unregenerate for his purposes. The human will to have any freedom at all must make choices without being forced or coerced, and I reason persons have this type of freedom.

Drugs are an unfortunate cultural aspect of rock music. One cannot likely go to a major rock concert without smelling marijuana. Even still a minority of rock musicians are very skilled. As with studying philosophy and theology, one must be able to take the good from a person or group and filter out the rest. The Beatles have had some very good music, but an appreciation of their music should not equal an appreciation of their worldview. Sadly, too many fans do not separate musical appreciation from worldview and are sucked into wrong philosophy and at times religious thought. A Christian must be mature and educated enough to filter out the negative aspects of non-Christian culture. As a fan of the Beatles later music and someone who has studied secular philosophy and liberal theology, I must state the latter would have been potentially much more damaging to me if I was not guided by God. This is because the philosophy and theology was presented in a more convincing professional way than were the Beatles amateurish ramblings.

Vicki discusses healing:

I would love to be healed of physical and spiritual problems today. No amount of money would be worth the value of this healing. But, as you mention true (lasting) healing is through Christ, as since we all die, everlasting healing is of primarily importance. God promises a restored Kingdom where suffering will not exist as Revelation 21 explains.

In regard to the naturalistic critics, if there is only death, this life has limited meaning as our suffering here ultimately culminates in death and nothingness. If life continues after death in some way it may have meaning, and definitely has meaning in the presence of the triune God.

GGM presents a project on the Sermon on the Mount:

I appreciate the overview. Jesus Christ being of the line of David, his virgin birth, his supernatural ministry, and resurrection, are four very important points that demonstrate he is the fulfilment of the Messiah of the Hebrew Bible.

Of course there are other points as well.


  1. Hi Russ,
    This is a good idea to revisit your comments. I think I missed the answer to the Mormon letter. You sent me the link. However, It did not have all of his reply in it.
    For the Mormon church, there is a lack of appeal these days. It is amazing to see how God moves destroy absolute heresy.

    On a separate issue:
    Have you written anything that addresses the spiritual responsibility of, say a person with down syndrom? Or what about the eternal life of a child who never had an opportunity to grow to know Jesus Christ?

  2. Thanks, Jim.

    After death, children and the childlike, unless saved, may be judged and rightly damned outside of Christ according to what they know as persons with sinful natures that make sinful choices.

    Or, God may consider children, and the childlike as being unable to significantly understand their sinful choices and rejection of God via a sin nature, and grant them salvation in grace even though they did not have significant ability to trust in Christ while alive on this earth the first time. The Lord would need to regenerate these persons and fully restore them to perfection in order that they be citizens of the Kingdom of God.

    I tentatively and cautiously lean toward the second view. When Revelation 20: 12 discusses persons judged for their deeds, I doubt this means the deeds of children and childlike persons will condemn them. I reason a more significant understanding is required, but as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, all persons must be ultimately regenerated and saved via Christ.

    It is also possible that God will only save the children and childlike of believers.

  3. really don't ever sleep, do you? :-) Thanks for the link to Rick's mormonism blog. I just recently had a conversation in which mormonism came up and I think Rick's blog will be very helpful to me as I try to understand it better.

  4. James Leasure
    I am going back and forth with a Mormon Via her sister, you can read what she said, my replys and as I get more from her I will post it.

    Thanks Russ for the blog plug. Rick b

  5. Actually GGM, I am just up from my sleep.:)

    Rick's blog is important as it explains why Mormonism is not true in a world where many persons want to believe in a religion because it makes them feel good.


  6. This is free promotion for some of you.

    Sheesh, OK, so how much do I owe you this time?


  7. Russ,

    Wow, you accomplished several things with this article:
    1. You actually used your comments from other blogs as the material for an article. Clever.
    2. You promoted several other blog sites in your article and expanded on them by using the comments you made there as an introduction to the site, which increases the attraction to make someone want to click on their link.
    3. You promoted networking in your article in a very practical way.
    4. You strengthened the bond between you and some of your most regular commenters.

    In summary, you're a genius, Russ.

    Oh, and I wrote this comment of yours in my copy of "The Forgotten Trinity" by James R. White, notating your name and the date afterward (for future reference):
    The concept [of the Trinity] is in the New Testament and the word describing it was formulated at a later date.

  8. Thanks, Jeff.

    Tom Vu stated on his infomercial something similar to the following: I am not a genius, but my system is genius.

    I can only hope that is true in regard to my blogging.:)

    Tom Vu

    Tom Vu: Mr T

    Tom Vu: Looza

  9. This is free promotion for some of you.

    Sheesh, OK, so how much do I owe you this time?


    You owe me nothing! I am swell.

    Tom Vu put to music

  10. Tom Vu:
    During this buyer's market, you can indeed buy a house at a reasonable price. The problem is, you will have a very hard time selling it. Realtors are having a very hard time today.

    I wonder what Tom Vu's "Three Little Words" are. Maybe, "You're a loser?" In the video, he said that's what he says to people who disagree with him, before he tells them to go away.

    Or, maybe his "three little words" are, "Pay Up Now."

    In his mind, he is probably thinking these three little words: "You dumb Americans!"

    "Me Chinese.
    Me play joke.
    Me buy out your country,
    And now you broke."

  11. Good points, Jeff.

    Tom Vu

    Tom Vu's "Three Little Words"
    Here Tom Vu tells the story of how "three little words" inspired him to achieve his success. By the way, the words were "Don't Give Up"—and that's really worth wasting all day long at a seminar to find out!


    Tom Vu is now a professional poker player.

  12. "Since I spend about half of my blogging time commenting on other blogs, here are some of my recent comments."

    I'm going to do this type of post next time I need a quick post after not having posted for a whole...four days. You should start charging for your promotion. "Wow, it's Russ-approved! It must be good!" :P

  13. Hulu

    Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States.

    Dear Abbey,

    I feel so rejected as on your latest article Hulu informs me that the streams are only available in the United States. I cannot see the clips.:(

    I know it is nothing personal and not your fault, but why must I be excluded because I am Canadian, eh?

    Thanks for the comments, and I will raise my promotional rates 100%. My blog links are Russ approved, but Hulu is not!


  14. Russ,
    I am supposed to leave a comment on your page. This is what I was instructed to do by Angela. Now, I must inform you that you are tagged.
    Go to my "Journaling For Growth" page and read six things about me. Follow the instructions. You've been around enough, that you have probably seen this game before.

  15. I do not have an account with TD, and never have had an account with TD.

    Dear Valued TD Canada Trust Customer,

    Some Days ago, our online banking security team has observed multiple logons on your account,
    from different blacklisted IP's, that's why we have issued this security warning.

    Your online banking access has been Blocked, to prevent further unauthorized access for your safety

    We have decided to put an extra verification process
    to ensure your identity and your account security. Please click on
    Sign in to Secured EasyWeb Online Banking to continue to the verification process.

    (Failure to verify your account details may lead to account disconnection)

    Thank you.

    EasyWeb Online Banking Security Team

    TD Canada Trust.

    (c) 2008 All Rights Reserved

  16. Personally, this is a strange church ad???? Is it necessary to use the word "crap?" Please define and defend what you are saying. You are a church and this is your ad, please choose your words a little more carefully and respectfully!
    -WTF- (Walter T. Franklin)

  17. Thanks, Walter.

    I would rather see a message with at least a meaningful proposition, or argument.


  18. Russ,
    I am not sure, but I think what Walter is saying is, he thinks this is your ad.
    Walter, The Episcopal church created this ad. So, you understand, right out of the gate, this is one very anti Christian church. They apparently do not see anything wrong with themselves. So, this ad was probably very acceptable to the church they are promoting.

  19. 'Walter' is my friend down the street, also known as Bobby Buff, trying to be cute.

    Thanks, Jim.

    He thought the advertisement was inappropriate. He just drove home a few minutes ago.

    He also put a comment on my latest thekingpin68 article.

  20. Russ,
    I see. My first thought was that this guy was a member of the Episcopal Church and was offended.
    Honestly, I think this is the view a lot of Episcopalions would take. From the pews, they don't know what the cleargy and boards are doing. I thought I was breaking it to an offended Episcopalion gently.
    I guess I got punked.
    Talk to you tomorrow.

  21. My friend is not trying to fool anyone, but he likes to try and be clever, and does not use his real name.

    I can see many radical liberal Christians believing that Biblical doctrines are horribly wrong, but the views are revealed by God through historical persons and need to be taken seriously.

    Thanks very much, Jim.

  22. I love the new kill the troll green lantern thing. lets go troll hunting.
    sad as it is, but I even get them on my food blog, its a food blog for crying out loud, all I talk is food and share ideas. yet I get trolls. I guess I new to do a roasted troll diner or something. Rick b

  23. Thanks, Rick.

    I realize you take abuse and I am not surprised you receive it on the food blog.

    My suggestion is to present more caffeine related food items.

    Like I said to Jeff on the most recent article on thekingpin68 in comments, it would be cool to have a Green Lantern network against blog trolls.


  24. "I feel so rejected as on your latest article Hulu informs me that the streams are only available in the United States. I cannot see the clips.:(

    I know it is nothing personal and not your fault, but why must I be excluded because I am Canadian, eh?"

    Well, just hop on across the border with the rest of the immigrants. Actually, most of the hulu (especially the ones I posted) contain US government secrets, so of course they don't want foreigners (especially ones that say "eh") snooping around. :P I don't have any idea why they only want people from the US viewing it. If all else fails (besides the obvious fact of you guys being "eh-ers") blame it on gas prices, the altitude, the Democratic National Convention, Obama/Hillary (or Bush/McCain), global warming, and the Olympics being in Beijing.

  25. Hulu

    Sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed from within the United States.

    Although I cannot view the video, as far as cats go, I find them to be amusing little 'devils'.

    Thanks, Abbey.

  26. Abbey said,

    "Wow, it's Russ-approved! It must be good!" :P

    Actually, most of the hulu (especially the ones I posted) contain US government secrets, so of course they don't want foreigners (especially ones that say "eh") snooping around. :P

    LOL!!!! Hilarious! Abbey, you should start your own "satire" site! You are funny!

  27. Russ,

    Just in case you have sent me any emails, just wanted to let you know that my email has been down for 2 days now, due to maintenance work on their end.

  28. WOW! My comment got approved in 3 seconds! Russ, you are faster than a fast-food restaurant!

  29. Yes, being as Abbey is a brainy blonde, she can play that for quite a bit.

    Hey, the Laugh Olympics are here in 2010 and we are receiving much needed road construction.


  30. This just in:

    Dear Sir

    I am a lawyer and legal representative to a high profile client within the international community that requires your experience and assistance in the investment of her inherited funds,should this transaction be of interest to you contact me for more.

    Best regards,

    Alexander Smith.

    Jeff, you deserve a break today at McChucklins!

  31. About that poster. Sheesh! That's the way to present Christianity! Sheesh.

  32. Thanks,

    Agreed, OF.

    The type of Christianity represented in the poster/advertisement is largely not Biblically Christian I reason.


  33. Blog troll comments and emails will be destroyed by the miniature Green Lantern atop my computer tower.

    LOL! Nice.

    I'm going to work on one for my site when I get to feeling a little more creative.

    Hey, my email is back up again, after 3 1/2 days! Yay! Now my email is backed up (1,190 emails).

    I just read that A New York lawsuit claims Ed McMahon owes lawyers more than $275,000 for handling his daughter's divorce. McMahon revealed last month he was fighting foreclosure after falling $644,000 behind on mortgage payments on Beverly Hills, Calif., home. He also faces a lawsuit by Citibank, which says it's trying to recoup nearly $200,000 it loaned him and his wife. I guess that means that Ed McMahon won't be knocking on my door telling me, "You've just won 11 million dollars!" Darn!

  34. McMahon was the presenter of American Family Publishing, and now needs to knock on his own door with a huge cheque.

  35. As far as trolls goes I dont think I have a problem with trolls, I think it is people or a person I know who left the church we were going to and they simply are spineless and lost their balls, so they reply under false names or under Anon. That is what I think. Rick b

  36. Yes, one of my blog trolls I reason, was someone I went to Bible school with years ago.


  37. We meet our first friends growing up. Sometimes we find we have a fan. It’s a shock when we bump into a troll.

    It is not a shock when one is writing Christian theology.

    Thanks, Jeff.

  38. "Theology is not just a human construct, but was revealed through the teaching of Old Testament writers, Christ and his New Testament writers. Biblical theology is God working through human means, and so the theology is both divine and human."

    I totally agree with you on this Russ. To reduce the Truths revealed in the bible as a human construct is like deducing the sun as a mere ball of fire. Biblical theology is both divine in human. Divine in a sense that God Reveals his mystery to us through the OT and NT. and human because the characters, authors are all humans, subject to the imperfections of our nature, yet is purified and made holy by the Word of God.

    PS, the website you forwarded on my email is a bit disturbing since the blogger is only a kid... so so sad

    a potential virginia tech gun tripper..

  39. In regard to the comment from the next article chronologically, I agree with you. Thanks for reading both articles!

    The guy with the kill me please blog, thanked me and visited my thekingpin68 blog.

    Cheers, Army.

