Non-exhaustive thoughts on Facebook
Sunday is a day off from PhD revisions and it is late Sunday night, early Monday morning.
Facebook positives:
Keeping up with old friends:
Facebook has made it much easier for me to stay in touch with old friends and to let them know I would be visiting Wales and England last January, for example. Not that my friends are that old mind you, but they are not as young as they were when I had previously lived in Manchester, of course.
I am older too, but...
hair club (just joking this is a satire site and I have no person in mind)
Reacquainting with my old school friends/acquaintances:
For me this includes, former churches, elementary school, high school, Bible school, seminary and the British Universities I have attended. It is interesting to try and remember as many persons as possible and to look them up and them see if they will be my Facebook friend, that is if I can stomach a certain person and vice versa.;)
That is not always the case with me being as controversial as I am. ;)
I am not stating that I dislike someone if I do not ask him or her to be a Facebook friend, or that I think he or she dislikes me.
Promoting my blogs:
Since I am working on a PhD in Theology, it is good to promote my teaching and academic abilities through this blog, satire and theology, and my more academic blog, thekingpin68 as well. It has been good to meet online both Christians and non-Christians willing to give my material a read.
Sometimes some pleasant people can be met. I look forward to continuing to meet new people.
Facebook negatives:
Group 1: The 'web cammers’.
Through the 'Are You Interested?' application I click on certain women and they some click on me. This is not a dating service in my mind and is simply a way for me to perhaps weed through thousands of women to perhaps meet a Christian one to chat with as a Facebook friend.
I do not expect to ever date anyone through this or anything further than that, but I try.
The web cammers after we are Facebook friends sometimes appear on Facebook chat. Tonight via chat one asked me if I was ready to see her naked. I did not reply and simply deleted her as a friend. This is as my Facebook status headline reads:
Russ does not have a webcam...and is not getting one.
As well I have been asked a few times if I have a webcam and I know that a related invitation to Yahoo Messenger or Windows Messenger is leading to a ‘party’ with her and perhaps a friend, and I just see this as a total waste of time, and of course opposed to Christian morals.
Matthew 5:27-28 (New American Standard Bible)
27"(A)You have heard that it was said, '(B)YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY';
28but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman (C)with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Now I have never claimed to be completely sexually pure in spirit, not at all, but I would like to avoid sexual sin. I delete the women that ask me if I have a webcam as well.
The fact I am a full-time student living in a quite secular part of the Western World and have not met suitable Christian women does not in any way mean that looking at someone on a webcam is going to assist me with issues of loneliness and related.
Group 2: The ‘web scammers’.
I have had quite a few of these from Christian websites and now recently a few on Facebook claim to show interest in me, but the scripts and tactics are all too familiar.
No, I am not going to pay for a young woman to come and see me and have her take the money and share it with her organized crime employers.
One time a Russian young woman after approximately three emails, in which we did not have any deep meaningful conversation, stated she ‘loved me’.
I posted this yesterday on Facebook and the other blog, but this relates to this point as well.
This is a message from someone, that according to her, is now in Benin, Africa, and was formerly in London and North Carolina. She is on the Facebook 'Are You Interested?' application. She acted ticked when I messaged with her briefly here last week and had not visited her when I was in the UK last month, as she was in London. As if I was going to visit her after two to three short email messages, as she is a stranger and I was nowhere near London. I have no clue what the hell she is writing about.
''sweetie, if i tell you i love you, it doesnt mean facial loving, you talking about facial loving, i havnt met you ,so i believe i just like you but i love the way you talk to me, message me, i can read the feelings you have for me and i believe definetely we are going to me then that means we will one day. i so much chrish your humbleness and the way you talk to me through mails and also your profile is an evidence of you mylove.' '
My reply to this message was...LOL.
Fishy applications:
My final negative with Facebook for this post is when I receive messages stating that so and so, usually a female Facebook friend, wrote such and such about me. I checked with a certain person and she basically stated she had no clue and had done no such thing. This has happened more than once with Facebook applications, and I therefore question the integrity and honesty of some of these programs.
Please check out my other new short article below and leave a short comment if you feel so inclined with both of my posts:
This just arrived by email:
'Our Ref: FGN /SNT/STB
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Thanks Mr David James
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Congratulations once again.
Yours faithfully,
Rosana Faveta (Co-ordinator).
Crazy drivers: both sexes
Caution: This clip is funny, but there is some black humour I would have edited out.
Those videos of the drivers were hilarious and unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should keep a detailed journal of all the scammers and scam e-mails and Facebook messages you have received, then write a book on it. It could be quite humorous, OR you could sell it as an informative guide to protect others from being scammed. You might be able to make money on such a book! Maybe like a "Dummy's Guide to Scammers," and include both humor and educational, real-life examples of things to beware of!
Good ideas, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteI have as you know written about scammers on this blog previously.
Greetings, Sir Candid Camera,
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be great if you taught some of your articles via a web cam??
in real time?? Imagine having an audience tuning into your messages from around the world!
-Just Curious-
Thanks, yes once I have significantly recovered from sleep apnea.
That looks like Chad Wackerman on drums. He played with Zappa in the '80's. I think I could do without the "singer"; just let Allan and boys play!!
ReplyDeleteI love the part where the guy gets out of his car to park the ladies car for her! That's a classic!
I'm still trying to figure out "facebook". I've gotten some "notices" that don't seem to have anything to do with people I know, so I ignore them.
Thanks for the videos. I have a couple Chic Corea Elektric Band DVD's with Pattitucci, Gambale and Weckyl (and a sax man) that I need to clip and post, as well as some Mike Stern Band; maybe, some day.
That would be cool if you did a few blog articles via video, putting them on YouTube, and embedding those videos here. Maybe a similar format to those MP3 audios you did previously.
ReplyDeleteThanks, GGM.
ReplyDeleteI actually like Paul Williams as a singer, but of course most of Holdsworth's material is instrumental.
Thanks, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteI have been interested in theology in the context of media for quite a few years.
SV: Thanks ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ashild.
That 'anal thermometer cellphone' was nasty.
ReplyDeleteThere have been cases of cell phones exploding, and at least one case (a guy in China, I'm thinking of) where someone was killed by a cell phone.
Just don't post any cartoons of police shooting chimpanzees. ;)
'That 'anal thermometer cellphone' was nasty.'
ReplyDeleteAgreed, and I would have edited that out, but for the most part it was a cool video.
Cheers, Jeff.
yet another funny clip on phones of all things! Again, I compliment you on your solid theological articles and your tasteful sense of humour which makes your blog always interesting and enjoyable to read.
ReplyDelete-Laughing Boy-
Did you know Benny Hill was a master of the martial arts?
ReplyDeleteCan we avoid the negative consequences of excessive stimulous with more of the same? Yes We Can!
ReplyDeleteI guess it wasn't enough for Peter Popoff to get exposed just once...
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laughing Boy.
ReplyDeleteI try to make this blog theological and entertaining.
The Benny Hill clip is funny and fairly clean.
ReplyDeleteThe Obama clip is decently funny and yes Popoff is exposed once again.
The sumsing turbo was hilarious! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI think what Jeff had to say about making a facebook book would be a great idea for you Russ!
I hope you enjoyed Obama's visit to Canada.
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad I'm not a political cartoonist right now; I would be nervous about drawing anything.
Thanks, Tamela.
ReplyDeleteOnce these revisions are done I will need to look at other career options.
Yes, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteDon't mess with the 'supastaw'.
This just arrived via Yahoo Messenger and the 'London/Benin' young woman.
ReplyDeleteShe removed me from Facebook friends a few weeks ago. We have never had a meaningful conversation.
'hey,mylovei wonder whats going on, dont you want me again, if you are tired of me tell me and let go go and if you still want me why will u either be invisible or not even chat with me at all. have i done you a hurt if i had i say BIG SORRY and lets see life in a new form. thanks'
Greetigns Russ,
ReplyDeleteYou never cease to amaze me with the video clips you post. They provide needed relief on days when it seems as if nothing else is working. I live vicariously through some of these individuals.
Joyfully Serving,
Thanks, Kermit.
ReplyDeleteWe do need stress relief as well as theological reflection.:)
I will have a new article for each blog, March 1.
Good stuff. Found your blog via Networked Blogs on Facebook.
ReplyDeletePersonally I hate those 'list personal stuff about yourself' memes being posted all over Facebook. Have you seen this great YouTube take on that-- "25 Things I hate about Facebook"
Thanks, Donna.
ReplyDeleteI will check out the link you sent.
Donna, I am always interested in new reciprocal blog links. Thekingpin68 is my other theology blog.
These arrived via email:
Eastwood thinks political dorrectness has made society humourless
Fri, Feb 27 01:15 PM
London, February 27 (ANI): Acting legend Clint Eastwood , 79, apparently believes that political correctness has rendered modern society humourless, for he accuses younger generations of spending too much time trying to avoid being offensive.
The Dirty Harry star insists that he should be able to tell harmless jokes about nationality without fearing that people may brand him "a racist".
"People have lost their sense of humour. In former times we constantly made jokes about different races. You can only tell them today with one hand over your mouth or you will be insulted as a racist," the Daily Express quoted him as saying.
"I find that ridiculous. In those earlier days every friendly clique had a 'Sam the Jew' or 'Jose the Mexican' - but we didn't think anything of it or have a racist thought. It was just normal that we made jokes based on our nationality or ethnicity. That was never a problem. I don't want to be politically correct.
We're all spending too much time and energy trying to be politically correct about everything," he added.
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We are very pleased to inform you that (ATM Card Number:4278763100030014)has been credited in your favor,your personal Identification Number is 822. The ATM Card value is
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Mrs Patricia Freezer
love that crazy guy in the car wash. Ray???
ReplyDeleteor maybe me once i get too impatient!
When my Dad co-owned the Maple Ridge Chevron on 216th and Lougheed (73-81), an old guy did similar.
ReplyDeleteRay is a good suspect in a lot of these clips.;)
Thanks, Big J.
I agree with Clint Eastwood. Maybe we should make jokes about political correctness. I don't believe in racial hatred or prejudice, but political correctness has gotten ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteI agree.
And I thought some of my internet contacts were sketchy!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jodi.
ReplyDeleteAll the best with the new (looking) blog. I am always looking for reciprocal links.
Sad to say, I have had my fair share of questionable internet contacts via websites. I have shared of few articles on this blog relating the stories.