April 12, 2010
Please note my additional article at bottom: Integrity and Matthew 18
Happy Easter.
Ontology: Derived from the Greek word for being, and in the 17th century became associated with metaphysics concerned with existence. Blackburn (1996: 269).
BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
If one in Christ died this instant and went to paradise (2 Corinthians 12, Philippians 1, Luke 16, Luke 23). I do not seriously doubt that being in the Lord's presence, the person would be totally without suffering and despair resting in the Lord in a sinless state personally and ontologically. Needs would be met in some spiritual way, but I believe the Lord would be more than enough, as one would await the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15) and the culminated Kingdom of God (Revelation 21, 22).
A problem with our present earthly realm is that we are sinful, live in a corrupted ontological environment and that our needs as Christians are met only within God's will for our good (Romans 8). So, the blind need to see, paraplegics and quadriplegics needs to walk, etc., and cannot. These are actual needs, but God's plans and needs for persons have greater priority.
This divine priority is often misunderstood by persons.
One can show faith, consider the Lord perfect and holy, pray and thank the Lord for blessings, ask to be cleansed of sin, and pray for others. One in Christ can have the peace of knowing Christ, being elected and born again, and it is the greatest occurrence for a human being.
Yet there can be misery and suffering. Because of personal sin? Well, somewhat and sometimes but not necessarily and primarily if one is basically a committed, obedient Christian. This is not necessarily and primarily a free will issue, or even a fallen nature issue. Quite simply like a blind person that cannot see, one can have actual needs that are not met. One can be unfulfilled in certain ways within God's permissible will. I reason within his perfect will, God will provide healing and all needs for persons within the culminated Kingdom with resurrected citizens.
So in conclusion, resting in God and Jesus in this life can be a misunderstood theological concept and a half-truth, if it is deduced to be a remedy to depression via suffering without some type of countering contentment.

I was christened as a child and baptized as an adult. Covered.

How about seeking theological truth? Oh sorry, that is not cool, baby.

Which is true?
a) This strongman also had to eat the stone within a ten minute period in order to win another competition.
b) This strongman and his competitors formed two teams and played a game of soccer with that stone ball as part of the competition.

This one made me a laugh. It is satirically pro-evolution and anti-Calvinist at the same time.
Integrity and Matthew 18
In light of a few, not several, past disputes over the last few years I write the following short addition to this post.
Note: I do not expect past disputes to be corrected this way, necessarily, but I would like to document this for the future occurrences. I remain open, however.
I have been blogging with thekingpin68 since 2004, and this blog, satire and theology, 2006. I reason I am a sinner by nature and by choice at times (Romans 1-6), saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2: 8: 10). I hold to the Reformed view that all my actions are tainted by sin in this realm. I must be born again (John 3) and therefore regenerated by God's choice (Ephesians 1) to be in Christ and am useable by the triune God in basic although not perfect obedience.
Sin can exist with online dealings
Sometimes while blogging, emailing, and using other social media, one's finite nature and yes, sinful nature, can contribute to problems with others, that also have finite and sinful natures.
Sometimes while blogging, emailing, and using other social media, one's finite nature and yes, sinful nature, can contribute to problems with others, that also have finite and sinful natures.
Questionable integrity can exist online
Online there also exists a difficulty of being able to demonstrate integrity to others that do know one in person. For example, I can say I have integrity but when others do not know me in person and simply read my words, or listen to audio posts, this integrity is more difficult to establish.
One is morally responsible, even if less to blame
I am morally responsible for my thoughts and actions and cannot control the morally significant thoughts and actions of others. Even if I feel I am the less wrong in a given situation/discussion, one or more persons may be able to show me where I have erred in some way, and/or I may be able to show persons where I have not erred, or where he/she has erred. One or both parties may be able to make personal improvements and perhaps reconcile. Each should be willing to discuss the issue, looking at both sides.
Writing can be limited
Simply writing back and forth may not increase understanding. Personally, I am open to Skype or telephone conversation, and I am sure that one could call or email Grace Vancouver Church and ask my pastor about me in some cases if needed.
An example comes to mind here. More so in the past I blogged with a gentleman that also blogged with several other of my links. I thought some of his views were orthodox and Biblical and some were heretical. I told him via email that some of his views were heretical.
Now, in my mind when he argued against me and my Reformed views online, my impression of him was that he was quite sure of himself and trying to defeat my Reformed arguments. We sort of made up and he somewhat agreed to consider my points. He did state over time that he wanted to learn from me, but he would argue with me at times. I reasoned we ended up arguing in circles and that he had not read enough commentaries and used enough Biblical tools to see the error of many of his views.
But, very interestingly, when he later called me on the phone, and he has I think four times now, I had to admit that although I still believed I had been correct in calling some of his views heretical, that I had him reasoned out somewhat wrong as a person.
This really hit me, actually.
He was in actuality far less sure of himself when were on the phone, and I realized that what I thought was a rather argumentative nature via print was actually via the phone a nature that wanted to test his points for self-verification and verification by others. I actually found him much less combative and sure of himself on the phone than I deduced him to be online. I reason he was in actuality more teachable by me by having talked to me in person.
I of course learned as well.
In conclusion, the Matthew 18 model should be used to resolve these conflicts:
When the issue of integrity and/or moral and ethical correctness comes to mind, I invite him/her and representatives if required in the situation, to contact me with the method that works. This is based on Matthew 18: 15-17.
'Matthew 18
15 "If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. 16 "But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that BY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY FACT MAY BE CONFIRMED. 17 "If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.'
The comic about the baptism and Eskimos was funny to me because I lived in Maine for about 15 years, I was going to a church where the pastor busted a hole in the ice to baptize people. Rick b
ReplyDeleteThat would make you cool.
Hello Russ,
ReplyDeleteOne can be unfulfilled in certain ways within God's permissible will. I reason within his perfect will, God will provide healing and all needs for persons within the culminated Kingdom with resurrected citizens.
You have made a good point here Russ. I have often thought about God's permissable will-vs-His perfect will for one's life. I have a tendency to believe that it is possible for one to be within God's perfect will while we yet live in this imperfect earth and in our mortal bodies. But alas we seem to find ourselves most of the time within His permissable will.
I have had to ask myself "why" this is. And the only answer i seem to get is because we are a prideful, rebellious, stubborn people that are set in doing things our own way, which i believe God allows so as to teach us some things. And when we learn and repent, of course He is standing by eager to pour out His Mercy and Grace upon us and work things out for our good, Why? because He loves us so very much, and pouring out of Himself His mercy and Grace in our lives satiates His desire to love. And He remains being patient and longsuffering with us as we continue to grow and learn to be more like Him (until we become one with Him Jn. 17).
If Jesus used the Lord's prayer as an example of how we are to pray today for our needs, then it must be for today. For example, we are to pray give us "this" day our daily bread(is this only spiritual food or could it be physical or maybe even both?) and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us(we know that we are to ask forgiveness for today because all sin and fall short and we are to give forgiveness right?)lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil(we definitely know that Jesus is talking about right now and what we may experience from day to day when it comes to temptation). For in our resurrected state there is no more temptation i would presume and there would be no need to be delivered from evil, for there is no place for evil any longer in our resurrected state. For thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory forever! (I believe "forever" means, past, present, future) although Satan might be the prince of the power of the air and this world has not been made Christ Kingdom yet God is still King "over" the earth.
This prayer reveals to me that if we are seeking and asking God in our prayers to do these things (Just as Jesus has stated) then He must indeed be more than able and willing to do these things for us, this is why i believe that it is possible for a person to be in God's perfect will while he yet lives in this imperfect earth.
Sorry this was so long but maybe you have more that you would like to comment on for i find it very interesting and worth studying even more.
In Christ Jesus
'One can be unfulfilled in certain ways within God's permissible will. I reason within his perfect will, God will provide healing and all needs for persons within the culminated Kingdom with resurrected citizens.
ReplyDeleteYou have made a good point here Russ.'
It comes via academic experience with theodicy and also personal experience.
' I have a tendency to believe that it is possible for one to be within God's perfect will while we yet live in this imperfect earth and in our mortal bodies. But alas we seem to find ourselves most of the time within His permissable will.'
Corrupted human nature will lead to sinful thoughts and actions (Romans 1-6). God permits this and yet moulds the elect.
'For in our resurrected state there is no more temptation i would presume and there would be no need to be delivered from evil, for there is no place for evil any longer in our resurrected state. For thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory forever! (I believe "forever" means, past, present, future) although Satan might be the prince of the power of the air and this world has not been made Christ Kingdom yet God is still King "over" the earth.'
We will be determined (not forced or coerced) via the Holy Spirit and experiences with a perfect nature not to sin.
Thanks greatly, Tammy.
I'm curious to get your reaction to the Vine and Fig Tree movement. Are any of your American readers aware of it?
ReplyDeleteAs I already self-identify as a libertarian/anarcho-capitalist Christian, I find myself in agreement with much of what I have read, although there is a lot of material. One area of possible contention for me is their eschatological view, "optimillenialism", that God is in the process of using His people to create heaven on earth. And yet, why should that be a significant issue? Regardless of one's specific eschatological view, we are to follow Christ here and now, and engage in the sorts of God-honouring activities that would be consistent with an optimillenial, reconstructionist point of view. The concept of letting the earth go to pot, even hastening Armageddon, because God will just destroy it anyway does not seem Biblical to me.
'Theocracy "Theocracy" is a "self-evident" truth, though the word is passionately hated by many. The word "theocracy" comes from two Greek words: theos + kratein God governs If God is over a nation as Ruler or "Supreme Judge," then that nation is "under God." Until very recently, America has always been considered as a nation "under God," which is to say God "rules" over America, which is to say America is a Theo-cracy. Obviously, given the statements of America's Founding Fathers above, America is a Christian Theocracy. More evidence of this is here: www.LibertyUnderGod.org Every nation is a "theocracy," because every nation has laws, and all laws are based on morality, and all morality is based on a religion or "worldview," and the ultimate principle that determines law, morals, and ethics is that system's god. The religion of "Secular Humanism" worships Man. In a "secular" nation, "Man" is god (which usually means "The State" is god or savior). Secularists want Christians to believe that Secularism is "neutral," while Christianity is "religious." The Constitution prohibits the government from endorsing anything "religious." Therefore we must have a secular theocracy rather than a Christian Theocracy. Of course, Secular Humanists never ever use the word "theocracy" to describe their own position, only that of the group they want to demonize as the boogey-man or the bad guy. But Secular Humanists want their god (Man) to be the ruler of our nation, rather than the God of the Christian Bible. Secularists say that those who support "Theocracy" are "extremists." Secularists are against Christian Theocracy, and extremely so. The only people who accomplish anything in this world are "extremists."'
ReplyDeleteThe only theocracy I support is where Christ and therefore God will rule. Any other theocracy in my mind is very dangerous as the religious or associated leaders in control may have too much power and those within society that do not follow the state religion may be considered to be treasonous and heretical.
In a fallen world, I favour rather limited sized democratic governments and a system of many checks and balances, not all necessarily officially governmental, in order that no one, or no identity has totalitarian control.
I would not favour a state-church but would desire a state where a Christian minority is allowed to follow Biblical standards without state persecution.
My negative thoughts on theonomy arise in that we cannot as Christians expect to force our morality and ethics on non-believers who are the majority in Western society. When God’s Kingdom is culminated the citizens will be regenerated believers that will willingly through transformation follow God’s law by nature.
Thanks, Cardinal Chucklins.
Blogger has recently been deleting some of my comments.
ReplyDeleteHere is attempt #2.
All human beings are presently sinful.
I do not support any primarily human attempt at establishing theocracy.
A primarily human attempt at theocracy does not guarantee Biblically based rule through the guidance of the true God.
Serious religious error can develop within a theocracy as political power can influence theology.
Persons with views differing from the theocratic rule can be unfairly persecuted and even killed, as ones committing treason.
In the present age, I favour democracy with small limited government over theocracy.
My negative thoughts on theonomy arise in that we cannot as Christians expect to force our morality and ethics on non-believers who are the majority in Western society. When God’s Kingdom is culminated the citizens will be regenerated believers that will willingly through transformation follow God’s law by nature.
I agree about not forcing morality and ethics on non-believers. That is the whole basis of anarcho-capitalism. However, currently the state forces secular humanist morality and ethics on believers, by requiring that we help to fund abortions, for example. I don't advocate tax evasion, but should we vote for a party (in Canada's case every major party) that condones this? Not just for the sake of this one issue, but all issues that present a problem for Christians.
ReplyDeleteFrom the V&FT website:
"The first generation of Reconstructionists strongly defended the existence of "the State," though it spoke in libertarian terms of the need to "reconstruct" or Christianize the State. A Christian State is as much a contradiction in terms as a Christian Reich, a Holy Roman Empire or a Christian mafia. Reconstruction requires elimination of the State, nationalism, imperialism, and republicanism. This requires elimination of the myth of the legitimacy of violence. We have described the steps under "capitalism" above. In order to lead in the 21st century, the Christian Reconstruction movement must adopt anarcho-capitalism."
"Capitalism" is defined as "The social system based on the rejection of the initiation of force or violence against others."
'I agree about not forcing morality and ethics on non-believers. That is the whole basis of anarcho-capitalism. However, currently the state forces secular humanist morality and ethics on believers, by requiring that we help to fund abortions, for example. I don't advocate tax evasion, but should we vote for a party (in Canada's case every major party) that condones this? Not just for the sake of this one issue, but all issues that present a problem for Christians.'
ReplyDeleteWestern government is seemingly too large and prominent and therefore being secular and pro-choice/abortion in inclination, it ends up assuming the practice is best for the people and reasons it has majority support.
I reason there should be minority rights to withhold money for abortion on demand.
Thanks, Saint Chucklins.
Interesting topic which requires further study and thought.
ReplyDeleteI actually have to side with
Herr Chucklins on this one.
The current system has failed the
population- elected officials don't
stand to represent the people- they do what's in their own best interests. And even Western Capitalism isn't immune to
corruption and ineffectiveness.
Leonid Bhrezhnev
>elected officials don't
ReplyDeletestand to represent the people- they do what's in their own best interests.
As do members of "The Party".
>And even Western Capitalism isn't immune to corruption and ineffectiveness.
No, but I'd say the greater the involvement of the state, the greater the tendency to both corruption and ineffectiveness. The more "public servants", the more possibilities of influence peddling, especially considering the vast amounts of tax money.
I favour small government in form which maintains law and order, some social regulation, limited taxation, preservation of roads and environment and serves as regulator in some other instances. States should be practically very responsible to the people.
ReplyDeleteI have visited this site and start online course from my home and i got online degree. I am doing my course online from my home.
ReplyDeleteonline course
Nuraffinah, you placed your SPAM comment with a link in an archived post.
ReplyDeleteMy policy is to take SPAM comments, remove any links and place them in a recent article.
Thanks for boosting my comment numbers.
This arrived by email the other day.
'BMO - Mosaik MasterCard Alert-Cyrillic (Windows) Valued Mosaik MasterCard Holder, We detected suspicious activity on your Mosaik MasterCard on 11th April 2010, therefore it has been limited. Please complete these steps and we will send you an email notifying that your account is available again. To continue please follow the reference below: https://www3.bmo.com/mosaik/login.shtm Thank You. Bank of Montreal'
I have never had a Bank of Montreal account and I reason as the email was sent using Cyrillic that it may be from Eastern Europe.
I hope that my blog is helpful...
ReplyDeletere:Matthew 18
ReplyDeleteliked this part in v.15:
"If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private"
Good advice for modern times in
our multicultural country-
nobody has to lose face this way.
Mohandas Ghandi
'Good advice for modern times in
ReplyDeleteour multicultural country-
nobody has to lose face this way.
Mohandas Ghandi'
Thanks, Ghandi,
I try.
I think it is painful, often, to admit mistakes while attempting to be at peace with another person or other persons. Also, there are other issues that make reconciliation unlikely at times, online especially, the fact the persons do not know each other in person is a major one. There could be negatives associated with reconciliation. People can wonder if the other person is really committed to changing.
However, overall, I think it is Biblical and morally correct to attempt.
Nice comics, always nice to have some humor and laughter on your site.
ReplyDelete-Silly Willy-
Internet is a great form of communication but it has limitations. Like you write about in your article its hard to understand tones of fellow bloggers like the person who spoke to you on the phone in comparison to his emails. In this case a phone call produced greater expression and clarity.
ReplyDelete-Ringy Dingy-
Integrity seems to be one of those attributes that's very much present throughout your blog. Its nice to see this!
ReplyDelete-Keen Reeder-
Your Biblically based comments on conflict resolution are helpful and very much a reminder to Christians in how to live.
ReplyDelete-Festive Ethic Magazine Inc.-
'Nice comics, always nice to have some humor and laughter on your site.
ReplyDelete-Silly Willy-'
Willy, thank you.
Some people laugh at me, and I laugh at some of them too.;)
'Internet is a great form of communication but it has limitations. Like you write about in your article its hard to understand tones of fellow bloggers like the person who spoke to you on the phone in comparison to his emails. In this case a phone call produced greater expression and clarity.
ReplyDelete-Ringy Dingy-'
It is nice to fix some misconceptions by phone, at times.
Thanks RD.
'Integrity seems to be one of those attributes that's very much present throughout your blog. Its nice to see this!
ReplyDelete-Keen Reeder-'
In Christ I try. I really do.:)
'Your Biblically based comments on conflict resolution are helpful and very much a reminder to Christians in how to live. -Festive Ethic Magazine Inc.-'
ReplyDeleteWell you know, I keep getting strangers asking to be Facebook friends, and I take it is mainly because of my theology blogs and not my gorgeous looks. Plus I allow anonymous comments and so one can comment and I would not know who it was for certain. So someone can have a problem with me and still try and set me straight. Some have taken a shot.;)
'Kanta said...
ReplyDeleteKantahanan is the home of every song. The word kantahanan is derived from the tagalog words "Kanta" which means "Song" and "Tahanan" which means "Home".'
Hello, Kanta,
I removed your link with your comment and if you Kanta understand why it is because I do not like SPAM on my blogs.
Blogs are free to promote themselves for linking and promotional purposes on here, since as bloggers we need to promote.
But I doubt you are interested in blogging with me. There is a difference.
'A Piece said...
ReplyDeleteA Piece of Idea - Thoughts of a Man, a Blogger, a Webmaster, and a Friend. Learn simple tips from a simple blogger.'
Feel free to share some content and then perhaps I will publish the link.
I doubt you wish to blog with me.
Peace, Piece.
'Hapi said...
ReplyDeleteYou have a great favicon here. You might want to change that into your own icon. Here is my tip on Favicon and Blogger: How to change favicon in Blogger.I also have this list of Cool Favicons for you to use. Enjoy!'
I am Hapi you stopped by, but I removed your link.
Bye bye, baby.
Happy Sunday.
here's my spam:
I DON'T like SPAM!
Terry Jones of Monty Python fame
Dear, Bill Vander Spam,
ReplyDeleteHere is my reply to you.
Classic eight-track disco from my parent's former collection. I would have to listen to this driving across the Rockies from Vancouver to Calgary/Edmonton and back.
Boney M
sir perhaps some helpful wisdom here.
ReplyDelete"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have." (Anonymous)
Nice blog here
more quotes for you to enjoy, sir
ReplyDeletemaybe these helpful
Maybe not from Bible, but still good
"When you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment."
"Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get.
Send quote to a friend"
Spanish proverb
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
Epicurus (Greek philosopher, BC 341-270)
“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Frederick Keonig
“We may pass violets looking for roses. We may pass contentment looking for victory.”
“It is better to want what you have than to have what you want.”
May you find much contentment in life
P.S. good blog
'sir perhaps some helpful wisdom here. "Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have." (Anonymous) Nice blog here segrev'
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for blog participation, Segrev. You are welcome back any time. There is an element of truth in the comment. One in Christ, has the most important thing, that is Christ and the fullness of deity in bodily form (Colossians 2: 9).
However, in Christ, one can need to see visually and without contentment with that ailment may suffer with depression. First Corinthians 7 is another example that supports my philosophy, as one is told to marry if one is not content being single and in the burn with lust. So, I would conclude that the peace of being in Christ or the contentment of being in Christ is not necessarily identical with a specific contentment for a specific need lacking.
Additionally, I would add that even without contentment in regard to a certain unmet need, one in Christ should seek to do God's will daily.
'May you find much contentment in life
I have some and there is no greater honour or pleasure than serving the one and only true God.
However, I need some changes, and I sense that at least some are coming.
Soon I should have my PhD!