Maple Ridge, BC
A photo I took from just outside my complex. Within a year or so it will likely be my former complex.
I need to buy a better microphone. If I make the mix too loud there is a lot of noise. However, I need to have a reasonably high volume mix to make up for the mediocre quality microphone.
I would suggest the listener turn up the volume and turn down treble/bass settings if needed.
I admit there are different types of knowledge, and that God as Spirit (John 4: 24) is not known in the same way that one human being knows another, for example. Biblically God is personally known by regeneration via election (John 3, Ephesians 1).
However my audio post presents this basic argument but not in the exact same order or way:
Common criticism, God cannot be known by the senses and therefore cannot be known.
1. Natural theology/natural religion provides a type of knowledge about God as creator (Romans 1 does mention this but is not the only source for this concept which can be deduced).
2. Philosophy of religion and concepts of first cause can provide other somewhat related knowledge which can be deduced as being a parallel truth to the creator in Genesis, although the first cause is not necessarily the Biblical God.
3. Scripture provides God's supernatural revelation through prophets, apostles and scribes.
The conclusion being the empiricism should not be completely abandoned and has uses in science, for example, but should not be viewed as the only source of knowledge. God could never been known this way in a strict sense as Spirit. The critic should therefore have an open mind.
Short audio post
BLACKBURN, SIMON (1996) Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
I did not cite these but kept concepts in mind. I have cited these in my recent PhD revisions and in blog posts.
HUME, DAVID (1779)(2004) Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, Digireads.com/Neeland Media LLC, Lawrence, Kansas.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1998) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated and edited by Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1781)(1787)(1929)(2006) Critique of Pure Reason, Translated by Norman Kemp Smith, London, Macmillan.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1997) Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Mary Gregor (ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
KANT, IMMANUEL (1788)(1898)(2006) The Critique of Practical Reason, Translated by Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, London, Longmans, Green, and Co.

Rotunda, University of Virginia
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the tonal inflection, etc. in your audio posts continues to improve.
You can download the entire New Testament HERE in MP3 format, as a dramatic reading, and, for example, if you use Windows Media Player 10, you can select the playlist and highlight the entire list, from Matthew 1 to the last chapter in Revelation, and play the entire New Testament on your computer. (I actually did this last night while I went to bed, and it played the four gospels and the beginning of Acts while I was going to sleep and while I was sleeping.) You can also choose various skins and various visualizations for Windows Media Player, which is helpful if you want to watch it on your computer while you are listening to it. But of course, you can do housework while listening to the New Testament this way. A really nice thing to have, I think, and it's FREE.
ReplyDeleteHERE you can download Matthew 10:29-30 FREE as an MP3 song for easy memorization.
HERE is the same thing for 1 John 3:2-3.
HERE is 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 as an MP3 song for memorization.
Actually, HERE is where I am getting those separate songs from.
In addition, for those wanting to memorize Scripture (which largely seems to be a lost art today), you can download a Scripture Memory System HERE.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the tonal inflection, etc. in your audio posts continues to improve.'
Thanks, that is better than a total infection.
The download would not work via Internet Explorer, but so far it is downloading via Safari.
ReplyDeleteCheers, Jeff.
The download would not work via Internet Explorer, but so far it is downloading via Safari.
ReplyDeleteI use Firefox.
But I'm glad that it seems to be working for you with Safari.
Firefox is my third browser, Google Chrome my fourth.
ReplyDeleteI use Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox regularly, especially the first two.
Your Moving? You said Former complex. Might I suggest moving to St Paul. LOL.
ReplyDeleteJeff and Russ, I finally made the Big Time, WWWWWWOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHOOOOO.
ReplyDeleteFell free to pass this onto whoever you want, this is not a prayer request, this is me laughing my butt of because I finally made it big. LOL.
I am witnessing to some HARD CORE God hating atheists online, and have been doing so for over two years now. Well they do not like me or listen to me, and I pull no punches with them. They wont listen to me a christian, but they will run to so called Christians who will disagree with me and tell them what they want to hear. They wrote a so called baptist church about me and I am sending the reply for you to read. If anyone wants to join the blog and share with them here is the site, www.interested01.blogspot.com
Just know that these guys are mean and nasty and I play rough, so if you cannot handle it do bother. I was kicked off the blog like 6 times, but I still go back because I still have things to say. Rick b
OpenID noreligionblog said...
Rick, I spoke to Landover Baptist Church about you and this is what they sent me:
From: Pastor Harry Hardwick, Chairman of the Landover Baptist committee for sorting out True Christians from folks who only say they are "Christians,"but are really unsaved trash who make Jesus vomit
To: Rick B
Re: Your Status as a Fake "God is Love" Christian
Dear RicK B, Unsaved Fake Christian Trash:
It has been determined conclusively by our committee that you are the type of pseudo-Christian who goes around making a fool of both yourself and the Lord by spouting the saccharine, annoying lie "God is Love." There are no appeals from this righteous judgment.
Part 1
March 31, 2010 10:35 AM
OpenID noreligionblog said...
Part 2
We delight in informing you that, contrary to your sissified view of things, the Bible isn't a tiny pamphlet with nothing more than namby-pamby verses that make the Lord Jesus sound like some prancing homosexual florist blowing air-kisses to everyone who comes in His overly-fragranced path.
There are plenty of verses in the Bible that reveal what Jesus plans to do to
people like you who ignore 99% of His Word in favor of emphasizing the two or
three verses that, when taken completely out of context, create a soft, cuddly
Jesus that more reflects your childish need for an imaginary friend straight out of a Disney cartoon than it does the authentic Jesus who shall sit on the White
Throne of Judgment of the Bible!
The real Jesus approved of His Father's command that children who curse their
parents be put to death (Matthew 15:3-4). In fact, Jesus chastised the Pharisees for failing to kill children who defied their parents' wishes (Mark 7:9-13). Jesus told us we are to live our lives in utter fear of God for God has the power not only to kill us but also to torture us forever in Hell (Luke 12:5).
Jesus told His disciples to bring before Him any man who didn't believe in Him
and to violently slaughter that man while Jesus watched (Luke 19:27).
Jesus killed one man by having his body eaten by a swarm of worms because the man failed to give Jesus His due (Acts 12:23).
Jesus struck a Jew blind for thwarting His teachings (Acts 13:8-11).
Jesus struck a man dead for failing to listen well (Luke 1:20).
March 31, 2010 10:36 AM
OpenID noreligionblog said...
ReplyDeletePart 3
Jesus took the lives of a couple by scaring them to death for not forking over all of the money they made on a real estate transaction (Acts 5:1-10).
Jesus had such a hot temper, not only was he wont to flip over merchants' tables (Matthew 21:12)
He even killed a fig tree for failing to bear fruit even though figs weren't in season (Mark 11:12-14).
Of course, Jesus knew He didn't have enough time to torture every sinner while
He was alive, so He promised to do much more after He passed. Jesus said
that, come Judgment Day, sinners will be gathered together and hurled into a
furnace of fire where there will be uncontrollable wailing and gnashing of teeth
(Matthew 13:41-42, 50). Entire cities of people who don't believe in Him will
suffer a fate worse than that of Sodom and Gomorra (Mark 6:11). Jesus said
that God will take vengeance on nonbelievers by burning them "in flaming fire" (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). The Lord will create horse-like locusts with human heads, women's hair, lion's teeth and scorpion's tails that will sting and inflict savage pain on sinners for five months (Revelation 9:7-10).
After God sends fires, plagues and beasts God to Earth, the world will be
covered in unburied dead bodies rotting everywhere while good Christians will
"rejoice over them and make merry, and shall send gifts to one another"
(Revelation 11:5-10). Meanwhile, the smoke of the burning, rotting bodies will
ascend and plague the Earth forever (Revelation 14:10-11). And the smell will
attract scavenger birds that will feast upon "the supper of the great God"
(Revelation 19:17-18).
Jesus will send an earthquake to kill 7,000 people (Revelation 11:13). He will
inflict bodily sores, turn the seas and rivers to blood, scorch everyone with fire, cause people to consume their own tongues. Oh, and He'll cause horrendous
storms, too (Revelation 16:1-21).
Now, what was it you said about unconditional love? In the United States, if you engaged in the acts Jesus promised to do, you would find yourself in prison for the rest of your life. Contrary to the way you view Him, Jesus was no sissy! He doesn't sit around meekly crying over sinners not worshiping Him enough - He kills them. And then tortures them for good measure!
So, phony Christian, continue ignoring all the parts of the New Testament you
don't like, and latch onto the little nancy-boy verses you prefer. But bear in mind that the single page of the Bible you like to quote will incinerate in less than a second when your sorry ass is hurled into the furnace of an everlasting Hell!
Praying those who pick and choose which parts of the Bible to quote are the first plunged into the fiery abyss,
Brother Harry Hardwick
Chairman, Landover Baptist Church Salvation Evaluation Committee
Landover Baptist Church
ReplyDelete'The Landover Baptist Church is a fictional[1] Baptist church based in the fictional town of Freehold, Iowa. The Landover Baptist web site and its associated Landoverbaptist.net Forum are a parody of fundamentalist Christianity and the Religious Right in the United States.
The site was created by Chris Harper, who obtained his Master's Degree in English Literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a satirical radio show which Liberty's administration found offensive. Harper frequently appears at atheist conventions playing the character of "Pastor Deacon Fred Smith". The website is owned by a company called Americhrist, Ltd.'
Congratulations on your popularity, Rick.
'Now, what was it you said about unconditional love? In the United States, if you engaged in the acts Jesus promised to do, you would find yourself in prison for the rest of your life. Contrary to the way you view Him, Jesus was no sissy! He doesn't sit around meekly crying over sinners not worshiping Him enough - He kills them. And then tortures them for good measure!'
God is both a God of love, in particular for the elect (John 3, Romans 8), and is also a God of justice and punishment (Romans 1-3, Revelation 20).
'Your Moving? You said Former complex. Might I suggest moving to St Paul. LOL.'
At the time I got the info from this "Baptist" Church I did not know they were face or ever heard of them. But I still find it funny and the debates on the atheist blog are getting fun, LOL. Rick b
ReplyDeleteI have known about them for a few years.
Below is the atheism site Rick B mentioned.
ReplyDeleteI have posted comments within that blog previously. I have clarified the address for 'Interested'.
"Sorry, we were unable to process your request"....GRRRRR! I just wrote a long comment, replying to Rick's note, and it lost it ALL! I don't even remember all the things I wrote, so I don't think I can reproduce it.
ReplyDeleteI see now, after reading Russ' note about that fictitious "church," that it's nothing more than some idiot's use of satire to vent his anger against God.
But before I read that, and before I realized it was just some stupid parody, I was treating those comments against Rick as from a real church, and here is what I wrote previously (that got erased) which were my first impressions:
Jeff and Russ, I finally made the Big Time, WWWWWWOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHOOOOO.
Fell free to pass this onto whoever you want, this is not a prayer request, this is me laughing my butt of because I finally made it big. LOL.
LOL! Russ posted a link to that article that reviewed your hot spice, on my Facebook wall. I told Russ to stop posting such stuff on my Facebook wall, but he said, "No! If I want to promote Rick's products, I'll do it, no matter what you say!" (OK, that last part I just made up...obviously.)
I was kicked off the blog like 6 times, but I still go back because I still have things to say.
Rick, are you sure your last name isn't "Flair?"
It has been determined conclusively by our committee that you are the type of pseudo-Christian who goes around making a fool of both yourself and the Lord by spouting the saccharine, annoying lie "God is Love." There are no appeals from this righteous judgment.
Wow, you even have an entire committee coming together to make judgments against you?? Who do they think you are---Martin Luther??
We delight in informing you that, contrary to your sissified view of things, the Bible isn't a tiny pamphlet with nothing more than namby-pamby verses that make the Lord Jesus sound like some prancing homosexual florist blowing air-kisses to everyone who comes in His overly-fragranced path.
Rick is the last person I would view as having a "sissified" view of ANYthing, or enjoying "namby-pamby" things. I mean, just try one of his hot dry spices, and you'll know there's nothing "namby-pamby" about Rick!
your childish need for an imaginary friend straight out of a Disney cartoon
Now, I admit, there are Christians today who seem to have such a view of Jesus. But Rick is certainly not one of them.
Jesus told His disciples to bring before Him any man who didn't believe in Him and to violently slaughter that man while Jesus watched (Luke 19:27).
I would call that a lie, or else a serious misinterpretation of Scripture. Jesus was telling a parable, and the nobleman in the parable said that. Jesus never told his disciples to bring anyone to Him and to kill them.
Jesus killed one man by having his body eaten by a swarm of worms because the man failed to give Jesus His due (Acts 12:23).
The Bible says that was an angel that did that.
Jesus struck a Jew blind for thwarting His teachings (Acts 13:8-11).
Actually, that was the Holy Spirit working through Paul.
Jesus struck a man dead for failing to listen well (Luke 1:20).
Wow, does this guy even READ the Bible? First of all, that was the angel Gabriel, not Jesus. (Is this guy a Jehovah's Witness?) Second, he struck him MUTE (unable to speak), NOT dead! Wow...talk about twisting Scripture!
Now, what was it you said about unconditional love? In the United States, if you engaged in the acts Jesus promised to do, you would find yourself in prison for the rest of your life. Contrary to the way you view Him, Jesus was no sissy! He doesn't sit around meekly crying over sinners not worshiping Him enough - He kills them. And then tortures them for good measure!
ReplyDeleteHe completely fails to mention that the reason Jesus came to earth was to die in the place of wicked sinners, the greatest act of love and self-sacrifice in all of history; a love that is so incredibly astounding and mind-boggling (the Creator dying for the created), that I can't even comprehend it's fullness. He ignores this, rejecting the free gift of eternal life that Jesus offers, and instead, twists Scripture and fabricates lies to make Jesus seem like a horrible, cruel monster.
Atheists reject God, yet they popularize absurd parodies such as the "Flying Spaghetti Monster."
'"Sorry, we were unable to process your request"....GRRRRR! I just wrote a long comment, replying to Rick's note, and it lost it ALL! I don't even remember all the things I wrote, so I don't think I can reproduce it.'
ReplyDeleteBlogger still has not corrected the Edit Posts function, after weeks! There is another way to edit published articles while signed in, but drafts cannot be edited or deleted. I have an old draft sitting there.
Also lately there have been more 'bugs'. So I am not suprised with your issues.
Thanks, Jeff.
ReplyDeleteFrom my reading, in regard to MPhil/PhD theses work and blogging, for critics, Landover are amateurs.
I glanced over some of the latest on 'Interested' and sent Rick an email with some information.
I pray that cooler heads will prevail here and that Christ will be shown supreme, as he is.
Well Jeff, I think in some respects I am getting through to interested. She has admitted in some ways that I make good points and she does want to hear some but not all of what I have to say. So I guess it has been good that I have no given up. But noreligion is another story, I am treating them the same way if not being harder on her. And no my last name is not flair, I not only HATE!!!!!! fake wrestling, but I'm glad I'm not a fake wrestler, I know me, If I were I would be chasing women and not walking with the Lord. Rick b
ReplyDeleteRuss said I pray that cooler heads will prevail here and that Christ will be shown supreme, as he is.
ReplyDeleteJeff has read some things I said to interested and others on her site, He can tell people I come across hard and rough, Some may view it as I need to cool off, Here is my thinking.
I was raised sort of an atheist, My family was not religious, they did not teach or talk about God, but on the other hand they did not "push" an atheist agenda.
Growing up, I was an angry person, not really sure why, I just had anger and I was needing to see a "shrink" At around the age of 5, Maybe it had part to do with not knowing God and my mom was a drunk.
Anyway growing up I was both a bully and was bullied, I lived in Trenton Michigan and was in Detroit a lot where my uncle lived.
To make a long story really short, I lived a hard life with Some drugs, lots of booze and lived on the streets of Chicago, Texas, Maine and Minnesota.
I was kicked out of my house at 16 and moved to Vermont to travel with the Fair, I was a carnie for a while.
I am the type of guy that wants to be told it straight, do not pussify anything or beat around the bush. I might not always agree or like it, but please do not play games. In return I tell it straight and do not hold back.
I believe as the Bible teaches we are tools used by God, On a Mormon site I was nicked named "The Hammer" and every once and a while I will get an email say, The Hammer is needed.
Jeff saw some hard core replies to me and about me on interested's site. I can live with them as long as they can take what I give. If they cannot then they can leave.
I believe Jeff has seen Interested tell me to leave and never come back more than once, I believe it is up to 6 times now.
Funny how I keep going back and she still allows me to stay, I believe it is because I am brutally honest with her, that I have gained some respect, even if she does not openly admit it. Then as a bit of a humorous note, she put my Food blog under her list of Favorite blogs.
Granted I do not talk about Religion and it is food only, but still for a person to boot me off 6 times it is funny that they fav my blog.
I believe God uses all of us and Honestly, I will never change my approach, the only way I would is if I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, and it would almost take God coming to me in person saying to stop.
Sounds crazy but many Christians in my years have said they do not like my approach, not saying you said that Russ, but Christians have told me that. But my approach works for me and has gotten me in doors where people want it told to them straight, just like I do. So yes I come across as a damnation and hell fire preacher, but I give all the gospel, Grace, love and Judgment. Just my thoughts, Rick b
Well Rick, I am sure your approach does shake some people up. I believe you are reaching others with the gospel.
Like I said on Jeff's blog:
'Rick B is good for business and a friend. He helps to produce a train wreck and my traffic goes up...'
As bloggers we do need to continue to learn and sometimes and often it is better to overcome objections when possible, through increased prayer and knowledge rather than hammering away at the same folks and causing disputes. Remember awhile back there was an atheist on thekingpin68 that was initially rather intellectually condescending but when I (others as well) stood up to him in strength he realized that he needed to reconsider his views, at least slightly. This was made possible largely because I had been studying some atheistic objections for years and continued to learn.
As you know, I have used some hammer like tactics with people on and off-line as well (Bill the LDS guy), and I agree with you Rick that sometimes those are needed, but there also needs to be increased learning on our parts. With my MPhil and PhD theses work and blogging although I have always stayed true to the Biblical gospel message, increased prayer and knowledge has taken place by evaluating what other writers state, sometimes critics are actually helping to change my views slightly. We need to use tools to gain more knowledge as we are guided by God's Spirit.
I find this makes my ministry more effective intellectually and practically.
God bless you, Rick. Thanks for your loyalty.
Russ said 'Rick B is good for business and a friend. He helps to produce a train wreck and my traffic goes up...'
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear it, But just so everyone knows, I do not always take the hard hammer approach, It depends upon who I am talking to and what they know. It also depends upon how long we are talking, if I see the be kind and soft approach is doing nothing, then I gotta break that shell and shake out the nut. Rick b
'Glad to hear it, But just so everyone knows, I do not always take the hard hammer approach, It depends upon who I am talking to and what they know.'
God bless.:)
From Facebook:
ReplyDeleteI worked on Canada Census a few years ago. There was a story at the short course from a previous Census worker that was invited inside by some people and then bear sprayed.
We were told not to report any drug growing operations.
Now, we wore huge Canada badges while working. My manager stated I did 10x the work of the average worker, and I refused to go down blind alleys where I could be ambushed by dogs, etc. I would always leave a census form somewhere though. I would also work at night which many would not. I would quit before 9 PM.
I was invited in for a drink twice and accepted (I did carry a metal bar in my case). The second time it was a party.
One biker told me to get lost and I said basically 'fine I am just doing my job'. I informed him that my manager could come back with an RCMP officer, as I was instructed to say.
A neighbour originally from Eastern Europe tried to send his dog on me at the door, but his wife stopped him. The dummy did not realize I lived right across the street from him and he would be in big trouble if I would have been bit. I would have called the police.
Most people were friendly, but some persons became really offended by someone from the government. But, I can understand to a point and think for example, that the taxes are too high in Canada.
One guy on his lawn was yelling at me stating that I wrong to come to the neighbourhood after dinner, and I stated, something along the lines of, 'Well I could come and bug you earlier at dinner time'.
I did not have a cell phone then, but I would not do such a job without one now.
That phone book ad was funny, was that your fried Bobby? Rick b
ReplyDeleteRick, that ad is the closest thing I have ever seen to the character version of my friend and frequent blog commenter known as Bobby Buff.
ReplyDeleteHi again, Denise.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the counter comment on my blog. I will become a Blogger fan/volger of your blog.
I take it you are from the Netherlands, perhaps. I was at the Amsterdam in Jan 09 on the way to and from my PhD viva in Wales and I reason I have been at that airport one other time at least. I actually saw some man go crazy and get swarmed by the police. Lol, a previous time there. When I was little my family did a tour of Europe and we went to Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
I have been to Luxembourg and Belgium twice, France twice and Germany once.
God bless you and your readers.
Cheers, Denise.
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend.
I also like audiobooks, including Bible on CD, unlike this guy...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Randy and Bobby exchange tips on best vegetable oil to use?
ReplyDeleteGreasy Boy with muscles, How original, How Buff, very cool stuff!
ReplyDelete-B.U.F.F. Int. Inc.-
That Bible looks like a concordance.
ReplyDeleteRandy is Bobby's bigger brother.
Cheers, Cardinal Chucklins.
'Greasy Boy with muscles, How original, How Buff, very cool stuff!
ReplyDelete-B.U.F.F. Int. Inc.-'
You two could have a grease off.
ReplyDeleteWell Jeff, I think in some respects I am getting through to interested. She has admitted in some ways that I make good points and she does want to hear some but not all of what I have to say. So I guess it has been good that I have no given up.
And no my last name is not flair, I not only HATE!!!!!! fake wrestling
I'm not really into it, but they have become better actors than they used to be.
In many ways, it's almost like a soap opera.
Growing up, I was an angry person, not really sure why, I just had anger and I was needing to see a "shrink" At around the age of 5, Maybe it had part to do with not knowing God and my mom was a drunk.
My youngest brother was also angry and very rebellious when he was little. He did all sorts of drugs, stole public street signs (for example, Stop signs) just to collect them, got into bar fights, told all the black guys at his school that he was a member of the KKK, brought brass knuckles and sometimes a knife with him every day to school, would drive around black neighborhoods with his friend and bash in mailboxes with a baseball bat, etc. Now, thankfully, he is saved, though he is Charismatic and follows all the most extreme Televangelists. But he has done prison ministry, and the "biker" type or "rebel" type is the type of person that he connects with very well.
I was kicked out of my house at 16 and moved to Vermont to travel with the Fair, I was a carnie for a while.
I knew a couple people who spent time traveling with a carnival, and they said it's a rough life.
I believe as the Bible teaches we are tools used by God, On a Mormon site I was nicked named "The Hammer" and every once and a while I will get an email say, The Hammer is needed.
Kind of cool to get such a nickname. A bit humorous as well.
Then as a bit of a humorous note, she put my Food blog under her list of Favorite blogs.
Granted I do not talk about Religion and it is food only, but still for a person to boot me off 6 times it is funny that they fav my blog.
That is incredible and amazing to me.
Jeff, please hold on. I have a regular email reply for you.
ReplyDeleteJeff, please hold on. I have a regular mail reply for you.
ReplyDeleteOK, Russ.
ReplyDeleteI also like audiobooks, including Bible on CD, unlike this guy...
I found that video absolutely hilarious. I posted it in the comments of a Facebook friend in Miami who is an ex street-thug-type and is now on fire for the Lord, but still has that street mentality and language (minus the cursing).
'My youngest brother was also angry and very rebellious when he was little. He did all sorts of drugs, stole public street signs (for example, Stop signs) just to collect them, got into bar fights, told all the black guys at his school that he was a member of the KKK, brought brass knuckles and sometimes a knife with him every day to school, would drive around black neighborhoods with his friend and bash in mailboxes with a baseball bat, etc. Now, thankfully, he is saved, though he is Charismatic and follows all the most extreme Televangelists. But he has done prison ministry, and the "biker" type or "rebel" type is the type of person that he connects with very well.'
ReplyDeleteWhat a character. Some bad extremes. But God bless him.
What a character. Some bad extremes. But God bless him.
ReplyDeleteYes. Before he got saved, he would get so mad that he would turn red all over and shake violently, almost like he was demon-possessed. He would start pounding on doors, etc. He held a gun on me 2 or 3 times, and a knife on me a few times, as well as on my other brother. Thankfully, I was always able to talk him down, because it could have easily gone wrong, since he was not in control of his emotions.
He used to get into fights every day in school. He became good friends with the principal in High School, since he used to see him all the time. One time someone tied him up with a leather belt, and he snapped the leather belt.
He used to have drawers full of porno mags. When he got saved, he threw them all out. He used to drink like crazy and get drunk all the time. When he got saved, he stopped drinking. And of course, he stopped all the many drugs that he used to do. He used to be a Redneck, yet he married a Cuban girl. He threw away his rebel flag and all his beer paraphernalia (his Budweiser long light that he had over his pool table, etc.) He used to hate blacks, but now he goes mostly to all-black churches. He is a completely different person.
My oldest nephew is very similar to him, though not as bad. Both my nephews have spent nights in jail. One for having illegal weapons. My oldest nephew is huge, very tall, and extremely strong, and he could seriously injure someone if he got into a fight. They both grew up in church, but I suspect they are not saved. Both of them smoke cigarettes, and who knows what else they do. One is married, and they both have kids, so they have calmed down somewhat since then.
Rick would probably get along with all 3 of them very well.
THIS (guy who carries cross around the world) is cool. An interesting quote from the article:
ReplyDelete"I've had more beatings, more guns pointed at me and more knives pointed at me in the United States than all the rest of the world put together," he said."
Arthur Blessit is the first one I ever heard of doing this, years ago. It's an unusual thing to do, but when I watched him on TV, he certainly demonstrated a passion for souls to be saved/an evangelistic zeal for others to hear the gospel of Christ. I respect him for that.